Agenda item


To note appointments to the Cabinet and Committees of the Cabinet by the Leader in accordance with the schedule laid before the Meeting.


Members noted the appointments to the Cabinet and Committees of the Cabinet by the Leader in accordance with the schedule laid before the meeting.


It was further proposed by Councillor M Radulovic MBE and seconded by Councillor G Marshall to make some minor amendments to the Constitution to remove the Policy Working Group Committee and replace with the Policy Overview Working Group and for named substitutes to be removed from non-quasi-judicial Committees. A constitutional review would shortly be taking place as part of the consultation proposed at the Governance, Audit and Standards Committee 19 June 2023.


RESOLVED with the minor amendments to remove the Policy Working Group and replace with the Policy Overview Working Group, remove named substitutes from non-quasi-judicial Committees






M Radulovic MBE (Chair) - Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management

G Marshall (Vice Chair) - Portfolio Holder for Resources and Personnel Policy

H E Skinner - Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change

V C Smith - Portfolio for Housing

H J Faccio - Portfolio Holder for Community Safety

C Carr - Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Health

R E Bofinger

P A Smith

S A Bagshaw

J W McGrath




Terms of reference:


  • To consider and recommend to Cabinet all the Councils policies and strategies for the Portfolios of Resources and Personnel Policy, Housing, Economic Development and Asset Management, Community Safety, Leisure and Health, and Environment and Climate Change.
  • To also include supporting reviewing and making recommendations towards the implementation of Member facilities, expenses, and allowances.
  • Time critical reports would go straight to Cabinet.



Number of Members


Substitute Members Permitted


Political Proportionality Rules Apply

At the Leader’s discretion

Appointments / Removals

The Leader

Restrictions on Membership

·       Must have at least one Cabinet Member on the Working Group


The following Councillors may not serve on the Policy Overview Working Group;

·       Members of the Overview and

Scrutiny Committee

Restrictions on Chair / Vice Chair

As above


One quarter (1/4) of Members rounded up to be no less than 4


Number of Ordinary Meetings per Council Year


Up to 10


Frequency and timing of meetings to be determined by the Chair


Hybrid Meeting


Policy Overview Working Group Membership




G. Bunn (Chair)                                    

A Cooper (Vice-Chair)                                              

R.S Falvey                                                               

P.J Bales                                                                 

S. Paterson                                                              

R Bullock                                                                 

D Bagshaw                                                              

J W McGrath                                                           





D D Pringle                                          

G S Hills

M Brown


Independent and Liberal Democrat Group


R D Macrae                                         

D L Macrae                                                              




Terms of Reference:


  • To further promote the management of DHL Museum under the heritage banner.
  • To promote the health and vitality of town centres and communities through a planned programme of events and arts programmes.
  • To promote close co-operation with our twin towns in Gutersloh and friendship arrangement in Myskow and to bring forward the CCity project across Europe to Broxtowe.
  • To promote the Council’s heritage and culture through collaborate working with our European partners.


Number of Members


Substitute Members Permitted


Political Proportionality Rules Apply

Leaders discretion

Appointments / Removals

The Leader


One quarter (1/4) of Members rounded up to be no less than 4


Events, Arts, Culture and Heritage Working Group Membership




T. Cullen (Chair)

S Paterson

G Bunn

W Mee

S Dannheimer

K Harlow

K Woodward

E Winfield


Independent and Liberal Democrat Group


E Williamson (Vice-Chair)

D L MacRae




H G Khaled MBE

S Kerry

A W G A Stockwell





  • UKSPF Panel to assist and advise to the S151/Deputy Chief Executive in making urgent delegated determinations, which fall in between Cabinet cycles, where expediency is required to ensure Investment Plan funding can be defrayed in a timely manner and not clawed back or any other urgent matters that cannot wait for Cabinet including the awarding of business grants.
  • Decisions should be by consensus wherever possible, however, the final decision will lie with the Section 151/Deputy Chief Executive.
  • The S151/Deputy Chief Officer will report back urgent decisions made to the next suitable Cabinet. 
  • The Panel should at all times work to the agreed rules reflected in the 

 DHLUC/BBC Memorandum of Understanding and any other further rules or 

 best practice required by the funding body


Number of Members



Substitute Members Permitted



Political Proportionality Rules Apply

Leader’s discretion


Appointments / Removals

The Leader


Restrictions on Membership

Membership of this Panel shall include:

The Leader, Portfolio Holder of Resources and Personnel Policy, One other Labour Member, Leader of the Opposition, Leader of the Ind/Lib Dem



2 Plus Chair


Number of Meetings Per Council Year

As required


Shared Prosperity Fund Members Advisory Panel (UKSPF Panel) Membership




M Radulovic MBE (Chair)

G Marshall (Vice-Chair)

S A Bagshaw


Independent /Liberal Democrat Group


B C Carr




P J Owen


Budget Provisions subject to IRP consideration


Each Working Group

£3251 Chair

£821 Vice Chair x2

Policy Overview Working Group

£3251  Chair

£821 Vice Chair



  • Strengthening our social fabric and fostering a sense of local pride and belonging, through investment in activities that enhance physical, cultural and social ties and amenities, such as community infrastructure and local green space, and community-led projects.
  • Building resilient, safe and healthy neighbourhoods, through investment in quality places that people want to live, work, play and learn in, through targeted improvements to the built environment and innovative approaches to crime prevention.


Supporting local business



  • Creating jobs and boosting community cohesion, through investments that build on existing industries and institutions, and range from support for starting businesses to visible improvements to local retail, hospitality and leisure sector facilities.
  • Promoting networking and collaboration, through interventions that bring together businesses and partners within and across sectors to share knowledge, expertise and resources, and stimulate innovation and growth.
  • Increasing private sector investment in growth-enhancing activities, through targeted support for small and medium-sized businesses to undertake new-to-firm innovation, adopt productivity-enhancing, energy efficient and low carbon technologies and techniques, and start or grow their exports


People and skills




  • Boosting core skills and support adults to progress in work, by targeting adults with no or low level qualifications and skills in maths, and upskill the working population, yielding personal and societal economic impact, and by encouraging innovative approaches to reducing adult learning barriers.
  • Reducing levels of economic inactivity through investment in bespoke intensive life and employment support tailored to local need. Investment should facilitate the join-up of mainstream provision and local services within an area for participants, through the use of one-to-one keyworker support, improving employment outcomes for specific cohorts who face labour market barriers.
    • Expected cohorts include, but are not limited to people aged over 50, people with a disability and health condition, women, people from an ethnic minority, young people not in education, employment or training and people with multiple complex needs (homeless, care leavers, ex/ offenders, people with substance abuse problems and victims of domestic violence).
  • Supporting people furthest from the labour market to overcome barriers to work by providing cohesive, locally tailored support, including access to basic skills.
  • Supporting local areas to fund gaps in local skills provision to support people to progress in work, and supplement local adult skills provision e.g. by providing additional volumes; delivering provision through wider range of routes or enabling more intensive/innovative provision, both qualification based and non-qualification based. This should be supplementary to provision available through national employment and skills programmes.


In years two and three most of the decisions would be guided by the Investment Plan and any significant changes to it would need to be determined by Cabinet and receive the consent of DHLUC.


The Borough Council was being measured on how effective it was in spending the funding, including any funding rolled forward from 2022/23 financial year into Q1 and Q2 of the 2023/24 financial year. 


Any consequential amendments to the Constitution be delegated to the Monitoring Officer.