Decision details

New Skate Park Location

Is Key decision?: No


Cabinet reviewed the progress on a replacement skate park facility in Stapleford to replace dilapidated wooden ramps that had to be removed from Hickings Lane Park in 2022. Consultation events had been held and the provision of the facility has been shown to be a continued un-met need. Members considered the proposed location of a new Skate Park in Stapleford by supporting, in principle, that a new ‘wheels’ park be created in partnership with Skate Nottinghamshire and Stapleford Town Deal Board at Pasture Road Recreation Ground.


RESOLVED that subject to funding and agreement by Stapleford Town Deal Board, Skate Nottingham, and the relevant statutory and regulatory permissions, the creation of a new facility for skateboarding and small BMX biking facility at Pasture Road Recreation Ground be approved.



The resolution will allow the Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer to determine the most appropriate and cost effective way of financing the scheme.

Report author: Jonathon Little

Publication date: 06/09/2024

Date of decision: 03/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 03/09/2024 - Cabinet

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