To note appointments to the Cabinet and Committees of the Cabinet by the Leader in accordance with the schedule to be laid before the Meeting.
Members noted the appointments to Cabinet and committees of the Cabinet as follows:
M Radulovic MBE (Chair) - Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management
G Marshall (Vice Chair) - Portfolio Holder for Resources and Personnel Policy
H E Skinner - Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change
V C Smith - Portfolio for Housing
H J Faccio - Portfolio Holder for Community Safety
T A Cullen - Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Health
P Bales
G Bunn
C Carr
J W McGrath
Policy Overview Working Group Membership
P Smith (Chair) Substitutes 1. M Radulovic MBE
G Bunn (Vice-Chair) 2. G Marshall
H Skinner 3. W Mee
P J Bales 4. V C Smith
S A Bagshaw 5. H J Faccio
R Bullock 6. R Bofinger
D Bagshaw 7. C Carr
J W McGrath
D D Pringle
G S Hills
M Brown
Broxtowe Independent Group
B C Carr Substitutes 1. S J Carr
D L MacRae
Events, Arts, Culture and Heritage Working Group Membership
T Cullen (Chair)
P Smith
W Mee
V Smith
C Carr
J McGrath
S A Bagshaw
D Bagshaw
L A Ball BEM
H G Khaled MBE
S Kerry
Broxtowe Independent Group
B C Carr (Vice-Chair)
D L MacRae
Shared Prosperity Fund Members Advisory Panel (UKSPF Panel) Membership
M Radulovic MBE (Chair)
G Marshall (Vice-Chair)
G Bunn
P J Owen
Broxtowe Independent Group
S J Carr
RESOLVED that the Appointments to Committees and Working Groups be as follows:
D Bagshaw (Chair) Substitutes 1. R Bullock
S Jeremiah (Vice Chair) 2. A Cooper
G Marshall 3. S Webb
R E Bofinger 4. K Woodhead
H E Skinner 5. V C Smith
G Bunn 6. W Mee
P A Smith 7. S A Bagshaw
P J Bales 8. S Paterson
L A Ball BEM Substitutes 1. H G Khaled MBE
D D Pringle 2. J M Owen
G S Hills 3. P J Owen
Broxtowe Independent Group
S J Carr Substitute 1. E Williamson
Liberal Democrat Group
D K Watts Substitute 1. H Land
Licensing & Appeals Committee
R Bullock (Chair)
S Webb (Vice-Chair)
E Winfield
A Cooper
C M Tideswell
T Cullen
K Woodhead
S Jeremiah
D D Pringle
G S Hills
S Kerry
Broxtowe Independent Group
B C Carr
H Land
Overview & Scrutiny Committee
S Dannheimer (Chair)
E Winfield
K A Harlow
C M Tideswell
T Marsh (Vice-Chair)
S Webb
K Woodhead
J M Owen
H L Crosby
Broxtowe Independent Group
R D MacRae
E Williamson (Vice-Chair)
Liberal Democrat Group
H Land
Governance, Audit & Standards Committee
E Winfield (Vice Chair) Substitutes 1. P Smith
S Jeremiah 2. R Bofinger
R Bullock 3. A Cooper
K Woodhead 4. T Marsh
S Dannheimer 5. C M Tideswell
K A Harlow
W Mee
S Webb
M Brown Substitute 1. P J Owen
J M Owen
G S Hills
Broxtowe Independent Group
S J Carr (Chair) Substitute 1. B C Carr
Liberal Democrat Group
A Kingdon Substitute 1. D K Watts
Advisory Shareholder Sub-Committee
S Jeremiah (Chair) Substitutes 1. K A Harlow
W Mee (Vice-chair) 2. R Bullock
S Webb 3. K Woodhead
G S Hills Substitute 1. M Brown
Broxtowe Independent Group
B C Carr Substitute 1. S J Carr
Chief Officer Employment Committee
G Marshall (Chair) Substitutes 1. M Radulovic MBE
V C Smith 2. H E Skinner
K Woodhead
H J Faccio
P J Owen Substitute 1. J M Owen
D D Pringle
Broxtowe Independent Group
R D MacRae Substitute 1. S J Carr
Independent Members
Two Independent Persons to be appointed to the Committee solely in relation to disciplinary matters for statutory chief Officers within the relevant Terms of Reference for the Chief Officer Employment Committee.
Local Joint Consultative Committee
H E Skinner
G Marshall
A Cooper
E Winfield
D D Pringle
G S Hills
Broxtowe Independent Group
R D MacRae
Bramcote Bereavement Services Joint Committee
The Executive or Council shall appoint from its own membership 3 Members which shall reflect the political balance of each membership.
M Radulovic MBE
H G Khaled MBE
Broxtowe Independent Group
S J Carr