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Bagshaw, Councillor David Bagshaw
Bagshaw, Councillor Susan A Bagshaw
Bales, Councillor Peter J Bales
Ball, Councillor Lydia A Ball BEM
Bofinger, Councillor Ross E Bofinger
Brown, Councillor Michael Brown
Bullock, Councillor Robert Bullock
Bunn, Councillor Gabrielle Bunn
Carr, Councillor Barbara C Carr
Carr, Councillor Chris Carr
Carr, Councillor Stephen J Carr
Cooper, Councillor Andy Cooper
Crosby, Councillor Hannah L Crosby
Cullen, Councillor Teresa A Cullen
Dannheimer, Councillor Shaun Dannheimer
Faccio, Councillor Helen J Faccio
Harlow, Councillor Katherine A Harlow
Hills, Councillor Graham S Hills
Jeremiah, Councillor Stephen P Jeremiah
Kerry, Councillor Stephanie Kerry
Khaled, Councillor Halimah G Khaled MBE
Kingdon, Councillor Andrew Kingdon
Land, Councillor Hannah Land
MacRae, Councillor Donna L MacRae
MacRae, Councillor Richard D MacRae
Marsh, Councillor Tyler J Marsh
Marshall, Councillor Greg Marshall
McGrath, Councillor John W McGrath
Mee, Councillor Will Mee
Owen, Councillor Jill M Owen
Owen, Councillor Philip J Owen
Paterson, Councillor Sue Paterson
Pringle, Councillor Don Pringle
Radulovic, Councillor Milan Radulovic MBE
Skinner, Councillor Helen E Skinner
Smith, Councillor Pauline A Smith
Smith, Councillor Vanessa C Smith
Stockwell, Councillor Adam W G A Stockwell
Tideswell, Councillor Colin M Tideswell
Watts, Councillor David K Watts
Webb, Councillor Sarah Webb
Williamson, Councillor Elizabeth Williamson
Winfield, Councillor Ellie Winfield
Woodhead, Councillor Ken Woodhead
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Independent (Group Name Pending Registration)
Labour Party
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Attenborough and Chilwell East
Awsworth, Cossall and Trowell
Beeston Central
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Beeston Rylands
Beeston West
Chilwell West
Eastwood Hall
Eastwood Hill Top
Eastwood St Mary's
Nuthall East and Strelley
Stapleford North
Stapleford South East
Stapleford South West
Toton and Chilwell Meadows
Watnall and Nuthall West
or by part of their name: