Issue - decisions

Corporate plan 2024-2029

04/06/2024 - Corporate Plan 2024-2028

Following the Borough Council election in May 2023, a Borough wide survey was launched seeking the views of local residents about which priorities the Council should pursue in its next corporate plan period. The results of public feedback and public support for the Council’s proposed plan priorities informed a report to Policy Overview Working Group in November 2023.

Cabinet considered the draft Corporate Plan 2024-2029 and it was agreed that future challenges should be included with wording on how the Council will meet those challenges. It was stressed that the Council would work with the new East Midlands Combined Authority at every opportunity. It was also stated that there would be further collaboration with the recently elected Police and Crime Commissioner.

RECOMMENDED to full Council that the Corporate Plan 2024-2029 be adopted following slight amendments to show future challenges and the methods by which they would be addressed.



This will ensure the Council’s vision remains current and up to date and its objectives are set out clearly in order to guide the prioritisation of activity and allocation of resources.