To seek approval for the renewal of the pre-existing Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO’s) for alcohol control, vehicle control, dog control and footpath gating in order to continue helping to control issues of ASB in public spaces.
Approval was sought for the renewal of the pre-existing Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO’s) for alcohol control, vehicle control, dog control and footpath gating in order to continue helping to control issues of ASB in public spaces.
1. Beeston Town Centre Alcohol Control PSPO including extension
be approved.
2. Beeston North Alcohol Control PSPO be approved.
3. Stapleford Town Centre Alcohol Control PSPO be approved.
4. Eastwood Town Centre Alcohol Control PSPO be approved.
5. Kimberley Town Centre Alcohol Control PSPO be approved
6. Manor Park Alcohol Control PSPO be approved
7. Eastwood Vehicle Control PSPO be approved
8. Chilwell Vehicle Control PSPO be approved
9. Basil Russell Playing Fields Dog Control PSPO be approved
10. Malthouse Close to Knapp Avenue Footpath Gating PSPO be
PSPOs related to the Corporate Aim to make Broxtowe a safe place for everyone by reducing antisocial behaviour.
Supporting documents: