Agenda item


Construct 310 dwellings, community building, public open space (including equipped play area), and associated infrastructure (approval of reserved matters relating to planning reference 14/00242/FUL) and creation of parking area beside Trafalgar Road

Beeston Business Park, Technology Drive, Beeston,  NG9 1LA


Construct 310 dwellings, community building, public open

space (including equipped play area), and associated

infrastructure (approval of reserved matters relating to

planning reference 14/00242/FUL) and creation of parking

area beside Trafalgar Road

Beeston Business Park, Technology Drive, Beeston, NG9



This application was brought before the Committee because of the scale of the proposed development of 310 dwellings.


There were a number of late items for consideration by the Committee including two further objections from neighbours, one observation, one letter of support, one email seeking assurance that environmental issues would be conditioned, no objections from the Highway Authority, comments from the Environment Business and Projects Manager and amendments to conditions.


Mr Robert Galij, the applicant and Mrs Hamilton, on behalf of Mr Steve Collier, objecting, made representation to the Committee prior to the general debate.


It was noted that there had not been significant local objection to the development, although there were understandable concerns from residents in the immediate vicinity of the proposals.  It was also noted that the play area and community facility were well placed to serve the new housing and discourage children from playing on the weir fields.  The Committee was also pleased to note that much needed housing was to be provided.


The Committee RESOLVED that:


i)        The deed of variation to the s106 Agreement be agreed and


ii)       Reserved matters be approved subject to the following conditions:


1.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with drawing numbers BBP/02 Location Plan received by the Local Planning Authority on 7 May 2019; P101 Rev L Planning Layout, 325 Pumping station, 106 Rev E Materials Layout, CB1 Rev A Beeston Community Building; GL1092 08A, 09A, 10A, 11A and 12A Soft Landscape Proposals; GL1092 04A, 05A and 06A Infrastructure Landscape Proposals; GL1092 07C Super LEAP Proposals; amended 01 Rev NM04 Alnmouth Classic (Det) (received 10 May 2019); 02 Ambersham Maldon Elevations; 01 Ambersham Maldon Floor Plans; 01 Ambersham Maldon 4 storey Elevations; 02 and 03 Ambersham Maldon 4 storey Floor Plans; 2016/BH/P/02 Rev NM06 Brentford Haversham Hipped Corner Turner Elevations; 2016/BH/P/01 Rev NM06 Brentford Haversham Hipped Corner Turner Floor Plans; 01 Rev D Derwent Classic (Det); 2016/FIR-DET/C/01 Rev NM11 Fircroft (Det); 2016/FIR/C/01 Rev NM10 Fircroft Elevations; 2016/FIR/C/01 Rev NM10 Fircroft Floor Plans; 01 Haversham (End); 01 Rev B Hesketh Classic (Det); 01 Rev D Kenley Classic (End); 01 Rev D Kenley Classic (Mid); 01 Rev D Kingsley Classic (Det); 01 Rev E Kingsville (End); 01 Lutterworth – End; 01 Rev D Maidstone Classic (End); 01 Rev D Maidstone Classic (Mid); 01 Rev D Moresby Classic (Det); 01 Rev C Moresby Classic (End); 01 Rev E Ripon Classic (Det); 01 Rev D Windermere Classic (Det); 2010/DET/206A 1800mm high close boarded fence; 2010/DET/228 1800mm high timber hit and miss fence; 2010/DET/2029 1200mm vertical metal railings; NM-SD13-004 Boundary Wall – Type 1; NM-SD13-004A Boundary Wall – Type 1 – 2.4m; DB-SD13-006 close boarded fence; Double & Twin Garage – Hipped - Elevations (GDPL DDHP / GDPL SSHP); Plans (GDPL SDSG / GDPL SDFG / GDPL SDHP) Single Garage - Side, Front (Gable) & Hipped; BSTG3S6 Triple garage elevations, floor and roof plan; Barratt Sales & Information Centre Elevations and floor plans (triple garage), STD6121 Rev 01 Severn Trent Water fencing details, GTC-E-SS-0012_R1-8_1_of_1 Close coupled substation, JF/1002705 1 of 2 2m high envirofence and 2 of 2 3m high envirofence, details of bollards emailed on 10 May 2019, H8032/BSD1 Bin store detail and E719-100 Access drawing Plot 310.


2.    Notwithstanding the details shown on the Materials Layout, no development above eaves height shall take place on any plot unless and until details of proposed tiles have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


3.    No development shall commence on plots 60-77 (inclusive) until details of measures to protect the hedge on the south eastern boundary with the Trent Vale Road dwellings during construction and measures for its future management have been submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval in writing.  The protection measures shall be in place before development commences on these plots and the future management of the hedge shall be in accordance with the agreed measures for the lifetime of the development.




1.   For the avoidance of doubt.


2.   The proposed tiles are considered to be too large and bulky and alternative slimmer/smaller tiles should also be used to achieve an attractive environment and a development which integrates into its surroundings, in accordance with the aims of Policy 10 of the Aligned Core Strategy and Policy 17 of the Draft Part 2 Local Plan.


3.   To ensure the hedge is retained, in the interests of residential amenity and in accordance with the aims of Policy 10 of the Aligned Core Strategy and Policy 17 of the Draft Part 2 Local Plan.


Note to applicant


1.      This reserved matters approval satisfies condition 1 and partially satisfies conditions 4, 5, 20 and 22 of planning permission reference 14/00242/FUL.  You are reminded of the need to comply with conditions 2, 23, 25, 26 and 27.


2.      Beeston public footpath No. 62 runs through the site and it should remain open and free from obstruction at all times unless a diversion has been previously agreed.


3.   The Council has acted positively and proactively in the determination of this application by communicating with the agent throughout the course of the application and seeking amendments to the scheme.

Supporting documents: