Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston NG9 1AB
Contact: Email:
No. | Item | ||||
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies and to be notified of the attendance of substitutes. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors S A Bagshaw, A Cooper, G S Hills, S Kerry, D L MacRae, J W McGrath, W Mee, D D Pringle and E Williamson. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 400 KB Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors R E Bofinger, C Carr and S Dannheimer declared registerable interests in item14, as they are, or were proposed to be Board Members of Liberty Leisure Ltd, minute number 13 refers. |
Council is asked to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2024 were confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Mayor's Announcements Minutes: The Mayor presented the new Broxtowe Youth Mayor, Libby Bales with her chain of office. The new Youth Mayor addressed the Council and stated that she was looking forward to showcasing the region on behalf of the young people of Broxtowe. Members congratulated Libby on her appointment and stated the importance of the Youth Mayor role.
The Mayor gave a resume of her year in office and expressed thanks to her consort Poppy, her Chaplain, Council employees and fellow Council members for their valued assistance and support during the year.
The Mayor represented the Borough at 219 engagements and raised £22,150 for the Broxtowe Community Fund.
Vote of Thanks Minutes: A Vote of Thanks to the Mayor was proposed by Councillor G Marshall, seconded by Councillor L A Ball and carried upon being put to the vote. |
Election of Mayor Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor R E Bofinger and seconded by Councillor P J Owen that Councillor S Paterson be elected as Mayor of the Borough for the ensuing year.
RESOLVED that Councillor S Paterson be elected Mayor of the Borough 2024/25.
Councillor S Paterson having signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, thanked the Council for having elected her Mayor of the Borough. Councillor Paterson stated she would be supporting the Helpful Bureau during her year in office and raising awareness for the Broxtowe Community Fund and Dystonia UK.
Appointment of Deputy Mayor Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor M Radulovic MBE and seconded by Councillors M Brown, S J Carr and K Woodhead that Councillor R Bullock be appointed Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the ensuing year.
RESOLVED that Councillor R Bullock be appointed Deputy Mayor of the Borough 2024/25.
Councillor R Bullock having signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office thanked the Council for having appointed him Deputy Mayor of the Borough.
Appointments to Cabinet and Committees of Cabinet To note appointments to the Cabinet and Committees of the Cabinet by the Leader in accordance with the schedule to be laid before the Meeting. Minutes: Members noted the appointments to the Cabinet and Committees of the Cabinet by the Leader in accordance with the schedule laid before the meeting.
M Radulovic MBE (Chair) - Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management G Marshall (Vice Chair) - Portfolio Holder for Resources and Personnel Policy H E Skinner - Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change V C Smith - Portfolio for Housing H J Faccio - Portfolio Holder for Community Safety C Carr - Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Health R E Bofinger P A Smith S A Bagshaw J W McGrath
Policy Overview Working Group
G. Bunn (Chair) Substitutes 1. M Radulovic MBE A Cooper (Vice-Chair) 2. G Marshall R.S Falvey 3. S A Bagshaw P.J Bales 4. V C Smith S. Paterson 5. H J Faccio R Bullock 6. H E Skinner D Bagshaw 7.C Carr J W McGrath 8. P A Smith
D D Pringle G S Hills M Brown
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
R D Macrae Substitutes 1. S J Carr D L Macrae 2. D K Watts
Events, Arts, Culture and Heritage Working Group
T Cullen (Chair) S Paterson G Bunn W Mee S Dannheimer K Harlow K Woodward E Winfield
Independent and Liberal Democrat Group
E Williamson (Vice-Chair) D L MacRae
H G Khaled MBE S Kerry A W G A Stockwell
Shared Prosperity Fund Members Advisory Panel (UKSPF Panel)
M Radulovic MBE (Chair) G Marshall (Vice-Chair) S A Bagshaw
Independent /Liberal Democrat Group
B C Carr
P J Owen
Recognition of Political Leaders The Council is requested to note the Members chosen as Leader and Deputy Leader of the Opposition and the Leaders and Deputy Leaders of any other group. Minutes: It was noted that Councillor M Radulovic MBE was the Leader of the Labour Group and Councillor G Marshall was Deputy Leader. Councillor P J Owen was Leader of the Conservative Group with Councillor D D Pringle as the Deputy Leader. Councillor R D MacRae was the Leader of the Broxtowe Independent Group with Councillor with Councillor E Williamson as the Deputy Leader, and Councillor D K Watts as the Leader of the Liberal-Democrat Group and Councillor H Land as the Deputy Leader.
Arrangements for the Discharge of Functions 1. Appointments to Committees/Overview & Scrutiny Committee/etc.
To make appointments in accordance with the schedule to be laid before the meeting.
2. The Council is asked to NOTE that either the Leader of the Council or another Councillor being their nominated representative, and either the Leader of the Opposition or another Councillor being their nominated representative, have the right to attend any of the Council’s Committees, which are not scrutiny Committees, as ex-officio Members and to speak but not vote at it provided that such nominated representatives may not be in attendance at the same meeting as their respective Leaders, unless they have been appointed as a Member of that Committee or are acting as a substitute for a named Member. Minutes: Appointment to Committees/Overview &Scrutiny Committees
The Council noted that either the Leader of the Council or another Councillor being their nominated representative, and either the Leader of the opposition or another Councillor being their nominated representative, have the right to attend any of the Council’s Committees, which are not scrutiny committees, as ex-officio Members and to speak but not vote at it provided that such nominated representatives may not be in attendance at the same meeting as their respective leaders, unless they have been appointed as a Member of that Committee or are acting as a substitute for named Member.
D Bagshaw (Chair) Substitutes 1. R Bullock S Jeremiah (Vice Chair) 2. A Cooper G Marshall 3. S Webb R E Bofinger 4. K Woodhead H E Skinner 5. V C Smith G Bunn 6. W Mee P A Smith 7. S A Bagshaw P J Bales 8. S Paterson Conservative
L A Ball BEM Substitutes 1. H G Khaled MBE D D Pringle 2. J M Owen G S Hills 3. P J Owen Broxtowe Independent Group
S J Carr Substitute 1. E Williamson Liberal Democrat Group
D K Watts Substitute 1. H Land
Licensing & Appeals Committee Labour
R Bullock (Chair) S Webb (Vice-Chair) E Winfield A Cooper C M Tideswell T Cullen K Woodhead S Jeremiah Conservative
D D Pringle G S Hills S Kerry Broxtowe Independent Group
B C Carr
H Land
Overview & Scrutiny Committee Labour
S Dannheimer (Chair) E Winfield K A Harlow C M Tideswell T Marsh (Vice-Chair) S Webb K Woodhead Conservatives
J M Owen H L Crosby Broxtowe Independent Group
R D MacRae E Williamson (Vice-Chair) Liberal Democrat Group
H Land
Governance, Audit & Standards Committee
E Winfield (Vice Chair) Substitutes 1. P Smith P J Bales 2. K Woodhead R Bullock 3. C Carr G Bunn 4. S Dannheimer S Dannheimer 5. C M Tideswell K A Harlow 6. G Marshall W Mee S Webb Conservative
M Brown Substitute 1. P J Owen J M Owen G S Hills Broxtowe Independent Group
S J Carr (Chair) Substitute 1.B C Carr Liberal Democrat Group
A Kingdon Substitute 1.D K Watts
Advisory Shareholder Sub-Committee
S Jeremiah (Chair) Substitutes 1. K A Harlow W Mee (Vice-chair) 2. P J Bales S Webb
G S Hills
Broxtowe Independent Group
B C Carr Substitute 1. R D MacRae
Chief Officer Employment Committee
G Marshall(Chair) Substitutes 1. M Radulovic MBE V C Smith 2. H E Skinner K Woodhead H J Faccio
P J Owen Substitute 1. J M Owen D D Pringle
Broxtowe Independent Group
R D MacRae Substitute 1. S J Carr
Independent Members
Two Independent Persons to be appointed to the Committee solely in relation to disciplinary matters for statutory chief officers within the relevant Terms of Reference for the Senior Officer Employment Committee.
Local Joint Consultative Committee
R Bofinger G Marshall A Cooper E Winfield
Representation on Outside Bodies Minutes: RESOLVED that the appointment of representatives on outside bodies be as follows:
Body/Organisation Representation
Age Concern Eastwood Cllr R Bullock
Attenborough Nature Reserve Forum Cllr P A Smith Cllr T A Cullen Cllr H E Skinner
Beeston Consolidated Charity Cllr E Winfield Cllr H E Skinner
Beeston Rylands Community Centre Cllr S Webb Cllr S Dannheimer
Broxtowe Citizens Advice Bureau Cllr P A Smith
Canalside Heritage Centre Cllr V C Smith (sub Cllr R Bullock)
Chilwell Community Centre Cllr S Jeremiah Cllr H E Skinner Cllr C M Tideswell
Core City Board/Joint Leadership Board Cllr G Marshall
East Midlands Councils Cllr M Radulovic MBE or nominated representative
Museum Service Cllr K Woodhead
Eastwood Volunteer Bureau Management Cllr K Woodhead Committee
Frances Dixon and Catherine Gregory Charity Cllr D K Watts Cllr H Land
Greater Nottingham Groundwork Trust Cllr H E Skinner
Greenwood Partnership Board Cllr H E Skinner
Joint Planning Advisory Board Cllr M Radulovic MBE
Local Government Association Cllr M Radulovic MBE or nominated representative
Local Government Information Unit Cllr M Radulovic MBE
Nottingham Express Transit Development Board Cllr W Mee
Nottingham Playhouse Trust Cllr K A Harlow
Nottinghamshire Local Government Leaders Group Cllr M Radulovic MBE or nominated representative
United Charities of Abel Collins Cllr B C Carr
Health Scrutiny Lead Member Cllr C M Tideswell (sub Cllr E Winfield)
Sure Start Cllr H J Faccio Cllr C M Tideswell
Health and Wellbeing Board Cllr C M Tideswell
Notts Police and Crime Commissioner’s Panel Cllr H J Faccio (Sub Cllr T Cullen)
Armed Forces Champion Cllr M Radulovic MBE
Liberty Leisure Board Member Cllr R Bofinger Cllr C Carr Cllr S Dannheimer
Joint Waste and Recycling Committee Cllr H E Skinner
East Midlands Airport Consultative Committee Cllr P Smith or nominated representative
District Councils Network Cllr M Radulovic MBE or nominated representative
Refugee Steering Group Cllr E Winfield Cllr B C Carr Cllr H G Khaled
Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside Cllr W Mee London Joint Committee
Scheme of Delegation PDF 108 KB To agree the Scheme of Delegation. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered the Scheme of Delegation and agreed, in line with the Constitution that at the annual meeting of the Council, it should agree the Scheme of Delegations or such part of it as the Constitution determines it is for the Council to agree.
RESOLVED that the Scheme of Delegation be approved.
Amendments to the Liberty Leisure Ltd Board of Directors The Council is asked to NOTE the removal of Chris Laxton-Kane from the Directors of the Board of Liberty Leisure Limited and RESOLVE that Daniel Gammons, Business Development Manager, Liberty Leisure Limited, be appointed to the Board. Minutes: Members noted the removal of Mr Chris Laxton-Kane from the Liberty Leisure Ltd Board of Directors.
RESOLVED that Mr Daniel Gammons, Business Development Manager, Liberty Leisure Ltd, be appointed to the Board.
(Having declared registerable interests in the item, Councillors R E Bofinger, C Carr and S Dannheimer left the meeting before discussion or voting thereon.)
Committee Reports |
Amendments to the Constitution PDF 125 KB Governance Audit and Standards Committee – 18 March 2024 Amendments to the Constitution
The Committee considered amendments to the Constitution regarding Portfolio Holders’ Responsibilities in relation to the Council’s Complaints Service and note the position on members to the Planning Committee and Bramcote Bereavement Joint Services Committee
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO), in association with the Housing Ombudsman (HO), issued a draft Joint Complaint Handling Code in October 2023. The aim of the Code was to introduce consistency in the way that both bodies deal with complaints.
RECOMMENDED to Council that the amendments to the Terms of Reference within the Constitution for the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Personnel Policy be approved.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Governance, Audit and Standards Committee had considered amendments to the Constitution regarding Portfolio Holders’ Responsibilities in relation to the Council’s Complaints Service. The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman in association with the Housing Ombudsman issued a draft Joint Complaint Handling Code in October 2023. The aim of the Code was to introduce consistency in the way that both bodies deal with complaints.
RESOLVED that the amendments to the Terms of Reference within the Constitution for the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Personnel Policy be approved. |
Chetwynd: The Toton and Chilwell Neighbourhood Plan PDF 206 KB To 'make' (adopt) the Chetwynd: The Toton and Chilwell Neighbourhood Plan, following a successful referendum result on 2 May 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: Following an Independent Examination into the Chetwynd: The Toton and Chilwell Neighbourhood Plan, the Independent Examiner recommended that the Plan should proceed to referendum, subject to a number of recommended modifications. At its meeting of 6 February 2024, Cabinet resolved that the Chetwynd: The Toton and Chilwell Neighbourhood Plan, once amended as proposed, would meet the basic conditions and other relevant legislative requirements and should proceed to referendum. RESOLVED that: 1. Following the successful referendum on 2 May 2024, the Council ‘makes’ (adopts) the Chetwynd: The Toton and Chilwell Neighbourhood Plan. 2. Authority be given to issue a statement setting out this decision (the ‘Decision Statement’). |