Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston NG9 1AB
Contact: Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
The Council is asked to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2023. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2023 were confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Minutes: A minute’s silence was held in respect of Phil Kiddier, who was the second ever Mayor of Broxtowe.
The Mayor gave a résumé his year in office and expressed thanks to his escort, friends and family, Council employees and fellow Council Members for their valued assistance and support during the period.
The Mayor presented the Jewel of Office to Councillor D Grindell to mark his term of office. |
VOTE OF THANKS Minutes: A vote of thanks to the Mayor was proposed by Councillor M Radulovic MBE, seconded by Councillors R D Macrae and M Brown and carried unanimously. |
ELECTION OF MAYOR Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor H E Skinner and seconded by Councillor S J Carr that Councillor T A Cullen be elected Mayor of the Borough for the ensuing year.
RESOLVED that Councillor T A Cullen be elected Mayor of the Borough for 2023/24.
Councillor T A Cullen, having signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, thanked the Council for having elected her Mayor of the Borough. Councillor T A Cullen stated that she would be opening a trust fund named Broxtowe Community Fund during her year in office and further details would be provided in due course. |
APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY MAYOR Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor J W McGrath and seconded by Councillor P J Owen that Councillor S Paterson be appointed Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the ensuing year.
RESOLVED that Councillor S Paterson be appointed Deputy Mayor of the Borough for 2023/24.
Councillor S Paterson, having signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, thanked the Council for the appointment. |
ELECTION OF LEADER The Council is requested to elect the Leader of the Council by resolution. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor G Marshall and seconded by Councillor H E Skinner that Councillor M Radulovic MBE be elected as Leader of the Council. A Recorded vote was proposed and seconded by at least five other Councillors. The voting was as follows:
RESOLVED that Councillor M Radulovic MBE be elected as the Leader of the Council. |
RECOGNITION OF POLITICAL LEADERS The Council is requested to note the Members chosen as Leader and Deputy Leader of the Opposition and the Leader and Deputy Leaders of any other group. Minutes: It was noted that Councillor M Radulovic MBE was the Leader of the Council and Councillor G Marshall as the Deputy Leader. Councillor P J Owen was Leader of the Opposition with Councillor D D Pringle as the Deputy Leader of the Opposition. Councillor S J Carr was the Leader of the Group that would be known as Independent and Liberal Democratic Group with Councillors D K Watts and R D MacRae as Deputy Leaders.
The Leader of the Council paid tribute to the former Leader of the Opposition, Richard Jackson, who had been a Member for 16 years, 12 in Opposition and in 2015 became Leader of the Council for four years. |
APPOINTMENTS TO CABINET AND COMMITTEES OF THE CABINET To note appointments to the Cabinet and Committees of the Cabinet by the Leader in accordance with the schedule laid before the Meeting. Minutes: Members noted the appointments to the Cabinet and Committees of the Cabinet by the Leader in accordance with the schedule laid before the meeting.
It was further proposed by Councillor M Radulovic MBE and seconded by Councillor G Marshall to make some minor amendments to the Constitution to remove the Policy Working Group Committee and replace with the Policy Overview Working Group and for named substitutes to be removed from non-quasi-judicial Committees. A constitutional review would shortly be taking place as part of the consultation proposed at the Governance, Audit and Standards Committee 19 June 2023.
RESOLVED with the minor amendments to remove the Policy Working Group and replace with the Policy Overview Working Group, remove named substitutes from non-quasi-judicial Committees
M Radulovic MBE (Chair) - Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management G Marshall (Vice Chair) - Portfolio Holder for Resources and Personnel Policy H E Skinner - Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change V C Smith - Portfolio for Housing H J Faccio - Portfolio Holder for Community Safety C Carr - Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Health R E Bofinger P A Smith S A Bagshaw J W McGrath
Terms of reference:
Policy Overview Working Group Membership
G. Bunn (Chair) A Cooper (Vice-Chair) R.S Falvey P.J Bales S. Paterson R Bullock D Bagshaw J W McGrath
D D Pringle G S Hills M Brown
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
R D Macrae D L Macrae
Terms of Reference:
ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE DISCHARGE OF FUNCTIONS 1. Appointments to Committees/Overview & Scrutiny Committee/etc.
To make appointments in accordance with the schedule to be laid before the meeting.
2. The Council is asked to NOTE that either the Leader of the Council or another Councillor being their nominated representative, and either the Leader of the Opposition or another Councillor being their nominated representative, have the right to attend any of the Council’s Committees, which are not scrutiny Committees, as ex-officio Members and to speak but not vote at it provided that such nominated representatives may not be in attendance at the same meeting as their respective Leaders, unless they have been appointed as a Member of that Committee or are acting as a substitute for a named Member. Minutes: RESOLVED that in accordance with the powers set out in the Local Government Act 2000 and all and every power enabling, the following be appointed with the powers appropriate to each as set out in the scheme of delegation or as approved by Council it being noted that:
a) The allocation of seats to political groups takes account of, and includes, the rights of the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition or their nominated representatives set out in 1. below;
D Bagshaw (Chair) Substitutes 1. S Paterson R S Falvey (Vice Chair) 2. K Woodhead G Marshall 3. R Bullock R E Bofinger 4. A Cooper H E Skinner 5. S Webb G Bunn 6. S A Bagshaw P A Smith 7.V C Smith P J Bales 8.W Mee Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
S J Carr Substitutes 1. H Land D K Watts 2. E Williamson
L A Ball BEM Substitutes 1. D.D Pringle H G Khaled MBE 2. J M Owen G S Hills 3. P J Owen
Licensing & Appeals Committee
R Bullock (Chair) E Winfield (Vice-Chair) A Cooper S Webb C M Tideswell S Paterson K Woodhead
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
B C Carr R D MacRae E Williamson
D D Pringle G S Hills S Kerry Overview & Scrutiny Committee
S Dannheimer (Chair) S Jeremiah E Winfield K A Harlow C M Tideswell S Webb W Mee K Woodhead
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
E Williamson (Vice-Chair) H Land
Conservatives J M Owen A W G A Stockwell H L Crosby
Governance, Audit & Standards Committee
S Paterson (Vice Chair) R S Falvey . K A Harlow . P J Bales R Bullock S Webb G Bunn
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
S Carr (Chair) D K Watts A Kingdon
M Brown J M Owen G S Hills
Advisory Shareholder Sub-Committee
R S Falvey S Webb R Bullock
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
D K Watts
G S Hills
Senior Officer Employment Committee
G Marshall(Chair) Substitute 1. M Radulovic MBE V C Smith 2. H E Skinner S A Bagshaw 3. H J Faccio
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
B C Carr Substitute 1. S J Carr
P J Owen Substitute 1. D D Pringle
Independent Members
Two Independent Persons to be appointed to the Committee solely in relation to disciplinary matters for statutory chief officers within the relevant Terms of Reference for the Senior Officer Employment Committee.
Local Joint Consultative Committee
M Radulovic MBE H E Skinner A Cooper C Tideswell E Winfield
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
B C Carr R D Macrae
D D Pringle G S Hills
Bramcote Bereavement Services Joint Committee
The Executive or Council shall appoint from its own membership 3 Members which shall reflect the political balance of each membership.
M Radulovic MBE
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
S J Carr
H G Khaled MBE
2. The Council was ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
REPRESENTATIONS ON OUTSIDE BODIES To appoint representatives on outside bodies in accordance with the schedule to be laid before the meeting. Minutes: REPRESENTATION ON OUTSIDE BODIES
RESOLVED that the appointment of representatives on outside bodies be as follows with the minor amendments to add Councillor D K Watts as representative at Francis Dixon and Catherine Gregory Charity and to confirm that the organisation, Age Concern Chilwell was still operating.
SCHEME OF DELEGATION PDF 106 KB To agree the Scheme of Delegation. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered the Scheme of Delegation and agreed, in line with the Part 1.1.9 of the Constitution that at the annual meeting of the Council, it should agree the Scheme of Delegations or such part of it as the Constitution determines it is for the Council to agree (as set out later in the Constitution.
As part of the review of the Constitution, that was being considered by the Governance, Audit and Standards Committee on 19 June 2023, Members would be encouraged to provide feedback on the consultation exercise before being submitted to full Council.
RESOLVED that the Scheme of Delegation be approved. |