Change of use of garage to garage and car wash including the installation of pressure washer and vacuum casings.
Manor Garage 92 Church Street Stapleford Nottinghamshire NG9 8DJ
Change of use of garage to garage and car wash including the installation of pressure washer and vacuum casings.
Manor Garage, 92 Church Street, Stapleford, Nottinghamshire, NG9 8DJ
Councillor R E Bofinger had requested that this proposal come before Committee.
There were a number of late items including two changes to conditions, which were noted by the Committee.
Ahmed Zidouri, on behalf of the applicant, addressed the Committee and a statement was read out on behalf of a resident, objecting, prior to the general debate.
Having given due regard to all of the representations before it, the Committee commenced the debate, raising concerns about appearance of the site and the impact of the visual amenity on residents. There was a discussion about the noise from current traffic, the jet washers and vacuum cleaners, including the impact of acoustic screens and housing for machinery. It was noted that the revised wording of condition 2 made specific requirements for the height and density of materials.
It was proposed by Councillor G Bunn and seconded by Councillor G Marshall that planning permission be granted temporarily for one year through an additional condition, that the fence be stepped back in line and that the precise wording of the condition be delegated to the Vice Chair of the Planning Committee, the Planning Manager and the Head of Planning and Economic Development. On being put to the meeting the motion was carried.
It was further proposed by Councillor S J Carr and seconded by Councillor D K Watts that the item be deferred to allow further information to be gathered. On being put to the meeting the motion fell.
RESOLVEDthat planning permission be granted, including a condition that the permission be granted for one year and that the fence be stepped back, along with the amendments to condition 2 and subject to the following conditions:
1. The use hereby permitted shall be discontinued on or before 8th November 2025 and the fence hereby permitted removed.
2. This permission shall be read in accordance with the following plans:
· Site location plan A115
· Existing block plan A114
(Received by the Local Planning Authority 07/07/23)
· Pressure washer and vacuum casing A115
(Received by the Local Planning Authority 03/11/23)
· Proposed Elevations and 3D Visuals A114
(Received by the Local Planning Authority 13/09/24)
· Proposed site plan A115
(Received by the Local Planning Authority 16/09/24)
3. The use of the site for car washing and valeting must cease unless the acoustic barrier is installed within one month of this permission. The barrier must thereafter be retained during any use of the site for car washing and valeting. The barrier shall be constructed from high quality timber panels with a minimum density of 20kg/m2 which is close boarded and installed with no gaps, including at ground level to the height and location as shown in drawing A114 Proposed Elevations and 3D Visuals (received 13/09/24).
4. The hereby approved use shall not be operated outside the hours of 09:00 - 18:00 Monday to Saturday and 09:00 - 17:00 Sunday without the prior agreement in writing of the Local Planning Authority.
5. No repair, maintenance, paint spraying or sale of vehicles shall be permitted outside of the existing garage building.
1. To allow further time for the noise impact of the car wash to be assessed in the interests of the living conditions of neighbouring residential properties in accordance with the aims of Policy 17 - Place-making, Design and Amenity and Policy 19 - Pollution, Hazardous Substances and Ground Conditions of the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan 2019.
2. To ensure that the development takes the form envisaged by the Local Planning Authority when determining the application.
3. To protect nearby occupiers from excessive noise in accordance with Policy 17 - Place-making, Design and Amenity and Policy 19 - Pollution, Hazardous Substances and Ground Conditions of the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan 2019.
4. To protect nearby occupiers from excessive noise in accordance with Policy 17 - Place-making, Design and Amenity and Policy 19 - Pollution, Hazardous Substances and Ground Conditions of the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan 2019.
5. To protect nearby occupiers from excessive noise in accordance with Policy 17 - Place-making, Design and Amenity and Policy 19 - Pollution, Hazardous Substances and Ground Conditions of the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan 2019.
Note to Applicant
1. The Council has acted positively and proactively in the determination of this application by working to determine it within the agreed determination timescale.
Supporting documents: