Construction and operation of two adjacent Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) facilities operating at different voltages (132kV and 33kV) in order to fully support the local electricity network. Both facilities are adjacent to each other within a single new overall site compound comprising: the erection of battery containers, switchgear containers, inverters, control building, and new substations; installation of new underground cable circuits to connect the new BESS substations; improvements to access from Common Lane; establishing new internal access roads, resurfaced compound, and turning area; installation of perimeter fencing and access gate; associated ground works; and landscaping.
Southfields Farm, Common Lane, Bramcote, Nottinghamshire, NG9 3DT
Construction and operation of two adjacent Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) facilities operating at different voltages (132kV and 33kV) in order to fully support the local electricity network. Both facilities are adjacent to each other within a single new overall site compound comprising: the erection of battery containers, switchgear containers, inverters, control building, and new substations; installation of new underground cable circuits to connect the new BESS substations; improvements to access from Common Lane; establishing new internal access roads, resurfaced compound, and turning area; installation of perimeter fencing and access gate; associated ground works; and landscaping.
Southfields Farm, Common Lane, Bramcote, Nottinghamshire, NG9 3DT
The item was brought before Committee at the request of Councillor D K Watts and because the proposal was a departure from the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan 2019.
There were a number of late items put to the Committee for consideration including a submission from the Bramcote Forum, five objections to the scheme and a note regarding process should the application be approved.
Glynn Jones, the applicant, Anne Whitting – Smith, objecting and Councillor Andrew Kingdon, Ward Member, made representation to the Committee prior to the general debate.
The Committee gave consideration to all of the representations before it, with specific reference to the very special circumstances (VSC) required to build in the Green Belt the focus of the debate. It was noted that in the alternative sites assessment, no other Green Belt sites had been considered and there was concern that there had been a failure to demonstrate that the site was the most appropriate, in spite of the possible harm to the Burnt Hill prominent area for special protection.
The debate moved on to the visibility of the site and it’s impact on the openness and amenity of the Green Belt, especially when travelling from South to North. There was also concern about the ecology of the site, though it was noted that the site was not habitat diverse. Discussions progressed on to the climate crisis and the importance of infrastructure for renewable energy.
There were also concerns about the access for plant vehicles to the site via Town Street and Common Lane, flooding in the vicinity of the site on the A52.
RESOLVED that planning permission be refused with the precise wording of the refusal, to include the impact of the openness and the amenity of the Green Belt, to be delegated to the Chair of Planning Committee in agreement with the Head of Planning and Economic Development.
1. The site lies within the Nottinghamshire Green Belt where inappropriate development is by definition harmful and should not be approved except in very special circumstances. In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority that the proposed development represents inappropriate development and it is considered that very special circumstances have not been demonstrated to justify the granting of planning permission in this instance. The application is therefore not in accordance with Policy 3 - The Green Belt of the Broxtowe Aligned Core Strategy Part 1 Local Plan (2014) and Policy 8 - Development in the Green Belt of the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan (2019).
2. The submitted scheme, by virtue of its siting, size, scale and design would represent an unsatisfactory form of development to the detriment of the character of the Burnt Hill Bramcote Prominent Area of Special Protection and the openness of the Green Belt in this location. The proposed development is therefore contrary to Policy 10 - Design and Enhancing Local Identity and Policy 16 - Green Infrastructure, Parks and Open Space of the Broxtowe Aligned Core Strategy (2014) and Policy 17 - Place-making, Design and Amenity and Policy 28 - Green Infrastructure Assets and of the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan (2019).
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