Issue - decisions



The Asset Management and Environment teams had recently explored submitting a bid to the latest round of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme. However, the bid was not submitted due to the scheme’s eligibility requirements, and the high risk that the bid would be unsuccessful. Despite this, the work had highlighted the lack of decarbonisation planning in place for the Council’s key buildings.


Quotations had been obtained to develop decarbonisations plans for the Council Offices, Kimberley Depot and Bramcote Crematorium.  Bramcote Leisure Centre has been left out at his stage due to its planned replacement.  As part of the plans, fabric first measures (i.e. insulation), renewable power generation and decarbonisation of heating systems will be explored.  A detailed roadmap to decarbonisation will be included.


RESOLVED that funding to provide decarbonisation plans for three Council owned buildings, as outlined in the report, be approved.  A one-off revenue development budget of £15,600 is required for this purpose to be funded from an allocation from the Local Area Energy Plan (LAEP) budget with the balance to be funded from General Fund Reserves in 2023/24.



The Climate Change Act 2008 imposes a target on Central Government to be carbon neutral by 2050. The Council has, set an earlier target of 2027, by having decarbonisation plans for each of the Council key assets will achieve this.