Issue - decisions

Tenant Satisfaction Measures - Survey Results

18/07/2024 - Tenant Satisfaction Measures - Survey Results

The Regulator of Social Housing had introduced a new system for assessing how well social housing landlords in England were performing. In addition to introducing revised consumer standards, this involves a new set of Tenant Satisfaction Measures that social housing landlords must report on. This will provide information to tenants and others so that they can compare the performance of their landlord with others and see where their landlord needs to improve.


It was stated that the Council was working towards improvements that were shown in the Action Plan. The complaints process could be used to show symptoms of issues and then drive outcomes. It was further stated that the issues within the survey were being dealt with in a proactive manner.


RESOLVED that the associated action plan to the Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey be approved.



The Regulator of Social Housing’s Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard requires all registered providers of social housing to collect and report annually on their performance using a core set of defined measures. Introduced under the Social Housing Act 2023, the new Tenant Satisfaction Measures will allow tenants to see how their landlord is performing compared to other landlords.