Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1AB
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest PDF 400 KB Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
The Committee is asked to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2024 were confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Review of the Gambling Act Statement of Principles 2025-2027 PDF 124 KB To advise Members of the response to the consultation on the Council’s draft revised Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles for 2025-2027. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members were advised of the response to the consultation on the Council’s draft revised Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles for 2025-2027. The Committee noted a number of comments that had been received following the consultation and agreed the recommendations from GamCare within Appendix 1 be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
The Committee RECOMMENDS to full Council that the Statement of Principles be approved for adoption for publication on 3 January 2025 and implementation on 31 January 2025.
The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider the recommendations within Appendix 1 from GamCare at a future meeting.
To advise Members of the response to the public consultation on the draft conditions to be attached to licences issued under Nottinghamshire County Council Act 1985. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members were updated with the response from the public consultation on the draft conditions to be attached to licences issued for premises providing massage, special treatments, laser treatments, tanning and sauna services under the Nottinghamshire County Council Act 1985.
The Committee RECOMMENDS to full Council that the conditions be approved for adoption. To give licence holders fair notice and opportunity to meet the standards, the new standards will be introduced on 1 January 2025. |
To advise Members of the new Permanent Pavement Licence Scheme which supersedes the Temporary Licence Scheme. To approve the adoption of the permanent pavement licence scheme and to seek approval for the licence fee. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members were advised of the new Permanent Pavement Licence Scheme to replace the Temporary Licence Scheme. It was necessary to introduce a permanent scheme to ensure that the Council was able to continue to provide the service and regulate pavement licences within the Borough.
RESOLVED that the Permanent Pavement Licence Scheme to replace the Temporary Pavement Licence Scheme and the proposed fees for pavement licences be approved.
Exclusion of Public and Press The Committee is asked to RESOLVE that, under Section 100A of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
Minutes: RESOLVED that, under Section 100A of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Driver's Licence Minutes: RESOLVED that the licence be revoked. |