Issue - decisions


08/10/2020 - MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL STRATEGY 2020/21 TO 2024/25 AND BUSINESS STRATEGY 2021/22 TO 2022/23

Members were updated on the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy and the progress with the delivery of the Business Strategy. Significant issues concerning local government finances were discussed that will have a major impact upon the financial position of both this Council and other local authorities, including the significant financial impact of Covid-19 and how this may affect the General Fund revenue budget, the Housing Revenue Account and the Capital programme.

As it is currently difficult to predict at this stage the impact upon the Council’s financial position, members would be provided with further details as the situation becomes clearer.


            RESOLVED that the updated Medium Term Financial Strategy as set out in appendix 2 of the report, and the Business Strategy 2021/22 to 2022/23 as set out in appendix 3 of the report, be approved.