Issue - decisions



The Committee considered the Leisure Facilities Strategy produced by Continuum, the Council’s external leisure consultant.


It was proposed by Councillor M Radulovic MBE and Councillor S J Carr that a cross-party Task and Finish Group be formed to consider the Leisure Facilities Strategy in order to submit feedback to the Policy and Performance Committee.



1.  Professional external financial advice be procured to assess the financial implications and risks associated with the two Bramcote site options for a new leisure centre in the south of Broxtowe, and to RECOMMEND to the Finance and Resources Committee that the expenditure of £30,000 to complete this work be approved.

2.   That the Council continues to work with Chilwell School to assess the leisure facilities options at the School and reports back to a future meeting.

That a cross-party Task and Finish Group be formed to consider options regarding sites in the north and south of the Borough to examine the outline and financial business case contained within the Leisure Facilities Strategy in order to submit feedback to the Policy and Performance Committee.