Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston NG9 1AB
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Council is asked to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2022. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting on 13 July 2022 were confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Minutes: The Mayor gave a résumé of his engagements since the last Council meeting, which included his attendance at events relating to the death of Queen Elizabeth II. The Mayor thanked the Civic Office for all their hard work during the period of mourning.
The Mayor, the Leader of the Opposition, the Leader of the Council, the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor E Williamson, Councillor L A Ball BEM and Councillor M J Crow all paid tribute to Councillor E Cubley following his death in August. Sincere condolences were offered to his partner and family.
There were tributes to HM the Queen Elizabeth II by the Mayor, the Leader of the Council, the Deputy Leader of the Council, the Leader of the Opposition and Councillor E Williamson. |
LEADER'S REPORT To receive a report from the Leader and to receive questions and answers on the report should there be any. Minutes: The Leader of the Council updated the meeting on the rising homelessness figures across the borough. It was noted that homelessness had doubled in one week and that the Housing Repairs Team had been brought into the Housing function to ensure that vacant homes were brought back into service as quickly as possible. It was stated that two thirds of applications for housing were in Stapleford and Eastwood.
Members were also updated on the increased prevalence of class A drugs, with the Leader emphasising that these were readily available in all communities within the borough and that there had been an associated rise in violence and exploitation.
The meeting was informed that the creation of three enterprise zones had been proposed at Toton, Moorgreen and Bennerley Sidings. The Policy Advisory Working Group was to be tasked with looking at ways to attract investment into Broxtowe.
The Leader also noted that there would be a Warm Zones scheme in Council owned sheltered accommodation with financial help to be offered to third party organisations, such as parish councils or churches, who were willing to provide places for people to keep warm this winter.
Councillor S Paterson left the meeting after this item and did not participate any further. |
Pay award and review of allowances PDF 131 KB Independent Remuneration Panel 30 September 2022
It was noted that since the previous meeting of the Panel, a Cabinet model of governance had been adopted by the Council, which had led to a number of anomalies in rates of remuneration for Councillors.
RECOMMENDED to full Council that: · the allowance for the Chairs of Planning and Licensing Committee be increased in line with that of a Cabinet Member with a portfolio. · the Vice Chair’s allowance for Planning, Licensing and Governance, Audit and Standards Committee be increased. · the allowance for the Chair of Governance, Audit and Standards Committee be increased in line with a Cabinet Member with no portfolio. · the allowances for the Members of the Licensing Committee with the exception of Chair and Vice Chair be removed. · allowances for separate Scrutiny Committees be removed, as only one Overview and Scrutiny Committee with a Chair and two Vice Chairs was appointed. · allowances in the form of a one off payment of £300 for the Chair and £100 for the Vice Chair of the working groups appointed from Overview and Scrutiny Committee. These roles are suggested to rotate depending on the topics chosen. · the Policy Advisory Committee be removed. · an allowance for the Chair and Vice Chair of the Policy Advisory Working Group that was appointed at Full Council 13 July 2022 be introduced, as per appendix 2. · the allowance for Leader of the Opposition be increased in line with that of a Cabinet Member without a portfolio, as per appendix 2. · a new allowance be introduced for the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, as per appendix 2. · the two Business Manager roles and allowances be removed. · there be an increase in the Outside Bodies allowance for the Police and Crime Panel in line with the Health Lead and Chair of Broxtowe Partnership Health Task Group, as per appendix 2. · that the changes in allowances be back dated to 1 September 2022.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 30 September 2022 Independent Remuneration Panel
The Councillors considered the proposals from the Independent Remuneration Panel which had met on 30 September 2022. It was noted that the proposed changes to member’s allowances ensured that anomalies left from previous schemes were tackled and that Councillors were rewarded for taking on additional responsibilities.
The Business Manager role and payments for childcare were also discussed.
RESOLVED that: · the allowance for the Chairs of Planning and Licensing Committee be increased in line with that of a Cabinet Member with a portfolio. · the Vice Chair’s allowance for Planning, Licensing and Governance, Audit and Standards Committee be increased. · the allowance for the Chair of Governance, Audit and Standards Committee be increased in line with a Cabinet Member with no portfolio. · the allowances for the Members of the Licensing Committee with the exception of Chair and Vice Chair be removed. · allowances for separate Scrutiny Committees be removed, as only one Overview and Scrutiny Committee with a Chair and two Vice Chairs was appointed. · allowances in the form of a one off payment of £300 for the Chair and £100 for the Vice Chair of the working groups appointed from Overview and Scrutiny Committee. These roles are suggested to rotate depending on the topics chosen. · the Policy Advisory Committee be removed. · an allowance for the Chair and Vice Chair of the Policy Advisory Working Group that was appointed at Full Council 13 July 2022 be introduced, as per appendix 2. · the allowance for Leader of the Opposition be increased in line with that of a Cabinet Member without a portfolio, as per appendix 2. · a new allowance be introduced for the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, as per appendix 2. · the two Business Manager roles and allowances be removed. · there be an increase in the Outside Bodies allowance for the Police and Crime Panel in line with the Health Lead and Chair of Broxtowe Partnership Health Task Group, as per appendix 2. · that the changes in allowances be back dated to 1 September 2022.
To update Council on the progress of the Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham, and Nottinghamshire Devolution programme. Additional documents: Minutes: Council noted the report with particular reference to the following:
1. The progress to date on the devolution and joint working programme, including the announcement of a ‘level 3’ deal offer from Government on 30 August 2022.
2. The requirement for a formal public consultation process scheduled to take place over winter 2022.
3. The proposed formation of an East Midlands Mayoral Combined County Authority with a new elected Mayor, with elections expected to take place in Spring 2024. |
TOTON AND CHETWYND BARRACKS STRATEGIC MASTERPLAN SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENT PDF 879 KB To seek the resolution of Council to adopt the amended Toton and Chetwynd Barracks Strategic Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document.
Appendix 3 – The Consultation Statement and Appendix 4 - The Toton and Chetwynd Barracks Strategic Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document are circulated as supplements to this agenda.
Additional documents:
Minutes: There was concern that the amended Toton and Chetwynd Barracks Strategic Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) did not take into account the uncertainty around highways or the proposed enterprise zone for Toton. It was also noted that the Neighbourhood Forum needed to be re-engaged with the process.
It was proposed by Councillor M Radulovic MBE and seconded by Councillor S J Carr that the Toton and Chetwynd Barracks Strategic Masterplan SPD be referred to Cabinet for agreement issues including highways, the enterprise zone and the Neighbourhood Forum. Once agreed it would be brought back to Council. On being put to the meeting the motion was carried.
RESOLVED that the Toton and Chetwynd Barracks Strategic Masterplan SPD be referred to Cabinet for agreement on issues including highways, the enterprise zone and the Neighbourhood Forum. Once agreed it would be brought back to Council.
PUBLIC QUESTIONS Minutes: There were no public questions. |
PORTFOLIO HOLDERS REPORTS To receive reports from Cabinet Portfolio Holders and to receive questions and answers on the reports should there be any. |
Report of the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Personnel Policy PDF 218 KB Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Resources and Personnel Policy presented his report, noting the particular pressures on the Council’s finances from the cost of living crisis and inflation.
Responses to comments included: · Budget - concern that there was a substantial gap in the budget. It was noted that there was a potential budget gap of £2.1million in the Medium Term Financial Strategy, based on an assumption that there would be no financial settlement from central government. It was considered that revenue savings and additional income could be used to close the budget gap. · Budget consultation – it was asked what was considered a good level of response. The meeting noted that the aim was to increase on last year’s figures of between 650 and 700 responses. |
Report of the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management PDF 238 KB Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management presented his report. Responses to comments included:
· Appeals statistics – there was a request that Planning Committee agendas include appeal statistics for appeals against major developments that had been lost by the Council. · Green Belt – there was concern about reports for proposals to release Green Belt land at Nuthall for development. It was noted that this was not in the Preferred Options Approach that had been agreed at the Joint Planning Advisory Board. It was further noted that the Preferred Options Approach would go out to public consultation later this year. · Contaminated land – there was a discussion about a possibility there was contaminated land behind Newton’s Lane, Cossall. |
Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing PDF 221 KB Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Housing presented his report. Responses to comments included:
· Fish Pond Cottage – there was concern that the project had not progressed. It was noted that this was due to the cost of the project increasing by over £400,000.
Report of the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Health PDF 269 KB Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Health presented his report with particular reference to Kimberley School taking over the running of the gym and swimming pool at Kimberley Leisure Centre. |
Report of the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change PDF 274 KB Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change presented her report with particular reference to new rules on the disposal of food waste and furniture containing persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Responses to comments included:
· Litter – there was concern about the Cossall Road car park near Trowell, which had previously been locked at night and there was evidence of anti-social behaviour, drugs paraphernalia and litter. The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management noted that car parks were under his remit and that the matter would be looked into. · Green Events – it was noted that these events had allowed residents and stall holders to share ideas and had improved engagement. · Community Litter Picks – there was a discussion regarding the Council’s role in tidying up after residents. It was considered that the litter picks improved community spirit and set a good example.
Councillor P D Simpson left the meeting after this item and did not participate any further.
Report of the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety PDF 167 KB Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Community Safety presented his report, with particular reference to ASB in Beeston. Responses to comments included:
· Food inspections – it was noted that all new registrations were being inspected within 28 days and that good progress was being made on the food hygiene inspections backlog. · ASB in Beeston – improvements were noted by the meeting, though there was concern that reports to Police could only be acted upon when residents were willing to give statements. |
REPORT ON SCRUTINY MATTERS The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee will give a report to full Council and answer questions on Scrutiny matters. Minutes: The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee gave an update on the topics currently being reviewed. It was requested that Councillors and members of the public submit ideas for scrutiny reviews. |
PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS Minutes: There were no petitions to be presented. |
ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS The Local Government Act 1972 states that when a Councillor fails to attend any meeting for six consecutive months from the date of their last attendance, then, subject to certain exceptions, they cease to be a Member of the authority, unless the Council accepts a reason for the failure to attend before the six months expires. Councillor Eileen Atherton is currently unable to attend Council meetings and in the circumstances, it is put before Members to consider a dispensation under Section 85 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972 for the period of six months from 12 October 2022 before which forfeiture applies.
Council is asked to CONSIDER a dispensation for Councillor Eileen Atherton for a period of six months from the date of this meeting and RESOLVE accordingly.
Minutes: It was noted that Councillor E H Atherton was currently unable to attend Council meetings.
RESOLVED that a dispensation be given for Councillor E H Atherton for a period of six months from the date of this meeting. |
APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES AND WORKING GROUPS Council is asked to RESOLVE that a member of the Conservative Group be appointed to the following Committees:
· Licensing and Appeals · Governance, Audit and Standards (substitute) Minutes: Councillor R I Jackson proposed that Councillor J C Goold be appointed to Licensing and Appeals Committee, and that Councillor P J Owen be appointed to Governance, Audit and Standards, with H G Khaled as a substitute.
RESOLVED that the appointments to Committees be approved. |
AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION The Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) for Local Authority Chief Executives has recently revised the Conditions of Service Handbook. The revisions state that any potential disciplinary procedure relating to the JNC should include arrangements for a politically balanced Appeals Committee of, at most, five members. The remit of the Appeals Committee would be to consider appeals against disciplinary sanctions short of dismissal. It is proposed that the responsibilities for the Committee be added to those of the Licensing and Appeals Committee, in order for arrangements to be in place should the Appeals Committee need to be utilised.
Council is asked to RESOLVE that the arrangements for a JNC Appeals Committee be incorporated into the terms of reference for the Licensing and Appeals Committee and the Constitution be amended accordingly. Minutes: It was noted that the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) for Local Authority Chief Executives had reviewed the Conditions of Service Handbook to state that any potential disciplinary procedure relating to the JNC should include arrangements for a politically balanced Appeals Committee of, at most, five members. The remit of the Appeals Committee would be to consider appeals against disciplinary sanctions short of dismissal.
It was proposed that these responsibilities be given to the Licensing and Appeals Committee.
RESOLVED that the arrangements for a JNC Appeals Committee be incorporated in to the terms of reference for the Licensing and Appeals Committee and the Constitution be amended accordingly. |
MEMBERS' SPEECHES ON WARD ISSUES Minutes: There were no member’s speeches on ward issues. |
QUESTIONS ON OUTSIDE BODIES Minutes: There were no questions on outside bodies. |
MEMBERS' QUESTIONS Minutes: There were no member questions. |