Community Governance Review-Consideration of Final Recommendation
At its meeting on 20 May 2024 the Governance, Audit and Standards Committee will be asked to consider recommendations put forward for consultation as part of the Community Governance Review which started in January 2024. The Council will be informed of the outcomes of the meeting on 20 May and the report considered at that meeting is attached to the agenda.
Council is asked to is asked to CONSIDER the recommendations put forward by the Governance, Audit and Standards Committee and RESOLVE accordingly.
Community Governance Review – Consideration of Final Recommendation
Council considered the draft recommendations put forward for consultation by the Governance, Audit & Standards Committee and its associated Working Group. The report considered by the Committee has been distributed with the agenda and the resolution agreed at the meeting was as follows:
RECOMMENDED to Council that numbers 1-5 as forwarded by the Governance, Audit & Standards Committee and its associated Task & Finish Group and detailed in the report, be approved for the consultation process.
It had been agreed that the following be submitted to the Governance, Audit and Standards Committee to be approved as the draft recommendation:
1. In line with consultation option 1 and subject to the amendment to the proposal in respect of Brinsley as set out in (iii) below, Greasley Parish Council be dissolved and the Greasley Parish area be dealt with as follows:
(i). the creation of a new parish comprising of all of the current Eastwood Parish area, Giltbrook, Newthorpe, Moorgreen and the outlying properties in Greasley Parish, comprising the 5 Parish Wards of:
Parish Ward |
No of Councillors |
Eastwood Hall |
2 |
Eastwood Hilltop |
5 |
Eastwood St Mary’s |
5 |
Greasley Castle |
3 |
Smithurst |
4 |
(ii). the new Parish Council in (i) above be named Eastwood and Greasley Town Council;
(iii). the inclusion in Brinsley Parish of Saint’s Coppice Farm, Cordy Lane, Felley Mill Farm and Old Haggs Farmhouse, Mill Lane and 2 properties on Mansfield Road from – Map 2;
(iv). the inclusion in Nuthall Parish of the 555 properties on the Larkfields estate currently in Greasley Parish and 3 properties on Woodside Avenue currently in Kimberley Parish – Map 3;
(v). the inclusion in Kimberley Parish of – Map 4:
(a) 879 properties currently in the Watnall Ward of Greasley Parish, 2 properties on Nottingham Road Giltbrook, and 11 on Gilt Hill from Greasley Parish
(b) 3 properties on Nottingham Road Kimberley, 2 on Knowle Hill currently in Nuthall Parish
(c) 4 properties addressed to Swingate currently in Strelley Parish to create a new Kimberley and Watnall Town Council;
2. No changes be made in respect of the NES3 polling district so that Strelley remains a parish with a Parish Meeting.
3. The boundary of Strelley Parish be amended to include Oldmoor Farm and Turkey Fields Farm – Map 5.
4. It is noted that the area of land east of Coventry Lane which Council agreed should be transferred to the unparished area from Trowell on 11 May 2022 was omitted in error from the Broxtowe (Re-organisation of Community Governance) Order 2022 and will be included in the Order made to bring the changes approved through this review into effect.
5. The Local Government Boundary Commission for England be asked to make the following related alterations to align the new Parish and borough ward boundaries:
· Brinsley
· Kimberley
· Nuthall East and Strelley
· Watnall and Nuthall West
A recorded vote was called for and the voting was as follows:
For Against Abstention
P Bales L A Ball BEM D K Watts
R E Bofinger M Brown
R Bullock G S Hills
G Bunn S Kerry
C Carr D L MacRae
B C Carr R D MacRae
S J Carr J M Owen
A Cooper P J Owen
T A Cullen D D Pringle
S Dannheimer
H J Faccio
K A Harlow
S P Jeremiah
A Kingdon
H Land
T J Marsh
G Marshall
J W McGrath
W Mee
S Paterson
H E Skinner
P A Smith
V C Smith
C M Tideswell
S Webb
E Winfield
RESOLVED that numbers 1-5 as forwarded by the Governance, Audit & Standards Committee and its associated Task & Finish Group and detailed above, be approved for the consultation process.
(Having declared other registerable interests Councillors D Bagshaw, M Radulovic MBE, E Williamson and K Woodhead left the meeting before discussion or voting thereon.)
(Councillors P Bales, R Bullock, M Brown, G S Hills, J M Owen, P J Owen stated that they had received a dispensation prior to the meeting for the item.)
Supporting documents: