Issue - decisions


15/03/2024 - STOCK CONDITION SURVEY FOR 2024/25

The Asset Management Strategy delivered by Ark Consultancy highlighted the need for using stock condition data to develop a 3-5-year investment programme and to use the data to replace the current contract to deliver the modernisations programme in March 2025.


RESOLVED that a revenue budget of £100,000 to implement a stock condition survey programme be approved. The cost of the programme will be met from Housing Revenue Account (HRA) working balances.



The additional budget request will facilitate between 1150-1250 stock condition surveys across the 24/25 financial year. The Council will review the remaining surveys to be undertaken in 25/26 with a view towards achieving a 100% stock condition surveys before moving towards a rolling 20% stock condition survey ensuring all of our residents homes are inspected at least once every five years.