Agenda item

Application Number 21/00096/OUT

Outline application with all matters reserved to construct detached dwelling

Land adjacent to 24 Princess Avenue, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, NG9 2DH


Outline application with all matters reserved to construct detached dwelling

Land adjacent to 24 Princess Avenue, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, NG9 2DH


This application sought to construct a detached dwelling with all matters reserved and had been brought to the Committee at the request of L A Lally.


There were no late items or public speakers.


Members debated the application and the following comments were amongst those noted:


  • The proposal was appropriate for the area.


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions.



Application for approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the local planning authority before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


Reason: to comply with s92 of the town and country planning act 1990 as amended by s51 of the planning and compulsory purchase act 2004.



The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved.


Reason: to comply with s92 of the town and country planning act 1990 as amended by s51 of the planning and compulsory purchase act 2004.



The outline permission relates to the 1:500 block plan received by the local planning authority on 2 april 2021.


Reason: for the avoidance of doubt.





Before any development is commenced detailed drawings and particulars showing the following (the 'reserved matters') shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority:


A) the means of access and parking provision within the site;

B) the scale, layout and external appearance of the dwelling;

C) the means of access and parking provision within the site; and

D) the landscaping treatment of the site.


The development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: the application was submitted in outline only and the development cannot proceed satisfactorily without the outstanding matters being agreed in advance of the development commencing in the interests of ensuring the details of the development are acceptable to the local planning authority.





The detailed drawings and particulars required under condition 4(a) shall include the following details:


A) access width;

B) surfacing treatments;

C) visibility splays; and

D) drainage of parking areas


The development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved details and provided prior to the first occupation of the proposed dwelling.


Reason:the application was submitted in outline only and to ensure that the details of the development are acceptable to the local planning authority.  In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with the aims of policy 17 of the part 2 local plan (2019) and policies 10 and 14 of the broxtowe aligned core strategy (2014).



Notes to applicant



The council has acted positively and proactively in the determination of this application by working to determine it within the agreed determination timescale.



Due to the proximity of the site to residential properties it is recommended that contractors limit noisy works to between 08.00 and 18.00 hours monday to friday, 08.00 and 13.00 hours on saturdays and no noisy works on sundays and bank holidays.




Burning waste on site is prohibited.


The future owners/occupiers of the proposed dwelling should sign up to the environment agency's flood warning direct service.








The proposed development lies within a coal mining area which

May contain unrecorded coal mining related hazards.  If any coal

Mining feature is encountered during development, this should be

Reported immediately to the coal authority on 0345 762 6848.


Further information is also available on the coal authority website









Supporting documents: