1. Appointments to Committees/Overview & Scrutiny Committee/etc.
To make appointments in accordance with the schedule to be laid before the meeting.
2. The Council is asked to NOTE that either the Leader of the Council or another Councillor being their nominated representative, and either the Leader of the Opposition or another Councillor being their nominated representative, have the right to attend any of the Council’s Committees, which are not scrutiny Committees, as ex-officio Members and to speak but not vote at it provided that such nominated representatives may not be in attendance at the same meeting as their respective Leaders, unless they have been appointed as a Member of that Committee or are acting as a substitute for a named Member.
RESOLVED that in accordance with the powers set out in the Local Government Act 2000 and all and every power enabling, the following be appointed with the powers appropriate to each as set out in the scheme of delegation or as approved by Council it being noted that:
a) The allocation of seats to political groups takes account of, and includes, the rights of the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition or their nominated representatives set out in 1. below;
D Bagshaw (Chair) Substitutes 1. S Paterson
R S Falvey (Vice Chair) 2. K Woodhead
G Marshall 3. R Bullock
R E Bofinger 4. A Cooper
H E Skinner 5. S Webb
G Bunn 6. S A Bagshaw
P A Smith 7.V C Smith
P J Bales 8.W Mee
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
S J Carr Substitutes 1. H Land
D K Watts 2. E Williamson
L A Ball BEM Substitutes 1. D.D Pringle
H G Khaled MBE 2. J M Owen
G S Hills 3. P J Owen
Licensing & Appeals Committee
R Bullock (Chair)
E Winfield (Vice-Chair)
A Cooper
S Webb
C M Tideswell
S Paterson
K Woodhead
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
B C Carr
R D MacRae
E Williamson
D D Pringle
G S Hills
S Kerry
Overview & Scrutiny Committee
S Dannheimer (Chair)
S Jeremiah
E Winfield
K A Harlow
C M Tideswell
S Webb
W Mee
K Woodhead
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
E Williamson (Vice-Chair)
H Land
J M Owen
A W G A Stockwell
H L Crosby
Governance, Audit & Standards Committee
S Paterson (Vice Chair)
R S Falvey .
K A Harlow .
P J Bales
R Bullock
S Webb
G Bunn
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
S Carr (Chair)
D K Watts
A Kingdon
M Brown
J M Owen
G S Hills
Advisory Shareholder Sub-Committee
R S Falvey
S Webb
R Bullock
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
D K Watts
G S Hills
Senior Officer Employment Committee
G Marshall(Chair) Substitute 1. M Radulovic MBE
V C Smith 2. H E Skinner
S A Bagshaw 3. H J Faccio
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
B C Carr Substitute 1. S J Carr
P J Owen Substitute 1. D D Pringle
Independent Members
Two Independent Persons to be appointed to the Committee solely in relation to disciplinary matters for statutory chief officers within the relevant Terms of Reference for the Senior Officer Employment Committee.
Local Joint Consultative Committee
M Radulovic MBE
H E Skinner
A Cooper
C Tideswell
E Winfield
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
B C Carr
R D Macrae
D D Pringle
G S Hills
Bramcote Bereavement Services Joint Committee
The Executive or Council shall appoint from its own membership 3 Members which shall reflect the political balance of each membership.
M Radulovic MBE
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
S J Carr
H G Khaled MBE
2. The Council was asked to NOTE that either the Leader of the Council or another Councillor being their nominated representative, and either the Leader of the Opposition or another Councillor being their nominated representative, have the right to attend any of the Council’s Committees, which are not scrutiny Committees, as ex-officio Members and to speak but not vote at it provided that such nominated representatives may not be in attendance at the same meeting as their respective Leaders, unless they have been appointed as a Member of that Committee or are acting as a substitute for a named Member.