
Extraordinary Council Meeting, Council - Thursday, 23 May 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston NG9 1AB

Contact: Email: 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies and to be notified of the attendance of substitutes.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 400 KB

Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda.

Additional documents:


Notice of Motions


The following motion was received from Councillors D K Watts, H Land, A Kingdon, S J Carr and D L MacRae

“The Council notes that the owner of Beeston Farmers Market has not had the lease renewed by the Council and further notes that the Council have now said that they intend to run a farmer’s market themselves.


This Council believes that it is not at all clear why such a decision was made or how Beeston and the Borough of Broxtowe will benefit from such a move. This Council further believes that the communications around this decision have been nothing short of disastrous and reflect very badly on the Council.


This Council therefore resolves to instruct the Chief Executive to arrange for an independent investigation to be held into to all aspects of how any why this decision was taken and further how it was communicated, and for the result of that investigation to be communicated to a future meeting of the Borough Council not more than six months from today”.


The following motion was received from Councillors: R D MacRae, D L MacRae, S J Carr, B C Carr, E Wiliamson

“All Members of the Broxtowe Independent Group have been approached by a number of independent small shop owners in Beeston, Eastwood and Stapleford.


This Council notes;


1.     The significant downturn in business turnover since the removal of free parking in several car parks across the town centres.


2.     Customers of many independent businesses have told owners that they will not pay for parking and will instead go where they can park for free.


3.     No consultation took place with residents or businesses prior to the changes.


4.     The increase in charges was not in the ruling party’s manifesto in the election just 6 months prior to this decision being implemented.


This Council calls for an immediate and urgent review of parking charges and requests that an inquiry, conducted in public, is set up into the adverse impact of the new charges on all Town Centres’ independent businesses.”



Presentation of Petitions Relating to Motion 4.1


Public Questions Relating to Motion 4.1


Reference from Committees


Governance, Audit and Standards Committee 20 May 2024 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Community Governance Review-Consideration of Final Recommendation


At its meeting on 20 May 2024 the Governance, Audit and Standards Committee will be asked to consider recommendations put forward for consultation as part of the Community Governance Review which started in January 2024. The Council will be informed of the outcomes of the meeting on 20 May and the report considered at that meeting is attached to the agenda.


Council is asked to is asked to CONSIDER the recommendations put forward by the Governance, Audit and Standards Committee and RESOLVE accordingly.