Issue - decisions



The Committee was updated on available s.106 Integrated Transport (ITPS) funds and considered utilising some of these to amend the 2020/21 capital programme with an additional contribution to the Bennerley Viaduct scheme and new schemes associated with the Mushroom Farm development in Eastwood; also to support measures for disabled persons in Beeston. A written answer would be provided detailing the proposed bus stop infrastructure upgrades and footpath improvements.


RESOLVED that the amendments to the 2020/21 capital programme set out below in section 4 be approved.

·     To allocate an additional £100,000 to the Bennerley Viaduct proposal.

·     To allocate £385,000 for upgrades to the existing bus stop infrastructure in

·     the vicinity of the Mushroom Farm development along the A610 corridor.

·     This investment would offer a step-change improvement in the public

·     transport offer in Eastwood, Newthorpe, Giltbrook, Kimberley, Nuthall,

·     Brinsley and Watnall.

·     £15,000 for improvements to Kimberley Footpath 35

·     £30,000 for improvements to Strelley Bridleway 4

·     £20,000 for the introduction of traffic signal controller upgrades at the Sun Inn gyratory

·     £10,000 for Beeston Shopmobility

·     £2,000 for wheelchair signage on Broxtowe-owned land near Beeston train station.