A meeting of the full Council is comprised of all 44 of our members and is where decisions on important policies are made, such as the setting of Council Tax. The full Council can also make appointments to Committees and receive petitions from members of the public.
The Executive is the main decision making body of the Council. At Broxtowe we have an Executive and Cabinet model of governance. This means that all of the main decisions regarding policy are made at Cabinet and the Cabinet takes collective responsibility for them.
The role of our Scrutiny Committees is to examine the decisions made by the Executive and make recommendations on the basis of evidence presented to it by Officers, Councillors and members of the public. Scrutiny fills the role of a critical friend, ensuring that the executive of the Council is held to account.
Quasi-Judicial Committees are delegated powers to make decisions based on law. Decisions are made after the Committee has considered the evidence and representations put before it and members do not vote along party lines.
The Committees named below are quasi-judicial.
Joint Committees are appointed where two or more Local Authorities are involved in the discharge of a function. Below is a list of our joint committees.
Consultative Groups are bodies that consider representations from either staff or members of the public. They cannot make decisions, but they can make recommendations to Committees.
The following meeting is not a formally convened meeting of the Council.