Agenda item


Construct a pair of semi-detached houses

Land Between 3 And 5 Bosworth Drive, Newthorpe, Nottinghamshire 


Construct a pair of semi-detached houses

Land between 3 and 5 Bosworth Drive, Newthorpe, Nottinghamshire


The application was called to Committee at the request of Councillor R Bullock.


The late items were noted, including an objection received from Brinsley Parish Council regarding the loss of the unregistered footpath and other concerns from residents.


Councillor R Bullock, Ward Member, made representation to the Committee prior to the general debate.


After considering the evidence before it, the Committee commenced the debate.  It was noted that deferring the application until the footpath had been adopted was impractical, as the process was lengthy.  The debate progressed on to the size and scale of the proposed development, and it was stated that although the houses would have three storeys, the top storey would be a loft conversion, maintaining the same ridge height as the other properties on the street.


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions.



The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.


Reason: To comply with S91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by S51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.



The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans received by the Local Planning Authority on 15 February 2024:

    Site Location Plan (Drawing Number: 22-113-08-01),

in accordance with the following plans received by the Local Planning Authority on 13 March 2024:

    Proposed Site Plan (Drawing Reference 22-113-08-03 Rev B),

    Proposed Elevations and Floor Plans (Drawing Number 22-113-08-10 Rev D),


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt



No development shall commence until full detailed drawings and particulars showing the existing and site levels have been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. Thereafter, development and work shall progress in accordance with these approved details.


Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the surrounding area and in accordance with the aims of Policy 17 of the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan (2019)



No development shall commence until full details of all surface water drainage provision within the application site (which should accord with the principles of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Planning Authority. Thereafter, only the approved details shall be implemented and all surface water drainage provision shall be completed prior to the first occupation of any of the development.


Reason:To ensure that all flood mitigation infrastructure, required in order to reduce the risk of flooding occurring both within and outwith the application site, is provided timeously and in accordance with the aims of Policy 1 of the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan (2019).



No development shall commence until;

a) a scheme of intrusive site investigations has been carried out on site to establish the risks posed to the development by past coal mining activity, and;

b) any remediation works and/or mitigation measures to address land instability arising from coal mining legacy, as may be necessary, have been implemented on site in full in order to ensure that the site is made safe and stable for the development proposed.

The intrusive site investigations and remedial works shall be carried out in accordance with authoritative UK guidance.


Reason: In the interest of Safety and in accordance with the aims of Policy 22 of the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan (2019)



No development within the full planning permission phase hereby approved shall take place until a Construction / Demolition Method Statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Borough Council. The statement shall include:

a) The means of access for construction traffic;

b) parking provision for site operatives and visitors;

c) the loading and unloading of plant and materials;

d) the storage of plant and materials used in construction / demolition the development;

e) a scheme for the recycling/disposal of waste resulting from construction / demolition works / site clearance; and

f) details of dust and noise suppression to be used during the construction phase.

The approved statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period.


Reason: In the interests of neighbour amenity and in accordance with the aims of Policy 17 of the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan (2019)



No development shall commence until details of a scheme of hard and soft landscaping works have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Planning Authority.  Details of the scheme shall include:


  1. All earthworks and existing and finished ground levels in relation to an identified fixed datum point;
  2. A plan showing existing landscaping features and vegetation to be retained;
  3. The location and design, including materials, of any existing or proposed walls, fences and gates;
  4. All soft landscaping and planting works, including plans and schedules showing the location, species and size of each individual tree and/or shrub and planting densities; and
  5. A programme for preparation, completion and subsequent on-going maintenance and protection of all landscaping works.


Landscaping works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme. All planting, seeding or turfing as may be comprised in the approved details shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the commencement of development, unless otherwise stated in the approved scheme.


Any trees or plants which within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, for whatever reason are removed or damaged shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of the same size and species.


Reason: In order to ensure that a high standard of landscaping is achieved, appropriate to the location of the site and in accordance with the aims of Policy 17 of the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan (2019) and Policy 10 of the Aligned Core Strategy (2014).



The semi-detached properties shall be constructed using materials as specified in the amended Elevation plans received by the Local Planning Authority on 13 March 2024, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of external appearance and in accordance with the aims of Policy 17 of the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan (2019) and Policy 10 of the Aligned Core Strategy (2014).



Prior to the occupation of the development, or it being taken into beneficial use, a signed statement or declaration prepared by a suitably competent person confirming that the site is, or has been made, safe and stable for the approved development shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval in writing. This document shall confirm the methods and findings of the intrusive site investigations and the completion of any remedial works and/or mitigation necessary to address the risks posed by past coal mining activity.


Reason: In the interests of the safety of the occupants of the property and in accordance with the aims of Policy 17 of the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan (2019).


Supporting documents: