Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston NG9 1AB
Contact: Email:
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D Bagshaw, S A Bagshaw, L A Ball B E M, S Kerry, H G Khaled MBE and A G W A Stockwell. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Council is asked to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 15 May 2024 and 23 May 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 15 and 24 May 2024 were confirmed as a correct record. |
MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Minutes: The Mayor gave a brief résumé of her engagements including her attendance at the Freedom of Entry Parade which attracted over 1,400 people in Stapleford Town Centre, and reminded Members that Play Days were arranged over the next few weeks in the Borough’s four town centres, in addition to the forthcoming D H Lawrence Festival. |
LEADER'S REPORT To receive a report from the Leader and to receive questions and answers on the report should there be any. Minutes: The Leader informed the Council that he would be writing to the Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary regarding recent events in Ukraine. A number of Councillors expressed their support for the letter.
It was further stated that following the LGA Peer review of December 2022, the Peer Team had made a re-visit and provided a report to the Council on their latest findings on the progress the Council is making. The Peer Team highlighted the opportunity of the election of a new East Midlands combined authority Mayor for Broxtowe and the importance of good communications to residents and employees on the role of the new Mayor. Furthermore, the Peer Team highlighted the opportunity of the adoption and launch of a new Corporate Plan to give focused attention to how the golden thread, from the Council’s aims, through service team and individual’s objectives to reinforce ownership of the Corporate Plan’s priorities aims and objectives.
Congratulations were offered to a number of Officers following their work in the Civic, Finance and Elections Teams.
PUBLIC QUESTIONS Minutes: There were no questions from members of the public. |
Report of the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management addressed the meeting.Responses to comments included concern over fly-tipping and an assurance that garages would be added to the list for the asbestos survey programme.
The Cycle hub had been successful and a well-used system. There was a need to be wary of antisocial behaviour and vandalism. There was a further need to continue to consider and promote the cycle network.
There was confidence that the money that had been awarded through the Kimberley Levelling Up Fund would be spent in time, and it was important to ensure the vibrancy of town centres.
Report of the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Personnel Policy Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Resources and Personnel Policy presented his report. Responses to comments included that the underspend on the Capital Programme was largely due to the Stapleford Towns bid and the Kimberley Levelling UP Fund, it was stated that this was frustrating as it was not all within the Council’s control. |
Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Housing presented her report. Responses to questions included comments that the percentage of people that had been prevented from becoming homeless was well above the target, and appreciation was given to the Housing Options Team for their hard work. |
Report of the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change presented her report and responses to questions included that working with students on recycling rates was problematical as there was no set system of recycling across the country, therefore students from different areas were used to different systems. There was no provision for daily bulky waste collections due to the resource that would be involved, however, there were a number of organisations that collected a variety of items. |
Report of the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Community Safety presented her report. Responses to questions included that recent updates to CCTV cameras had been to those in Beeston and that all Councillors should be encouraged to become White Ribbon ambassadors. |
Report of the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Health Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Health presented her report and in relation to a question about swimming lesson membership the Portfolio Holder stated that it was Kimberley School that was responsible for the closure of the swimming pool and not the Borough Council. |
REPORT ON SCRUTINY MATTERS The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee will give an update to full Council and answer questions on Scrutiny matters. Minutes: The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee stated that there would be no update at this Council meeting as the recent scheduled Committee meeting had been postponed due to the election. |
Corporate Plan 2024-2029 Cabinet 4 June 2024
Following the Borough Council election in May 2023, a Borough wide survey was launched seeking the views of local residents about which priorities the Council should pursue in its next corporate plan period. The results of public feedback and public support for the Council’s proposed plan priorities informed a report to Policy Overview Working Group in November 2023. Cabinet considered the draft Corporate Plan 2024-2029 and it was agreed that future challenges should be included with wording on how the Council will meet those challenges. It was stressed that the Council would work with the new East Midlands Combined Authority at every opportunity. It was also stated that there would be further collaboration with the recently elected Police and Crime Commissioner. RECOMMENDED to full Council that the Corporate Plan 2024-2029 be adopted following slight amendments to show future challenges and the methods by which they would be addressed.
Reason This will ensure the Council’s vision remains current and up to date and its objectives are set out clearly in order to guide the prioritisation of activity and allocation of resources.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members were informed that the Policy Overview Working Group had considered an early iteration of the Corporate Plan in November 2023 prior to consideration by Cabinet in June 2024. Full Council was informed that immediately following the Borough Council election, a Borough-wide survey was launched seeking the views of local residents about which priorities the council should pursue in its next Corporate Plan period.
A total of 820 responses were received to the survey, compared to 527 in 2019. There were 716 online responses and 104 were on paper. In addition, Senior Council Officers and local Councillors held drop in events at six different places in Broxtowe. In total, 97 people attended the public roadshow events. The results of public feedback and public support for the Council’s proposed plan priorities informed a report to Policy Overview Working group in November 2023.
It was stated that the Corporate Plan was a living document that needed to be constantly reviewed and all groups would be offered the opportunity to participate in setting a positive direction for the future.
RESOLVED that the Corporate Plan be approved.
Reason The Corporate Plan sets out best practice for the Council’s ambitions and priorities as an organisation over the next four years. |
Annual Constitutional Review Governance, Audit and Standards Committee 20 May 2024
Members considered the draft amendments to the Constitution and in particular to the Council Procedure Rules and the Scheme of Delegation.
An annual review which included consulting the Member and Officer Task Group, inviting all Members and Senior Management team to input was carried out in 2023. The Governance, Audit and Standards Committees recommendations were adopted to ensure the Constitution remained fit for purpose. The Constitution has since continued to be regularly reviewed to ensure it is refreshed as considered necessary to ensure good governance arrangements are in place.
A further annual review of the Constitution had been undertaken again in 2024 in which Officers have been engaged and commented and a proportional Task & Finish group had met on two occasions, and all Members have been invited to input into the review. At the meetings, the Group considered amendments to the Council Procedure Rules, in particularly start times, duration and number of meetings, the role of Ex-Officio Members, reports on Outside Bodies, time allowed for public questions and considering supplementary questions by the public being permitted during Council meetings, the petition scheme, Call-In Process, revisions to the criteria for Extraordinary Council meetings, changes to allow for Budget Council meetings to consider items of urgency and amendments to the Scheme of delegation.
RECOMMENDED to Council that the amendments in to the Constitution, as detailed in the change table at Appendix 1, be approved.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members were informed that an annual review of the Constitution had been undertaken again in which Officers had been engaged and commented and a proportional Task & Finish group had met on two occasions, furthermore, all Members had been invited to input into the review.
At the meetings, the Group considered amendments to the Council Procedure Rules, in particularly start times, duration and number of meetings, the role of Ex-Officio Members, reports on Outside Bodies, time allowed for public questions and considering supplementary questions by the public being permitted during Council meetings, the petition scheme, call-in Process, revisions to the criteria for Extraordinary Council meetings, changes to allow for Budget Council meetings to consider items of urgency and amendments to the Scheme of Delegation. RESOLVED that the amendments to the Constitution, as detailed in the change table at appendix, be approved.
Debate Not Hate Motion Governance, Audit and Standards Committee 18 March 2024
The Committee updated from the Officer and Member Task and Finish Groups recommendations having considered the Local Government Association (LGA) ‘Debate Not Hate’ Campaign objectives in more detail.
On 11 October 2023 a Motion was brought to full Council by Councillor MacRae to sign up to the LGA ‘Debate Not Hate’ campaign. Council referred the Motion to Governance, Audit and Standards Committee to work with Officers to get a better understanding of what signing up to the LGA ‘Debate Not Hate’ Campaign would mean and to explore the range of support currently available to deal with Member abuse and intimidation and to consider what further support could be developed.
It was proposed by Councillor S J Carr and seconded by Councillor S Paterson that there be a recorded vote that the vote be recorded. The votes were cast as follows:
RECOMMENDED to Council that
2. The Council commits to the following: a. To signing up to the ‘Debate Not Hate’ campaign b. To take a zero-tolerance approach to abuse to Councillors and Officers c. To write to the Government to ask them to work with the LGA to develop and implement a plan to address abuse and intimidation of politicians and to legislate that Councillors can withhold their home addresses to ensure parity with MPs. d. To work together, across the political groups to promote and uphold exemplary standards public and political debate e. To improve the reporting mechanism to record and monitor incidents of harassment and abuse for Councillors facing intimidation and abuse f. To regularly review the support available for Councillors and Officers who are experiencing intimidation and abuse g. To work with the local police to ensure there is a clear and joined-up mechanism for reporting threats and other concerns about the safety of Councillors and their families h. To include as part of the Member training programme support available and relevant training to Councillors in relation to abuse and intimidation and Councillor safety.
Minutes: On 11 October 2023 a Motion was brought to full Council by Councillor R D MacRae to sign up to the LGA ‘Debate Not Hate’ campaign. Council referred the Motion to Governance, Audit and Standards Committee to work with Officers to get a better understanding of what signing up to the LGA ‘Debate Not Hate’ Campaign would mean and to explore the range of support currently available to deal with Member abuse and intimidation and to consider what further support could be developed.
It was considered that the motion was necessary as Members were in need of mechanisms to be able to explore the range of support available to deal with abuse and intimidation against Councillors.
RESOLVED that the Council commits to the following: a. To signing up to the ‘Debate Not Hate’ campaign b. To take a zero-tolerance approach to Councillors and Officers c. To write to the Government to ask them to work with the LGA to develop and implement a plan to address abuse and intimidation of politicians and to legislate that Councillors can withhold their home addresses to ensure parity with MPs d. To work together, across the political groups to promote and uphold exemplary standards of public and political debate e. To improve the reporting mechanism to record and monitor incidents of harassment and abuse for Councillors facing intimidation and abuse e. To regularly review the support available for Councillors and Officers who are experiencing intimidation and abuse f. To work with the local police to ensure there is a clear and joined-up mechanism for reporting threats and other concerns about the safety of Councillors and their families g. To include as part of the Member training programme support available and relevant training to Councillors in relation to abuse and intimidation and Councillor safety. |
PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS Minutes: There were no petitions to be presented. |
MOTIONS To consider motions
The following motion was received by the Broxtowe Independent Group “Broxtowe Borough Council will work with Nottinghamshire Police towards setting up Community Speed Watch (CSW) schemes across Broxtowe Borough, if enough interest, and where enough volunteers come forward to form a scheme, in areas where Town and Parish Councils have not already set up schemes.
Community Speed Watch is a scheme which would allow trained volunteers to address speeding concerns in their communities, with a view to raising awareness and altering driver behaviour. Community Speed Watch will not be considered as enforcement. Volunteers report details of speeding vehicles to the Police who will in turn send out advisory letters to the registered keepers of vehicles recorded over the threshold speed limit.
Nottinghamshire Police will provide Employers Liability and Public Liability Insurance for the volunteers taking part. Any additional cover, for example, personal accident, is for individuals or the local speed watch group or Council to consider and provide.
Broxtowe Borough Council will help promote and support Community Speed Watch in our area.
Each scheme requires a minimum of 3 volunteers who must be aged 18 years or over. The volunteers would identify areas/streets of concern which would be risk assessed by Nottinghamshire Police and areas/streets would be risk assessed by Nottinghamshire Police. Volunteers should be prepared to commit to at least 1 hour a week to carry out the speed monitoring.
The minimum equipment kit list required is:
The approximate costs of purchasing our own Community Speed Watch equipment as above would be in the region of £600 - £700. This cost is per scheme”.
Minutes: The motion was proposed by Councillor R D MacRae and seconded by Councillor S J Carr.
“Broxtowe Borough Council will work with Nottinghamshire Police towards setting up Community Speed Watch (CSW) schemes across Broxtowe Borough if enough interest and where enough volunteers come forward to form a scheme, in areas where Town and Parish Councils have not already set up schemes.
Community Speed Watch is a scheme which would allow trained volunteers to address speeding concerns in their communities, with a view to raising awareness and altering driver behaviour. Community Speed Watch will not be considered as enforcement. Volunteers report details of speeding vehicles to the Police who will in turn send out advisory letters to the registered keepers of vehicles recorded over the threshold speed limit.
Nottinghamshire police will provide Employers Liability and Public Liability Insurance for the volunteers taking part. Any additional cover, for example, personal accident, is for individuals or the local speed watch group or council to consider and provide.
Broxtowe Borough Council will help promote and support Community Speed Watch in our area.
Each scheme requires a minimum of three volunteers who must be aged 18 years or over. The volunteers would identify areas/streets of concern which would be risk assessed by Nottinghamshire Police and areas/streets would be risk assessed by Nottinghamshire Police. Volunteers should be prepared to commit to at least 1 hour a week to carry out the speed monitoring.
The minimum equipment kit list required is:
The approximate costs of purchasing our own CSW equipment as above would be in the region of £600 - £700. This cost is per scheme.”
On being put to the meeting the motion was carried.
MEMBERS' SPEECHES ON WARD ISSUES Minutes: Councillor D D Pringle updated Members on issues relating to the Awsworth, Cossall and Trowell Ward. |
YOUTH MAYOR'S REPORT ON BROXTOWE YOUTH VOICE ACTIVITIES Minutes: The Youth Mayor, Libby Bales, updated Members and stated that the first few months that she had held the post had been busy. Events had included a meeting with the High Sheriff, and attendance at youth organisations, the Hemlock Happening and the White Ribbon Campaign. |
QUESTIONS ON OUTSIDE BODIES Minutes: There were no updates on Outside Bodies. |
MEMBERS' QUESTIONS Minutes: The following question was submitted by Councillor P J Owen for the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Health, Councillor T A Cullen:
“Could the Cabinet member please advise Council of the final redundancy costs and pension strain costs incurred as a result of the closure of Kimberley Leisure Centre. could she further advise Council of the total number of employees made redundant as a result of the closure?”
In response, Councillor Cullen stated that there had been a total of 37 redundancies at a total cost of £278,000.
Councillor Owen put a supplementary question whether this made good economic sense for the Council.
The Portfolio Holder stated that no one in the Council wanted the closure of Kimberley Leisure Centre, but Liberty Leisure Ltd was unable to enter into an agreement with the School and there could not be a risk of bankrupting the Council. Therefore, Liberty Leisure Ltd was left with the painful decision
The following question was submitted by Councillor S J Carr for the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change, Councillor H E Skinner:
“Free bulky waste action days are to take place during 2024. Can you advise me of the rationale for there not being such an event in the Borough’s largest town of Beeston?”
In response Councillor Skinner stated that officers had highlighted the areas of greatest challenge. However, other areas would be considered and Members were encouraged to suggest further areas.
Councillor Carr asked if the Portfolio Holder had listened to the information that had been given and considered the ward by ward figures, and what was the rationale for not having collections in Beeston.
The Portfolio Holder replied that estate clearances and fly-tipping were treated with different solutions.
Appointments to Committees and Working Groups To note appointments to the Cabinet and Committees of the Cabinet by the Leader in accordance with the schedule to be laid before the Meeting.
Minutes: Members noted the appointments to Cabinet and committees of the Cabinet as follows:
M Radulovic MBE (Chair) - Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management G Marshall (Vice Chair) - Portfolio Holder for Resources and Personnel Policy H E Skinner - Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change V C Smith - Portfolio for Housing H J Faccio - Portfolio Holder for Community Safety T A Cullen - Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Health P Bales G Bunn C Carr J W McGrath
Policy Overview Working Group Membership
P Smith (Chair) Substitutes 1. M Radulovic MBE G Bunn (Vice-Chair) 2. G Marshall H Skinner 3. W Mee P J Bales 4. V C Smith S A Bagshaw 5. H J Faccio R Bullock 6. R Bofinger D Bagshaw 7. C Carr J W McGrath
D D Pringle G S Hills M Brown
Broxtowe Independent Group
B C Carr Substitutes 1. S J Carr D L MacRae
Events, Arts, Culture and Heritage Working Group Membership
T Cullen (Chair) P Smith W Mee V Smith C Carr J McGrath S A Bagshaw D Bagshaw
L A Ball BEM H G Khaled MBE S Kerry
Broxtowe Independent Group
B C Carr (Vice-Chair) D L MacRae
Shared Prosperity Fund Members Advisory Panel (UKSPF Panel) Membership
M Radulovic MBE (Chair) G Marshall (Vice-Chair) G Bunn
P J Owen
Broxtowe Independent Group
S J Carr
RESOLVED that the Appointments to Committees and Working Groups be as follows:
D Bagshaw (Chair) Substitutes 1. R Bullock S Jeremiah (Vice Chair) 2. A Cooper G Marshall 3. S Webb R E Bofinger 4. K Woodhead H E Skinner 5. V C Smith G Bunn 6. W Mee P A Smith 7. S A Bagshaw P J Bales 8. S Paterson Conservative
L A Ball BEM Substitutes 1. H G Khaled MBE D D Pringle 2. J M Owen G S Hills 3. P J Owen Broxtowe Independent Group
S J Carr Substitute 1. E Williamson Liberal Democrat Group
D K Watts Substitute 1. H Land
Licensing & Appeals Committee Labour
R Bullock (Chair) S Webb (Vice-Chair) E Winfield A Cooper C M Tideswell T Cullen K Woodhead S Jeremiah Conservative
D D Pringle G S Hills S Kerry Broxtowe Independent Group
B C Carr
H Land
Overview & Scrutiny Committee Labour
S Dannheimer (Chair) E Winfield K A Harlow C M Tideswell T Marsh (Vice-Chair) S Webb K Woodhead Conservatives
J M Owen H L Crosby Broxtowe Independent Group
R D MacRae E Williamson (Vice-Chair) Liberal Democrat Group
H Land
Governance, Audit & Standards Committee Labour
E Winfield (Vice Chair) Substitutes 1. P Smith S Jeremiah 2. R Bofinger R Bullock 3. A Cooper K Woodhead 4. T Marsh S Dannheimer 5. C M Tideswell K A Harlow W Mee S Webb Conservative
M Brown Substitute 1. P J Owen J M Owen G S Hills Broxtowe Independent Group
S J Carr (Chair) ... view the full minutes text for item 37. |
Attendance at Meetings The Local Government Act 1972 states that when a Councillor fails to attend any meeting for six consecutive months from the date of their last attendance, then, subject to certain exceptions, they cease to be a Member of the authority, unless the Council accepts a reason for the failure to attend before the six months expires. Councillor S A Bagshaw is currently unable to attend Council meetings and in the circumstances, it is put before Members to consider a dispensation under Section 85 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972 for the period of six months from 10 July 2024 before which forfeiture applies.
Council is asked to CONSIDER a dispensation for Councillor S A Bagshaw for a period of six months from the date of this meeting and RESOLVE accordingly.
Minutes: The Local Government Act 1972 states that when a Councillor fails to attend any meeting for six consecutive months from the date of their last attendance, then, subject to certain exceptions, they cease to be a Member of the authority, unless the Council accepts a reason for the failure to attend before the six months expires. Councillor S A Bagshaw is currently unable to attend Council meetings and in the circumstances, it is put before Members to consider a dispensation under Section 85 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972 for the period of six months from 10 July 2024 before which forfeiture applies.
Members considered the dispensation and it was stated there had recently been opportunities to hold a by-election with no extra cost to the Council.
A recorded vote was requested and the voting was as follows:
For Against Abstain P Bales S J Carr B C Carr R E Bofinger A Kingdon M Brown H Land R Bullock D L MacRae G Bunn R D MacRae C Carr D K Watts A Cooper E Williamson H Crosby T A Cullen S Dannheimer H J Faccio K A Harlow G S Hills S P Jeremiah T J Marsh G Marshall J W McGrath W Mee J M Owen P J Owen S Paterson D D Pringle M Radulovic MBE H E Skinner P A Smith V C Smith C M Tideswell S Webb E Winfield K Woodhead
RESOLVED that a dispensation be granted for Councillor S A Bagshaw for a period of six months from the date of this meeting. |
VOTE OF THANKS Minutes: A Vote of Thanks to Michelle Leonforte, was proposed by Councillor S Paterson, seconded by Councillor M Radulovic MBE. Michelle was leaving the Council after having held the post of Council’s Communication and Civic Officer, and worked closely with the Borough Council’s Mayors for eight years.
Upon being put to the meeting, the vote of thanks was carried.