Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston NG9 1AB
Contact: Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda. Minutes: Councillors S J Carr, G Marshall and R I Jackson declared a non pecuniary interest in item 5.4, 35 – 37 The Square, Beeston, as they were members of the Beeston Town Centre Board. Minute number 4.4 refers. |
The Committee is asked to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 30 March 2022. Minutes: The minutes were confirmed and signed as a correct record, with two minor amendments to the numbering. |
NOTIFICATION OF LOBBYING Minutes: The Committee received notification of lobbying in respect of the planning applications subject to consideration at the meeting. |
Construct two bungalows Land to the rear of 55 Church Street, Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, NG16 3HR Additional documents: Minutes: Construct two bungalows Land to the rear of 55 Church Street, Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, NG16 3HR
The application had been brought before Committee by Councillor M Radulovic MBE and was deferred at the meeting of 30 March 2022 to allow the developer to address concerns about the height of the proposed development.
There were no late items and no public speakers.
The Committee noted that the developer had reduced the height of the proposed development, but there was concern that the height of the properties could be increased and that the dormer windows could be added under permitted development rights. It was proposed by Councillor R I Jackson and seconded by Councillor D K Watts that the planning permission be amended to include a condition that removed permitted development rights regarding height and dormer windows. On being put to the meeting the motion was carried.
Change of use for equestrian use, construct new stable block with associated works and track Land to the rear of 6 Smithfield Avenue, Trowell, Nottinghamshire Additional documents: Minutes: Change of use for equestrian use, construct new stable block with associated works and track Land to the rear of 6 Smithfield Avenue, Trowell, Nottinghamshire
This application had been called to Committee by Councillor D D Pringle and deferred at the meeting of 30 March 2022 to allow the applicant to reconsider the position of the stable block.
There was a late item to amend condition three of the planning permission.
Nisha Desai, objecting, addressed the Committee prior to the general debate.
There was concern that about the access to the field and that, if parts of the field or stables were sub-let, there would be an increase in traffic to the site that would be detrimental to neighbour amenity. It was proposed by Councillor D D Pringle and seconded by Councillor D K Watts that the proposal should be amended to include conditions in respect of a boundary treatment and preventing commercial enterprise and sub-letting on the site. On being put to the meeting the motion was carried.
RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions.
Construct single storey rear extension 68 Awsworth Lane, Cossall, Nottinghamshire Minutes: Construct single storey rear extension 68 Awsworth Lane, Cossall Nottinghamshire
Councillor L A Ball BEM had requested that this item be decided by Committee.
It was noted that the late items had been mis-numbered, stating 21/00139/FUL rather than 22/00139/FUL. There were no late items.
Chris Hudson, the applicant, addressed the Committee prior to the general debate.
The Committee had no concerns about the proposed development having a negative impact on the amenity of neighbours or the openness of the Green Belt.
RESOLVED that planning permission be granted with the precise wording of the approval and conditions delegated to the Chair of Planning Committee in agreement with the Head of Planning and Economic Development.
1. The development hereby approved shall be begun before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission.
2. This permission shall be read in accordance with the following plans: site location plan 1:1250, existing and proposed layouts, elevations and site block plan No. GD/CH/2022/004/01 (all received by the local planning authority 17/02/22). The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with these plans unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
3. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the materials contained within the application form.
1. To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended.
2. To ensure that the development takes the form envisaged by the Local Planning Authority when determining the application.
3. To ensure the development presents a satisfactory standard of external appearance in accordance with Policy 17 and Policy 23 of the Part 2 Local Plan 2019. |
External alterations to existing building including new shop front entrances, new cladding/fascia to canopy, led strip lighting and other minor refurbishment works 35-37 The Square, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, NG9 2JJ Minutes: External alterations to existing building including new shop front entrances, new cladding/fascia to canopy, led strip lighting and other minor refurbishment works 35-37 The Square, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, NG9 2JJ
The application was brought to Committee because the building is owned by the Council.
There were no public speakers and no late items.
The Committee noted the intensity of the lighting and the improvement in the appearance of the building.
Having declared that he was predetermined, Councillor R I Jackson did not participate in the debate or vote thereon. |
Minutes: The appeal decisions were noted. |
Delegated Decisions PDF 284 KB Minutes: The delegated decisions were noted. |