Members considered the report that was submitted bythe Overview and Scrutiny Committee and thanked the Committee for the work it had undertaken during the review in addition to the officers who had assisted in compiling the report.
RESOLVED that the following be approved:
1. That all entrances to parks are audited, to allow wheelchair/mobility access where possible.
2. Where a play park is fenced around, to ensure the access gate for a wheelchair is close to any accessible/inclusive play equipment or to consider the surface for the travel to the equipment.
3. Where possible, that every play park in the Borough has access to a minimum of one piece of accessible/inclusive play equipment.
4. To introduce further sensory play panels to the parks with some possibly away from climbing frames in quiet areas.
5. When replacing play equipment that a double slide be provided instead of a single slide option.
6. Exploring options to provide sensory gardens in parks and, where appropriate, to provide a sensory experience for all users to touch, smell, hear and see. To consider utilising parks already established with garden areas in the first instance.
7. To provide signage across all parks for users to establish areas of rewilding, butterfly and bee planting, sensory and park areas.
8. To consider the toilet options in large multi-use parks that are not near town centre facilities.
9. To consider accessibility/inclusive benches as standard across all parks in the Borough and investigate the triangular benches with back supports as the standard park bench.
10. The results from the Parks Survey are made available to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
This will assist the Council in meeting the aims of its Corporate Priorities.