Venue: Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston, NG9 1AB
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive apologies and to be notified of the attendance of substitutes. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors S A Bagshaw and H E Skinner. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 560 KB Members are requested to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: Councillors R E Bofinger and J W McGrath declared other registerable interests in item 6.1 as they are both members of the Stapleford Town Fund Board, minute number 109.1 refers. |
Cabinet is asked to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 5 December 2023. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 5 December 2023 were confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
The purpose of this report is to make Members aware of matters proposed for and undergoing scrutiny. This is in accordance with all of the Council’s priorities. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were informed of the matters proposed for and undergoing scrutiny. |
BUDGET CONSULTATION 2024/25 PDF 741 KB To report the results of the 2024/25 budget consultation exercise that took place during October and November 2023. Minutes: Cabinet noted the results of the 2024/25 budget consultation exercise that took place during October and November 2023. Local people had been asked for their preferred approach to balancing the Council’s budget and to provide an indication as to which service they thought should have their funding increased, decreased, or remain the same. A total of 1,393 responded to the survey. This was an increase from previous years. |
TREASURY MANAGEMENT AND PRUDENTIAL INDICATORS 2023/24 MID-YEAR REPORT PDF 304 KB To provide Members with a mid-year update on Treasury Management activity and the Prudential Indicators for 2023/24. Minutes: Members noted the mid-year update on the treasury management activity and the prudential indicators for 2023/24. Details of all borrowing and investment transactions undertaken in 2023/24 up to 30 September 2023 had been provided. There had been no issues of non-compliance with the current practices that required reporting. It was confirmed that decisions taken had not exposed the Council to risk and that policy would continue. |
To seek Committee approval for the appointment of a new two year fixed term post to support the delivery of the Asset Management, Repairs and Compliance Service Improvement Plan.
Minutes: Members considered a report which sought approval for the appointment of a new two year fixed term post to support the delivery of the Asset Management, Repairs and Compliance Service Improvement Plan. This role would have responsibility for the delivery of a portfolio of defined projects using effective project and change management skills, ensuring best practice, project governance and the successful implementation of the underlying deliverables in this transformation programme of work with a strong emphasis upon policy and process integration.
RESOLVED that the creation of a new post of Change Delivery Manager post in the Asset Management and Development service area (as a two-year, fixed term contract at a projected Grade 15 £69,900 per annum including on costs) be approved, to be funded from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and General Fund balances as detailed in the report.
Reason This role will be key in assisting the Housing Service to review all policies and procedures used by the Repairs Service, work with the Performance Manager to introduce a new suite of performance reports, review the approach to ‘first-time fixes’ and recommend improvements, implement guidelines and templates to improve record keeping and design and implement a system of quality assurance checks. |
HOUSING DELIVERY TRAINEE POST TO SUPPORT THE HOUSING DELIVERY FUNCTION PDF 124 KB To seek Committee approval for the appointment of a new post to support the delivery of affordable housing. This post will attract an apprentice levy for further study within construction management to support Housing Delivery within the Asset Management and Development Service. Minutes: Cabinet considered a report which sought approval for the appointment of a new post to support the delivery of affordable housing. This post would attract an apprentice levy for further study within construction management to support Housing Delivery within the Asset Management and Development Service.
RESOLVED that the creation of a new post of Housing Delivery Trainee post in Capital Works (starting at Grade 6) at £37,450 per annum including on costs be approved, to be funded from the HRA Capital Programme.
Reason The Council is committed to the apprenticeship programme through the Apprenticeship Strategy 2022-2024 and this would be an ideal opportunity to develop and support a trainee who is seeking to pursue further degree level study within the field of construction management and enable long term commitment and succession planning within the Housing Delivery function. |
STAPLEFORD SUPPLEMENTARY OFF-STREET CAR PARKING ORDER 2024 (DERBY ROAD CAR PARK) PDF 131 KB To recommend that statutory advertising be undertaken for a supplementary off-street car parking order for a new car park in Stapleford. This is a piece of enabling work for the Enterprise Hub project as part of the Stapleford Towns Deal Programme of Works. The current short stay public car park on Victoria Street provided by Broxtowe Borough Council is the proposed site for the Enterprise Hub project and therefore needs to be replaced elsewhere in the town. The site of the replacement car park is Derby Road in Stapleford. Minutes: Members were informed that public car parks were currently provided in Stapleford by the Council at Cliffe Hill Avenue, Eatons Road, Halls Road and Victoria Street. The Victoria Street car park which had 51 spaces, including 6 disabled bays, would be replaced by the newly constructed car park on Derby Road being provided by the Enterprise Hub project as part of the Stapleford Towns Deal. The new car park would have 44 spaces, including 6 disabled spaces.
RESOLVED that delegated authority be given to the Head of Legal Services and the Executive Director to finalise and undertake the required statutory consultation in respect of the new car park at Derby Road, Stapleford.
(Having declared other registerable interests in the item, Councillors R E Bofinger and J W McGrath left the meeting before discussion or voting thereon.)
Reason The Council as the traffic authority has the powers to deal with off-street parking charges under Sections 32, 35 and 35C of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1994 (‘RTRA’), where appropriate. Section 32(1) of the RTRA gives traffic authorities powers to provide parking places where it is for the purpose of relieving or preventing congestion of traffic, and allows for the Council to provide off-street parking places together with means of entrance to and egress from them. Where an order under section 35(1)(b)(iii) of the RTRA makes provision as to the charges to be paid in connection with the use of off-street parking places, the authority making that order may vary those charges by notice given under Section 35C of the RTRA.
NEW SKATEPARK LOCATION ON CENTRAL AVENUE RECREATION GROUND, STAPLEFORD PDF 124 KB To recommend the location of Central Avenue Recreation Ground, Stapleford, NG9 8PU as the site for a new skate park in Stapleford to replace the current skate park on Hickings Lane which is no longer fit for purpose. To provide a clear rationale and explanation towards the proposed, preferred location for the new skate park in Stapleford. Additional documents: Minutes: Cabinet considered the location of Central Avenue Recreation Ground, Stapleford, NG9 8PU as the site for a new skate park in Stapleford to replace the current skate park on Hickings Lane which was no longer fit for purpose.
It was proposed by Councillor J W McGrath and seconded by Councillor G Marshall that the item be deferred until a future meeting.
RESOLVED that the item be deferred until a future meeting to allow for consultation with local residents.
Reason The deferment will allow for local residents to be consulted in order to maintain positive and constructive relations. |
EVENTS PROGRAMME 2024/25 PDF 229 KB To put forward proposals for the Council’s Events Programme for 2024/25. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were informed that the Council was proactive in celebrating cultural activities in Broxtowe, as well as utilising cultural activity as a means to improve health and wellbeing, economic growth, education outcomes and reducing anti-social behaviour. The Cultural Strategy 2023-26 outlined how the Council would organise cultural programmes to enhance the Borough, as well as how it would support the local community to do the same. As part of the Strategy, as well as managing the D.H. Lawrence Birthplace Museum and its programme of engagement and outreach work, the Council organises a programme of events each year.
RESOLVED that the proposed Events Programme for 2024/25 be approved.
Reason The Programme will provide both good value for money and an attractive offering to residents.
PRIDE IN PARKS UPDATE 2023 PDF 155 KB To update Members on the progress of the Pride in Parks programme. Minutes: In 2017, the Council’s Play Strategy (2017-2025) identified a programme of high priority improvements required for the Borough’s play facilities. Since April 2018, the Council had approved £1.4 million pounds’ worth of investment in parks and open spaces. Some of this funding (£250,000) was shared with the Town and Parish Councils to facilitate the maintenance of their own park facilities.
RESOLVED that the alignment of the 2024/25 maintenance programme with the Play Strategy review in 2025, be approved.
Reason It is important for parks and open spaces to meet the required standard outlined in the Council’s Corporate Plan. This uniform standard is viewed as a fair and positive approach to enhance the quality and visitor experience of these spaces. |
ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR POLICY PDF 108 KB To recommend to Cabinet the adoption of an anti-social behaviour protocol and revised anti-social behaviour policy following discussions at the Policy Overview Working Group. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has coordinated meetings of an anti-social behaviour taskforce to produce an agreement across Nottinghamshire to clarify roles and responsibilities between agencies for the reporting and delivery of anti-social behaviour to ensure consistency of practice across the County.
This work would assist victims in reporting ASB to the correct agency or department, prevent incidents being reported to multiple agencies causing confusion both in the response and communication with victims and prevent double counting of incidents for reporting purposes.
It was planned that the police and district councils would use this document to raise awareness of what is and is not anti-social behaviour, managing the expectations of victims and informing victims of the correct reporting procedures and possible outcomes.
RESOLVED that the protocol set out in appendix 1 of the report be adopted and the existing Anti-Social Behaviour Policy be amended as set out in appendices 2 and 3 of the report.
Reason The Council’s Anti-social Behaviour Policy has been amended to align with the Agreement and roles and responsibilities of the Protocol. |
CABINET WORK PROGRAMME PDF 188 KB Cabinet is asked to approve its Work Programme, including potential key decisions that will help to achieve the Council’s key priorities and associated objectives. Minutes: RESOLVED that the Work Programme, including key decisions, be approved. |
EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS The Committee is asked to RESOLVE that, under Section 100A of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act. Minutes: RESOLVED that, under Section 100A of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
Minutes: This item was removed from the agenda for consideration at a later date. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that: 1. An ‘in year’ contribution for 23/24 be made to Erewash Borough Council in line with the figure based included in the report based on the forecast deficit at the current year end. 2. A forecast estimate based on Quarter 1 actuals in each previous year be used to formulate a year end outturn to determine the management fee for the 24/25 and future years. Using this model, the management fee for 2024/25 would be based on the figure included in the report per authority, and could be used as a budgeting figure. 3. The proposed action plan, set out in appendix 3, be approved. 4. That Cabinet authorise a letter to be written to the Secretary of State highlighting the deficiencies of the current authorised inspector regime in relation to the impact on viability on local authority building control services; difficulties in enforcing building regulation approvals given by approved inspectors; and concerns about the objectivity of the approved inspector regime 5. That the operation of the Building Control Service be referred to scrutiny for further consideration.
Reason The resolution will allow for key areas of improvement to take place in service delivery. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the arrears in excess of £7,500 on national non-domestic rates, council tax, rents, housing and council tax benefit overpayment and sundry debtors as set out in the report be written off and to note the exercise of the Deputy Chief Executive’s delegated authority under Financial Procedure Rule 5.9.
Reason This will assist with the Council’s aim to deliver cost effectiveness. |
BENEFITS RESTRUCTURE AND VOLUNTARY REDUNDANCY Minutes: RESOLVED that the Voluntary Redundancy of Post F120a Benefits Team Leader and the subsequent restructure within the Benefits section be approved.
Reason This will assist with the achievement of the Council’s corporate priorities. |
1. The re-designation of the Health, Safety and Emergency Planning Manager (Grade 14) to the Head of Service for Health, Safety and Emergency Planning (Grade CO2 subject to job evaluation) at an increased annual cost of £20,500 including oncosts be approved, to be funded from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and General Fund Reserves as set out below. 2. The creation of a Compliance Manager post (Grade 12 subject to job evaluation) in Health, Safety and Emergency Planning at an annual cost of £62,900 including oncosts be approved, to be funded from the HRA and General Fund Reserves as set out below. 3. The creation of a Senior Health, Safety and Emergency Planning Officer post (to be career graded at Grade 8 to 12 subject to job evaluation) at an annual cost of £43,550 including oncosts be approved, to be funded from the General Fund Reserves. 4. The re-designation and regrading of the Head of ICT post (Grade CO1) to the Head of ICT and Corporate Services (Grade CO2) at an increased annual cost of £9,900 including oncosts be approved, to be funded from the General Fund Reserves.
Reason This will assist with the Council’s corporate value of continuous improvement and delivering value for money. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that:
1. The extension of the interim contracts for the Disrepair Inspector and Disrepair Administrator from January to March 2024 be approved, to be funded from Housing Revenue Account (HRA) working balances in 2023/24. 2. The creation of a new permanent Disrepair Inspector post and a new permanent Disrepair Administrator post (at Grade 10 and Grade 4 respectively at a total cost of £84,300 per annum including oncosts) be approved, to be funded from the HRA working balances. 3. Two legal agency disrepair locums be approved to deal with the disrepair claims working 30 hours and 15 hours a week, at a total cost of £80,000 per annum be approved, to be funded from the HRA.