Agenda and draft minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 3 September 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston, NG9 1AB


No. Item


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 400 KB

Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda.

Additional documents:


Councillor J W McGrath declared an other registerable interest in item 14.2 due to be a member of the Stapleford Town Deal Board, minute number 45.2 refers.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 228 KB

Cabinet is asked to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 16 July 2024 and 23 July 2024.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 16 July and 23 July 2024 were confirmed as a correct record.


Draft Minutes of Other Meetings pdf icon PDF 12 KB

Members are asked to NOTE the minutes of the meetings as detailed below.


·       Bramcote Bereavement Services Joint Committee 21 March 2024

·       UK Shared Prosperity Fund Panel Meeting 2 August 2024 DRAFT

Additional documents:


The minutes of the Bramcote Bereavement Services Joint Committee meeting held on 21 March 2024 and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund Panel meeting which was held on 2 August 2024 were noted.


Urgency Powers pdf icon PDF 196 KB

To update Cabinet on the use of the Chief Executives urgency powers in relation to the removal of car parking charges in Kimberley council owned car parks from 29 July 2024 to 4 October 2024.



Cabinet noted the use of the Chief Executive’s Urgency Powers in relation to the removal of car parking charges at Council owned car parks in Kimberley from 9 July to 4 October 2024.


Member Development Report pdf icon PDF 114 KB

To update Cabinet on Member Development for 2023/24 and suggest measures to encourage Member participation for 2024/25.

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered the Member Development Programme which included suggestions from the LGA Peer Review.  It was anticipated that a Member group would be able to consider topics such as increasing Member engagement, methods of communication to increase attendance and buddying schemes for Members.



1.     The Member Development Programme 2024/25 be approved.

2.     A cross-party Member group be formed to consider items including Member Development and Member Safety.



The provision of a comprehensive Member Development Programme is a fundamental element of good governance. It ensures that Members are properly equipped to undertake their duties as Councillors and provides safeguards toward the integrity of Council decision making.


(Following the item Councillor T A Cullen joined the meeting and stated that she had no interests to declare.)


Deputy Portfolio Holders pdf icon PDF 126 KB

To inform Cabinet of the Leader’s intention to allow for the appointment of Deputy Portfolio Holders, as necessary, following an amendment to the Constitution.





The Leader had stated an intention to allow for the appointment of Deputy Portfolio Holders, as necessary, following an amendment to the Constitution.


RECOMMENDED to the Governance, Audit and Standards Committee, and subsequently full Council, to allow the Leader to appoint Deputy Portfolio Holders as appropriate to undertake functions such as those set out in in the report.



The appointment of Deputy Portfolio Holders would allow for Cabinet members to have contingency for responsibilities following the added responsibility for the current Portfolio Holders.


Review of Corporate Plan Progress and Financial Performance -June 2024 Quarter 1 pdf icon PDF 199 KB

To report progress against outcome targets linked to Corporate Plan priorities and objectives and to provide an update as to the latest financial performance as measured against the budget.

Additional documents:


Cabinet noted the progress made in achieving the Corporate Plan priorities and financial performance for the quarter ended 30 June 2024.


Workforce Profile 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 11 KB

To provide detailed analysis of workforce and applicant data relating to a number of key reporting areas.

Additional documents:


Members noted the Workforce Profile 2023/24 and stated that although there was positive information regarding the sickness absence figures, a number of issues would require further examination, including the number of stress related absences, exit interviews and recruitment figures. These would be considered by the Local Joint Consultative Committee in conjunction with the unions.


There was confirmation that applications from people who had disabilities would be given an interview should the criteria be met and that further information be supplied in future reports around the percentage of employees with temporary contracts.


Approval for an Interim Project Officer Role pdf icon PDF 302 KB

To seek approval for a six-month interim role within the Asset Management and Development department and based in the Capital Works Projects team.


The Council was seeking a six-month interim Project Officer to support the special projects being delivered by the Project Manager in the Capital Works team. Concern was expressed over the salary scale and cost entailed with the appointment. It was stated that the role be considered amongst existing staff in addition to external applications.


RESOLVED that the creation of a six-month Interim Project Officer post in Asset Management and Development at a cost of £58,500 be approved, to be funded from the Housing Revenue Account as detailed in the report.



As works are now commencing on the Quarry works, Bramcote Leisure Centre and the replacement of the cremators at Bramcote Crematorium, there is growing pressure on the team and an Interim Project Officer is required to enable the completion of HRA related existing projects within time and cost.


Approval for an Interim Senior Development Officer Role pdf icon PDF 115 KB

To seek approval for a six-month interim role within Asset Management and Development department and to be based in the Housing Delivery team.


The Council was seeking a six-month interim role within Asset Management and Development Department to be based in the Housing Delivery Team. As with the previous item, concern was expressed over the salary scale and cost entailed with the appointment. It was stated that the role be considered amongst existing staff in addition to external applications.



1.          The six-month interim post be approved.

2.          The creation of a 26-week interim Senior Development Officer post in Asset Management and Development at a cost of £65,000 be approved to be funded from the Housing Revenue Account as detailed in the report.



The appointment of an Interim Senior Development Officer would support the Interim Housing Delivery Manager at a busy time for the team. The interim role would include undertaking practice audits of all Homes England schemes, ensuring development procedures are in place and consolidating the growing development programme in line with financial appraisal requirements. The role will therefore enable the Council to be best prepared for this audit.




Housing Acquisitions Policy pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To seek Cabinet approval for an updated Housing Acquisitions Policy.


Additional documents:


As part of the Council’s approved Housing Delivery Plan, the Council acquires properties to increase Council owned social housing in Broxtowe. The Housing Acquisitions Policy was originally approved in February 2021. The Policy has been updated and will ensure that the Council fulfils its objectives to increase Council owned social housing in Broxtowe. Through implementation of the Policy, the Council will ensure that all acquisitions are considered fairly and consistently.


RESOLVED that the updated Housing Acquisitions Policy be approved.



The Council has the power to acquire property on the open market provided it is in furtherance of its duties. The relevant implications for each site will be considered as each is brought forward for development or acquisition. Legal Services recommends early engagement with them where any legal work is required, for example entering into and completing any external grant funding agreements, purchasing any properties, or entering into any legal contracts, which will be executed in accordance with the Council’s Constitution


Leasehold Management Policy pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To seek Cabinet approval for an updated Leasehold Management Polic

Additional documents:


Members were informed that the Council currently has 316 leaseholders. This number increases each year as tenants purchase their property via the Right to Buy. The purpose of the Leasehold Management Policy is to provide clarity and consistency by outlining clearly the responsibilities and obligations of leaseholders and the Council’s approach to delivering our contractual obligations in line with the lease and in adherence with leasehold legislation and regulations.


Although the Council has previously had a Leasehold Management Policy, the new Policy was very different to the previous Policy, containing different information, headings and content. The Policy has been rewritten, rather than just updated.


RESOLVED that the updated Leasehold Management Policy be approved.



The purpose of the Leasehold Management Policy is to provide clarity and consistency by outlining clearly the responsibilities and obligations of leaseholders and the Council’s approach to delivering our contractual obligations in line with the lease and in adherence with leasehold legislation and regulations.


Environment and Climate Change


Carbon Footprint Rebaselining including Scope 3 Emissions pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To update Members on the recently completed Scope 3 emissions analysis and to re-baseline the Council's carbon footprint. The re-baselining will be established on combined Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions for 2022/23. 

Additional documents:


In July 2019, the Council declared a ‘Climate Change Emergency’ and committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2027. Members were informed that there were 1,214days remaining, as fof 3 September 2024, for the Council to achieve this target. Cabinet received an update on the recently completed Scope 3 emissions analysis and gave consideration to the re-baselining of the Council's carbon footprint. It was stated that there would be no cessation with the Council’s responsibilities to tackle the climate crises, and six-monthly updates to Cabinet were requested.



1.     The new carbon reporting baseline, including scope 3 emissions for 2022/23 be approved.

2.     A new consultant be engaged to establish a carbon road map to net zero including cost projections within existing revenue budget be approved.



This will assist the Council in achieving the target of becoming carbon neutral by 2027.


Allocation of s106 funds pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To seek approval for Section 106 (S106) open space contributions to be used to fund improvements to parks and open spaces and for their capital schemes. These are to be included in the Capital Programme for the applicable years.



Members considered a report which requested approval for Section 106 open space contributions to be used to fund improvements to parks and open spaces and for their capital schemes. These would be included in the Capital Programme for the applicable years.


RESOLVED that the parks and open spaces improvement schemes for Colliers Wood, Hall Park and Jubilee Park be added to the Capital Programme for 2024/25, at a combined cost of £63,550, to be funded by an allocation from the respective Section 106 contributions.



Section 106 of the 1990 Town & Country Planning Act (as amended) allows Local Planning Authorities to require developers to enter into Legal Agreements to provide measures to mitigate the impact of their development.


Dog Control Policy pdf icon PDF 126 KB

The purpose of this report is to seek approval from Cabinet on the Council’s revised Dog Control Policy, which has recently been reviewed and updated.

Additional documents:


The Council’s Dog Policy, which was last reviewed in 2018, served as a comprehensive framework to manage the responsibilities of dog ownership across the Borough. The Policy consolidated all relevant dog control measures, excluding licensing provisions for pet shops, boarding establishments and dog breeders, into a single document. Since the last review of the document, there were a number of minor amendments that needed to be undertaken to update the Policy, which covered the number of dog owners in the UK, changes in departmental responsibility within the Council regarding dog control and updates to the dangerous dogs list, to include XL Bullies.


It was confirmed by officers that a number of dog-related events had been taking place across the Borough.


RESOLVED that the revised Dog Control Policy be approved.



The updates to the Policy provide a clear and comprehensive approach to ensure the well-being of both the community and the dog population.


Leisure and Health


C City Project pdf icon PDF 121 KB

To provide Cabinet with details of progress of the Cultural City (CCity) project and the progress towards the delivery of the CCity in Broxtowe Borough in 2026.



Additional documents:


The CCity project is a concept that sharing culture is key to European cooperation and enriches both individuals and communities. It was planned for Broxtowe to host the event in 2026. There are direct benefits to people living in Broxtowe through the active participation of local people in the cultural activities promoted by the programme, and these benefits will particularly benefit adults and children in 2026.



1.    The creation of a Temporary CCity Project Officer role at Grade 6 (subject to job evaluation) to support the CCity project for 18 months from July 2025 leading up to the delivery of the CCity Conference in Broxtowe Borough in 2026 at a cost of £57,300 including oncosts be approved.

2.    The resource allocated to the Civic and Events Officer post C4 is increased from three to five days per week at a cost of £18,000 per annum be approved.

3.    The allocation of an additional £25,000 from General Fund Reserves and the use of existing budgets, as detailed in Appendix 3, be approved to support the delivery of the CCity Conference in Broxtowe Borough in 2026. The total cost of £60,000 would be added as a committed revenue development for 2026/27.



The delivery of the project will help to deliver the Council’s Culture Strategy and boost visits to our area, supporting the local economy.


Community Safety


Community Health Bursary Scheme pdf icon PDF 114 KB

The Council has been engaging with a wide range of community and health partners to meet its health and well-being objectives. This report identifies a number of important community health bursary projects seeking funding support.

Additional documents:


Cabinet was informed that the Council had been engaging with a wide range of community and health partners to meet its health and well-being objectives. The report identified a number of important community health bursary projects seeking funding support. Members stated that the request would be agreed in principle but further information would be required such as the relationships the projects would have with other groups in the voluntary sector and assurances around the costs contained within the report.  



1.     The seven community health bursary projects in the Appendix totalling £14,000 be approved, with the one-off revenue development being funded from General Fund Reserves in 2024/25.

2.     A report on the outcomes and learning from the Community Health Bursary projects be presented to Cabinet for consideration during 2025/26.



The community health bursary projects will improve the health and well-being of various communities in the north of the Borough.


Scrutiny Reviews


Scrutiny Reviews pdf icon PDF 112 KB

The purpose of this report is to make Members aware of matters proposed for and undergoing scrutiny. This is in accordance with all of the Council’s priorities.

Additional documents:


Cabinet noted the matters proposed for and undergoing scrutiny.


Equality, Inclusion and Diversity at The Council pdf icon PDF 128 KB

To present the findings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Working Group's review into Equality, Inclusion and Diversity at the Council. This is in accordance with the Council's corporate values of continuous improvement and delivering value for money. Further scoping of this topic will continue throughout the year.




Additional documents:


Members considered the report that was submitted bythe Overview and Scrutiny Committee and stated that the recommendations were worthy of wider consideration. It was suggested that the Deputy Leader chair a working group to give consideration to the recommendations. Furthermore, the remit would include contextual issues of items such as the future of Kimberley Depot, the adequacy of disabled facilities across the estate, including toilet provision, while ensuring that there was consultation with the unions.


     RESOLVED that:

1.     The Deputy Leader chair a working group to consider the recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in addition to subjects including the adequacy of toilet facilities in Council buildings, the future of Kimberley Depot and a selection of personnel issues.

2.     The Overview and Scrutiny Committee be requested to consider the topic of the Democratic Arrangements at the East Midlands Combined Counties Authority at a future meeting before reporting its findings to Cabinet.



1.     The appointment of a working group will provide the flexibility necessary to undertake further review into the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

2.     To enable a review into the Democratic Arrangements at the East Midlands Combined Counties Authority.


Economic Development and Asset Management


Response to Draft NPPF Consultation pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To agree responses to the Government's consultation on draft changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and related matters.

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a report which informed of the government’s consultation on draft changes to the National Planning Policy Framework, to the Standard Method for calculating housing need and to planning fees until 24 September 2024. The consultation extended to 106 questions and draft responses were contained within the report. It was stated that further consideration was necessary prior to Broxtowe’s submission of the document and therefore a delegation would be necessary to meet the response date of 24 September 2024. It was agreed that the opposition groups would be updated on the proposed responses.


RESOLVED that the draft response, with minor amendments being delegated to the Head of Planning and Economic Development in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management, be approved and submitted on behalf of the Borough Council.



The delegation would allow for further time for consideration of the response prior to its submission.


New Skate Park Location pdf icon PDF 225 KB

Members are asked to resolve the proposed location of a new Skate Park in Stapleford by supporting, in principle, that  a new "wheels" park be created in partnership with Skate Nottinghamshire and Stapleford Town Deal Board at Pasture Road Recreation Ground.


Additional documents:


Cabinet reviewed the progress on a replacement skate park facility in Stapleford to replace dilapidated wooden ramps that had to be removed from Hickings Lane Park in 2022. Consultation events had been held and the provision of the facility has been shown to be a continued un-met need. Members considered the proposed location of a new Skate Park in Stapleford by supporting, in principle, that a new ‘wheels’ park be created in partnership with Skate Nottinghamshire and Stapleford Town Deal Board at Pasture Road Recreation Ground.


RESOLVED that subject to funding and agreement by Stapleford Town Deal Board, Skate Nottingham, and the relevant statutory and regulatory permissions, the creation of a new facility for skateboarding and small BMX biking facility at Pasture Road Recreation Ground be approved.



The resolution will allow the Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer to determine the most appropriate and cost effective way of financing the scheme.


Cabinet Work Programme pdf icon PDF 193 KB

Cabinet is asked to approve its Work Programme, including potential key decisions that will help to achieve the Council’s key priorities and associated objectives.


RESOLVED that the Work Programme, including key decisions, be approved.


Exclusion of Public and Press

Cabinet is asked to RESOLVE that, under Section 100A of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act.




RESOLVED that, under Section 100A of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act.



New Skate Park Appendix 4


Members noted the information contained in the appendix to the New Skatepark Location report.


Environmental Enforcement



1.       The Council enter into a twelve-month pilot scheme to increase provision for environmental enforcement throughout the district. With the option to extend the pilot for a further 12 months be approved.

2.       Delegated authority be given to the Executive Director in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change, to direct award the pilot contract for a 12-month period for environmental enforcement to the company detailed within the report be approved.

3.       The Overview and Scrutiny Committee be requested to consider the topic of Environmental Enforcement at a future meeting before reporting its findings to Cabinet.



To provide a proactive environmental enforcement service.


Community Infrastructure Levy


RESOLVED to prepare a draft charging schedule, set up a small working group and approve a budget for updating the evidence base for that and for connected purposes.



The working group will inform further consideration of the Community Infrastructure Levy.