Issue - decisions

Response to Draft NPPF Consultation

06/09/2024 - Response to Draft NPPF Consultation

Cabinet considered a report which informed of the government’s consultation on draft changes to the National Planning Policy Framework, to the Standard Method for calculating housing need and to planning fees until 24 September 2024. The consultation extended to 106 questions and draft responses were contained within the report. It was stated that further consideration was necessary prior to Broxtowe’s submission of the document and therefore a delegation would be necessary to meet the response date of 24 September 2024. It was agreed that the opposition groups would be updated on the proposed responses.


RESOLVED that the draft response, with minor amendments being delegated to the Head of Planning and Economic Development in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management, be approved and submitted on behalf of the Borough Council.



The delegation would allow for further time for consideration of the response prior to its submission.