Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 9 October 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston NG9 1AB

Contact: Email: 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D Bagshaw, S A Bagshaw, B C Carr, S J Carr, H L Crosby, K A Harlow and K Woodhead.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 400 KB

Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda.

Additional documents:


Councillor R D MacRae declared an other-registerable interest in item 8.5 due to the nature of his daughter’s employment, minute number 48.1 refers.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 449 KB

Council is asked to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2024.


The minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2024 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor gave a brief résumé of her engagements since the previous Council meeting.



Leader's Report

To receive a report from the Leader and to receive questions and answers on the report should there be any.


The Leader stated that the Premier League, the Football Association and the Football Foundation recently confirmed anadditional £1.4 million grant to support the new Hickings Lane in Stapleford.The grant would help to create two 3G pitches, one small-sized and one full-sized, and was in addition to over £7m already being invested in the new community pavilion from the Government’s Towns Fund. The new base is to be the location for the first Steven Gerrard academy outside the North West. This additional investment was the result of painstaking partnership working by the Economic Development Section and was a tremendous achievement.


Since the last Council meeting, Raleigh had established their new presence in Durban House, which was refurbished extremely promptly in response to a very demanding time schedule. It was a great achievement to secure the continuing presence of this iconic brand in Broxtowe, entirely through the initiative and action taken by the Economic Development Section.


The plans to implement the Kimberley levelling up bid had taken another step forward with the submission of a planning application for new industrial units. The Town Centre Grants Programme in Kimberley had also been well received. The Leader stated that he met with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government minister, Alex Norris MP, recently to brief him on the levelling up bid for Kimberley and to encourage him to ensure that the full funding committed to levelling up and towns fund schemes would be made available so that all the plans could be fully implemented.


Public Questions


The following question was submitted by Ilana Parrwood, a resident of the Borough, for the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change:


"The science is clear that meat and dairy are major contributors to the climate and ecological emergencies. Other councils, for example Nottingham City, Oxfordshire County, Oxford City, Cambridge City, and Calderdale Borough, are ensuring that all food served at internal events is plant-based, and I’d like Broxtowe to do the same. Therefore, my question is, given the climate emergency and Broxtowe’s stated aim to reduce their emissions and be net zero by 2027, will Broxtowe Borough Council ensure that all food and drink provided at internal events is plant-based, as other councils have done?  This is the logical and necessary next step after having declared a climate emergency and signals a clear intent to protect nature and reverse biodiversity decline."


In response, the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change thanked Ms Parwood for her question and stated there were very few buffets ordered at this Council and generally the attitude was to encourage rather than to enforce. The Council had shown its commitment to the reduction in emissions which included the Green Rewards Scheme and the encouragement of serving vegetable based meals.



Portfolio Holder Reports


Portfolio report for Resources and Personnel Policy pdf icon PDF 243 KB


The Portfolio Holder for Resources and Personnel Policy presented his report. Responses to comments included stating that the number of missed calls that come into the Council were not yet satisfactory but it should be remembered that performance was good when considering the amount of calls that are handled by the Council.


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Health pdf icon PDF 231 KB


The Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Health presented her report and in relation to a question about provision in the north of the Borough, the Portfolio Holder stated that it was Kimberley School that was responsible for the closure of the swimming pool and not the Borough Council.



Report of the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change pdf icon PDF 235 KB


The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change presented her report and responses to questions included stating that the Council was working with students on recycling rates and student ambassadors were passing on their knowledge to younger students. Further responses included that there was not, as yet, a timetable for the refresh of the Blue/Green Infrastructure and work would be undertaken with Nottinghamshire County Council in relation to footpaths.



Report of the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management pdf icon PDF 268 KB


The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management addressed the meeting. Responses to comments included stating that the Bennerley project, being part of a wider scheme, had to be mindful of the surrounding area. Any jobs would have to be met by the Council’s vision for the environment.


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety pdf icon PDF 245 KB


The Portfolio Holder for Community Safety presented her report. Responses to questions included that it was important for all Members and residents to report cases of anti-social behaviour, and Members would be informed of future events in relation to the work of the Night Angels.


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing pdf icon PDF 215 KB


The Portfolio Holder for Housing presented her report. Responses to questions included that information on tenant engagement was in the newsletters distributed to Members, however, the Portfolio Holder would share information when the next visit to Independent Living areas in Trowell were held.





Governance,Audit and Standards Committee


Bramcote Bereavement Services Joint Committee Agreement pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Governance, Audit and Standards Committee

22 July 2024


The Committee considered the updates to the Agreement in respect of the Bramcote Bereavement Services Joint Committee.


RECOMMENDED to the respective Councils that the revised Agreement be approved and that the consequential changes to the Constitution be made.




Additional documents:


An Agreement was made between the two constituent Councils in 1977 for the provision, operation, maintenance and management of the Crematorium. This was revised in July 2001 to recognise the change to executive responsibilities for the Joint Committee.


The Joint Committee meeting of 20 January 2005 considered a report on Corporate Governance and resolved that appropriate scrutiny arrangements be implemented by the constituent Councils and that the delegation arrangements and Agreement be reviewed. The Agreement was last amended in September 2006. Due to the passage of time since the last review it is considered necessary to review and amend the Agreement further to accommodate the current legislative requirements and reflect operational practices.


Erewash Borough Council was due to consider the Agreement at a meeting of its Executive prior to a full Council meeting on 31 October 2024.


RESOLVED that the revised Agreement be approved and that the consequential changes to the Constitution be made, subject to the constituent approval at the Erewash Borough Council meeting on 31 October 2024.



This review has taken place to ensure the Joint Committee continues to operate with a sound governance structure that fairly apportions the risk and reward of operating the Crematorium site. The review has incorporated changes in legislation and reflects current operational practices.


Deputy Portfolio Holders pdf icon PDF 132 KB

Governance, Audit and Standards Committee

23 September 2024


Following a recommendation made at the Cabinet meeting held on 3 September 2024, the Committee was informed of the Leader’s intention to allow for the appointment of Deputy Portfolio Holders, as necessary, following an amendment to the Constitution.


RECOMMENDED to full Council, to allow the Leader to appoint Deputy Portfolio Holders as appropriate to undertake functions such as those set out in in the report.



The appointment of Deputy Portfolio Holders would allow for Cabinet members to have contingency for responsibilities following the added responsibility for the current Portfolio Holders.



Members were informed that the Constitution allows the Leader to appoint Portfolio Holders but was currently silent on the appointment of Deputy Portfolio Holders. The Leader of the Council had stated his intention to allow for the appointment of Deputy Portfolio Holders, which would necessitate an amendment to the Constitution.


RESOLVED that the Constitution be amended to allow the Leader of the Council to appoint Deputy Portfolio Holders as appropriate to undertake functions such as those set out in the report.



The appointment of Deputy Portfolio Holders will assist with reporting procedures.


Licensing and Appeals Committee


Modernisation of Conditions to be Attached to Licences Issued for Premises Provided Massage, Special Treatments, Laser Treatments, Tanning and Sauna Services - Result of public consultation pdf icon PDF 27 KB

Licensing and Appeals Committee

10 September 2024


Members were updated with the response from the public consultation on the draft conditions to be attached to licences issued for premises providing massage, special treatments, laser treatments, tanning and sauna services under the Nottinghamshire County Council Act 1985.


RECOMMENDED to full Council that the conditions be approved for adoption, to give licence holders fair notice and opportunity to meet the standards which will be introduced on 1 January 2025.

Additional documents:


Members were advised of the response to the public consultation on the draft conditions to be attached to licences issued under Nottinghamshire County Council Act 1985.


RESOLVED that the conditions be approved for adoption. To give licence holders fair notice and opportunity to meet the new standards, the new standards will be introduced on 1 January 2025.



These conditions derive from the Nottinghamshire County Council Act 1985 (Part IV). This is applicable to all the relevant licensing authorities in Nottinghamshire and is to ensure a high safety standard across the board and to ensure consistency.



Review of the Gambling Act Statement of Principles 2025-2027 pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Licensing and Appeals Committee

10 September 2024


Members were advised of the response to the consultation on the Council’s draft revised Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles for 2025-2027. The Committee noted a number of comments that had been received following the consultation and agreed for the recommendations from GamCare within Appendix 1 to be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


RECOMMENDED to full Council that the Statement of Principles be approved for adoption for publication on 3 January 2025 and implementation on 31 January 2025.


Additional documents:


Members were advised of the response to the consultation on the Council’s draft revised Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles for 2025-2027.


RESOLVED that the Statement of Principles be approved for adoption for publication on 3 January 2025 and implementation on 31 January 2025 by full Council on 11 December 2024.



The statement of licensing policy must be reviewed and if necessary revised every three years with the Statement of Licensing Policy then being published.



Update on Scrutiny Matters

The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee will give an update to full Council and answer questions on Scrutiny matters.


The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee updated the Council as to the work of the Committee since the last Council meeting.




The following motion has been submitted by Councilor P J Owen on behalf of the Conservative Group:


“This Council notes:


The Labour Government recent decision to restrict Winter Fuel Payment to only pensioners in receipt of means-tested benefits like Pension Credit as announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Council resolves to:


(1)   Bring forward a Council-led local awareness campaign to alert those eligible for Pension Credit to help them access the Winter Fuel Payment.


(2)   Request that the Leader of the Council write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer urging a review of the decision to means-test the Winter Fuel Payment and asking the Government to ensure that vulnerable pensioners, particularly those who do not claim pension credit are protected from fuel poverty.


(3)   Commit the Council to signing the 'Save the Winter Fuel Payment for Struggling Pensioners' being run by Age UK and urge all members to individually sign the petition.


(4)   Encourage local efforts to promote Pension Credit uptake through council services and partnerships with local charities and community organisations to ensure that all eligible pensioners in the Broxtowe Borough Council area are supported in claiming their entitlement.






The following motion was proposed by Councillor P J Owen and seconded by Councillor D D Pringle:


“This Council notes:


The Labour Government’s recent decision to restrict Winter Fuel Payment to only pensioners in receipt of means-tested benefits like Pension Credit as announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.


This Council resolves to:


1.       Bring forward a Council-led local awareness campaign to alert those eligible for Pension Credit to help them access the Winter Fuel Payment.

2.       Request that the Leader of the Council write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer urging a review of the decision to means-test the Winter Fuel Payment and asking the Government to ensure that vulnerable pensioners, particularly those who do not claim pension credit are protected from fuel poverty.

3.       Commit the Council to signing the 'Save the Winter Fuel Payment for Struggling Pensioners' being run by Age UK and urge all members to individually sign the petition.

4.       Encourage local efforts to promote Pension Credit uptake through council services and partnerships with local charities and community organisations to ensure that all eligible pensioners in the Broxtowe Borough Council area are supported in claiming their entitlement.”


An amendment was proposed by Councillor M Radulovic MBE and seconded by Councillor G Marshall that the suggested wording be amended to replace the words ‘bring forward’ in the first paragraph with the word ‘continue’, and the word ‘urging’ with the words ‘formally requesting’ in the second paragraph. Councillor P J Owen and Councillor D D Pringle who had seconded the motion, accepted the proposal.


The amended motion was as follows:


“This Council notes:


The Labour Government’s recent decision to restrict Winter Fuel Payment to only pensioners in receipt of means-tested benefits like Pension Credit as announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.


This Council resolves to:


1.       Continue a Council-led local awareness campaign to alert those eligible for Pension Credit to help them access the Winter Fuel Payment.

2.       Request that the Leader of the Council write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer formally requesting a review of the decision to means-test the Winter Fuel Payment and asking the Government to ensure that vulnerable pensioners, particularly those who do not claim pension credit are protected from fuel poverty.

3.       Commit the Council to signing the 'Save the Winter Fuel Payment for Struggling Pensioners' being run by Age UK and urge all members to individually sign the petition.

4.       Encourage local efforts to promote Pension Credit uptake through council services and partnerships with local charities and community organisations to ensure that all eligible pensioners in the Broxtowe Borough Council area are supported in claiming their entitlement.”


A recorded vote was requested and the voting was as follows:


For                         Against                   Abstain


P Bales                                                 C M Tideswell

L A Ball BEM

R E Bofinger          

M Brown                

R Bullock               

G Bunn                  

C Carr                   

A Cooper

T A Cullen

S Dannheimer

H J Faccio

G S Hills

S P Jeremiah

S Kerry

H G Khaled MBE

A Kingdon

H Land

D L  ...  view the full minutes text for item 50.


Youth Mayor's Report on Broxtowe Youth Voice Activities


The Youth Mayor, Libby Bales, updated Members and stated that she had attended events such as the D H Lawrence Awards, play days, the Green Festival at Eastwood, Stapleford by the Sea and the Wonderful Women of Broxtowe.


Members' Speeches on Ward Issues


Councillor A G W A Stockwell updated the Council on issues in relation to the ward of Greasley.


Questions on Outside Bodies


There were no questions in relation to Outside Bodies.


Members' Questions


The following question had been submitted by Councillor A Kingdon for the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change:


“Japanese Knotweed has spread from private premises onto the Sandy Lane/Alexandrina Plantation Nature Reserve. Can the Council please reassure Members and residents in Bramcote/Beeston North by committing to a survey to determine the extent of the affected area so that an action plan for removal of this infestation can be developed.”


The Portfolio Holder responded by stating that the Japanese Knotweed had not srayed into the Nature Reserve but it was the responsibility of all to remain vigilant and act on the Knotweed if it appears.


Councillor Kingdon requested that a further visit be made to the Nature Reserve.


Appointments to Committees, Working Groups and Outside Bodies.

Members are asked to RESOLVE that Councillor P Smith be appointed to The Attenborough Nature Reserve Steering Group as an Outside Body.


There were no updates to Committees, Working Groups and Outside Bodies.