Issue - decisions



Members were updated on progress on the Square Phase 2 in Beeston. Key updates included leases for units, 2,3 and 6 had now been completed and fitting-out works had commenced. Strong interest in unit 5, agents were undertaking negotiations and due diligence prior to making recommendations to the board. Tenders for the Argos Block upgrade would be advertised and a report would be going to Finance and Resources Committee on 9 December as the tendering costs had been significantly higher than anticipated. The project board would continue to provide governance over the additional work to bring the Argos Block up to a suitable standard now additional investment had been approved.


Queries were raised over what evidence the current footfall of Beeston was especially since the Cinema had opened and if the illuminated light sign that was approved at Planning Committee be an illuminated projector board instead. It was discussed that the sign was for an event in January 2022 and maybe too late to change the idea and evidence would be provided to the Committee on footfall figures within Beeston and Town Centres.


A further verbal update was provided in Exclusion of Public and Press.


1.            NOTED the report and any further verbal updated provided.

2.         RESOLVED to continue to delegate to the Deputy Chief Executive all key approvals, in consultation with the cross-party project Board, and subject to the overall project cost remaining within the financial limits already set or subsequently changed by the Finance and Resources Committee and/or Full Council as appropriate.