Agenda item


To consider proposals for business plans, detailed revenue budget estimates for 2023/24; capital programme for 2023/24 to 2025/26; and proposed fees and charges for 2023/24 in respect of the Council’s priority areas.



This item was moved at the discretion from the Chair


Members considered proposals for business plans, detailed revenue budget estimates for 2023/24, capital programme for 2023/24 to 2025/26 and proposed fees and charges for 2023/24 in respect of the Council’s priority areas.


Allowances for the pay award and inflationary pressures, cost of energy and fuel had impacted the budgets. These allowances were guided by the best indications available at the time.


      Comments included the following:


·       That it was essential to provide detailed budgets to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to allow for an effective scrutiny on them. Members felt there was a lot of data missing.             


·         An explanation of an inactive adult was provided to the Committee and how the random survey was conducted. Sports England defined an inactive adult to be someone who did less than 30 minutes of exercise a week


·         Concern was raised with the costs of repairs and maintenance of Bramcote Leisure Centre and no short or medium term costs of the leisure Centre re build and impact on the budgets. A confidential report would be presented at the 7 February 2023 Cabinet meeting.


·             The Delivery of the Culture and Events Strategy and the reason for transferring the service back in house to allow Liberty leisure to focus on leisure services.


·             The Risks associated with agency staff and the failure to recruit to Senior Environmental Health posts. It was recognised that there was a country wide problem with recruitment currently.


·             Query why licensing fees had not increased and if Broxtowe was subsiding businesses with fees and charges. It was confirmed to Members that fees are adhered to by National Code of Practices and we had to charge to be cost neutral.


·             Members were advised to check the Council’s website for times of swimming and associated costs.


·             The exercise referral scheme had 229 referrals from the Primary Care Network. Good relations had been made with the Network. The referrals had resulted in 139 Memberships being created. 


·             The ongoing delivery of the Get Action Plan was discussed, to provide opportunities for potentially inactive people to become more active.


·             The replacement of gym equipment across the leisure centres raised concern with the costs associated. An audit of all equipment would be undertaken with options of leasing, purchasing or returning the equipment and managing the equipment across each site with usage, wear and tear.


·             Concern was raised with the direct budget costs associated with potentially delivering changes to the existing management agreement between Liberty Leisure Limited and Broxtowe Borough Council. Work was to be explored with Active4today to look at efficiencies. Liberty leisure Limited would in addition be reviewing payment schedules, updating the scope of the service, agreeing a reserve policy, managing the repairs and renewals, and Governance of the Company.


·             The subsidy of visitors to the DH Lawrence Museum and plans to increase footfall in the next year was discussed. A new forward plan and strategy would be produced with the service being transferred under the Communications, Cultural and Civic Services team.


·             Members were concerned that the wiring at Bramcote Leisure Centre did not meet current building regulation standards and should be replaced. It was confirmed that the insurance company conduct annual checks and were not concerned and most buildings did not meet current building regulations. If any critical safety issues were raised, these would be dealt with immediately.





1.     Cabinet approves the Health Business Plan


2.     Cabinet recommends to Council that the following be approved:


a) The detailed revenue budget estimates for 2023/24 (base) including any revenue development submissions.


b)  The capital programme for 2023/24 to 2025/26



Having declared interests as stated above Councillors S Paterson and D Grindell did not vote on this item.

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