Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 17 July 2019 7.00 pm

Venue: New Council Chamber, Town Hall, Foster Avenue, Beeston NG9 1AB

Contact: Email: 

No. Item



Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 141 KB

To approve as a correct record, the minutes of the Council meeting held on 15 May 2019.


The minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2019 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.




The Mayor gave a résumé of his engagements since the last Council meeting, which included his attendance at numerous engagements and a variety of fundraising events. The Mayor mentioned the recent the recent deaths of Betty Syson, Bill Wheatley and Audrey Kiddier, members and officers held a minute’s silence as a mark of respect.





The Youth Mayor, Will Mee, updated the meeting on the work of Broxtowe Youth Voice It was suggested that this may be the last meeting for the Youth Mayor and a number of members gave thanks for his term of office. It was suggested by the Deputy Leader that the Youth Mayor should be invited to attend the Health and Leisure Committee and the Environment and Climate Change Committee to increase the involvement of young people.





Councillor J P T Parker presented a petition which requested that lighting be provided Mansfield Road Recreation Ground and Car Park, Eastwood.




The Leader presented his report and thanked officers of the Communities team for their work in organising a very successful social event on 20 June to mark refugee week in the grounds of Oban House.Thanks were also given to members of the Civic team for working with the armed forces in organising the Freedom March on 29 June.


There would be support for people making the transition to universal credit, building on the partnerships which are already strong with the Citizen’s Advice Bureau and the Council would be looking to increase the payment options and practical support needed to help tenants and residents manage their finances to build on the recently introduced new staffing and software arrangements.


Members of all political parties had continued cross party support for Beeston Town Centre’s regeneration, and during the next four years, attention would be turned to Stapleford, Eastwood and Kimberley. All these towns need raised ambitions for the economic development and regeneration of their area, and we need to be able to attract resources to fulfil those plans.


The Council was about to embark on a process of consultation and engagement to develop a new four-year Corporate Plan. During September there would be a series of public meetings to engage the public in Stapleford, Eastwood, Kimberley, Chilwell and Brinsley as well as Beeston. Councillors and residents were encouraged to get involved.




To seek approval for amendments to the arrangements for the discharge of functions and the consequent changes to the Constitution.


Members considered a report which sought approval for amendments to the arrangements for the discharge of functions. It was requested that minutes from each committee are submitted to the ‘next suitable’ Council meeting to allow for comments and questions. Members’ Questions would therefore be limited to subjects that had not been discussed included within the minutes from previous committee meetings. A further Constitutional amendment would allow for the Leader of the Council or his nominated representative and either the Leader of the Opposition or another councillor being his nominated representative to have the right to attend any of the Council’s Committees and to speak but not vote.



1.       The relevant Committees be named as the Personnel Committee, the Leisure and Health Committee and Environment and Climate Change Committee.

2.       The amended terms of reference for the Council’s committees be approved.

3.       The amended Programme of Meetings be approved.

4.       The consequential amendments to the Constitution be approved

5.       The appointments to committees be approved in accordance with the schedule laid before the meeting.


Alcohol and Entertainments Licensing Committee




E H Atherton

E Cubley

R I Jackson

D D Pringle

P D Simpson




D Bagshaw (Chair)

T A Cullen

P Lally

J C Patrick


Liberal Democrat


B C Carr

D Grindell (Vice Chair)




R D MacRae



Community Safety Committee




L Fletcher

J C Goold

R I Jackson

S D Kerry

J P T Parker

P M Roberts-Thompson




D Bagshaw

P Lally (Chair)

CM Tideswell

R H Darby


Liberal Democrat


H Land

I L Tyler




R D MacRae (Vice Chair)



Environment and Climate Change Committee




L A Ball

S Easom

L Fletcher

R I Jackson

P M Roberts-Thompson

R D Willimott




H E Skinner (Chair)

P Lally

G Marshall

S A Bagshaw


Liberal Democrat


T Hallam

D K Watts (Vice Chair)




R D MacRae



Leisure and Health Committee




M J Crow

S Easom

S D Kerry

H G Khaled MBE

J P T Parker

P D Simpson




D Bagshaw (Vice Chair)

P Lally

G Marshall

S A Bagshaw


Liberal Democrat


H Land

I L Tyler (Chair)




R D MacRae



Finance and Resources Committee




E Cubley

S Easom

E Kerry

P J Owen

P M Roberts-Thompson

P D Simpson




D A Elliott

S A Bagshaw

P Lally

G Marshall (Chair)

Liberal Democrat


B C Carr

S J Carr (Vice Chair)




E Williamson



Governance, Audit and Standards Committee




E Cubley

M Handley

H G Khaled MBE

J M Owen

J P T Parker

P D Simpson




R H Darby

D A Elliott (Vice Chair)

M Radulovic MBE

M Hannah


Liberal Democrat


I L Tyler

D K Watts




E Williamson (Chair)



Housing Committee




L A Ball

J C Goold

E Kerry

H G Khaled MBE

J M Owen

J P T Parker




T A Cullen (Chair)

H E Skinner

J W McGrath

S A Bagshaw


Liberal Democrat


B C Carr (Vice Chair)

T  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.



To appoint representatives on outside bodies in accordance with the schedule to be laid before the meeting.








RESOLVED that the appointment of representatives on outside bodies be as follows:







Age Concern, Chilwell


Cllr H E Skinner

Cllr C Tideswell



Age Concern, Eastwood


Cllr S A Bagshaw


Attenborough Nature Reserve Visitor Centre


Cllr S J Carr

Cllr T A Cullen

Cllr H E Skinner



Beeston Consolidated Charity

Cllr J C Patrick

Cllr H E Skinner



Beeston Rylands Community Centre

Cllr T A Cullen

Cllr D A Elliott



Bramcote Consolidated Charities

Cllr H Land

Cllr I L Tyler

Cllr D K Watts



Broxtowe Citizens Advice Bureau


Cllr J C Patrick


Broxtowe Wildlife Forum


Cllr D Grindell


Campaign to Protect Rural

England (Notts) Branch Executive Committee


Cllr D K Watts


Canalside Heritage Centre

Cllr T A Cullen



Core City Board/Joint Leadership Board

Cllr R S Robinson



East Midlands Councils

Cllr M Radulovic MBE or nominated representative



East Midlands Museum Service


Cllr R H Darby


Eastwood Volunteer Bureau Management Committee


Cllr A Harper


Francis Dixon and Catherine Gregory Charity

Cllr I L Tyler

Cllr H Land



Greater Nottingham Groundwork Trust


Cllr S J Carr


Greenwood Partnership Board


Cllr H E Skinner


Joint Planning Advisory Board

Cllr D K Watts



Local Government Association

Cllr M Radulovic MBE or nominated representative



Local Government Information Unit


Cllr M Radulovic MBE



Nottingham Express Transit Development Board


Cllr R S Robinson


Nottingham Playhouse Trust


Cllr T Hallam


Nottinghamshire Local Government Leaders Group

Cllr M Radulovic MBE or nominated representative





Cllr R H Darby


United Charities of Abel Collins


Cllr B C Carr



Health Scrutiny - Lead Member


Cllr H Land



Sure Start


Cllr B C Carr

Cllr C Tideswell



Health and Wellbeing Board


Cllr C Tideswell


Notts Police and Crime Commissioner’s Panel


Cllr R D MacRae


Armed Forces Champion


Cllr M Radulovic MBE


Liberty Leisure Board Member


Cllr I L Tyler


Joint Waste and Recycling Committee


Cllr H E Skinner





The following question had been submitted by Mrs Lyn Harley for the Chair of the Finance and Resources Committee:


“Parish and Town councils have now lost what little grant they got from Broxtowe Council.Unlike non-parished areas, Christmas lights are paid for by parish/town council precept payers. In light (as it were), of this extra financial burden, would the council please consider offering some financial aid in order to ameliorate some of this extra expenditure placed upon Parish and Town councils?”


The Chair responded that any request for grant funding in support of specific projects or services should be processed through the agreed protocol for the consideration of grant aid requests from parish and town councils.  Any request for funding would need to be considered by the Finance and Resources Committee. Furthermore, the new administration wanted to have community based funds in order to devolve responsibility to local residents.





The following question had been submitted by Mr Graham Lockwood for the Chair of the Jobs and Economy Committee:


“Following the HS2 environmental study, we now know that serious damage will occur to those parts of Broxtowe affected by the HS2 works.  Serious harm will also be felt by businesses and residents as the construction works, and road modifications, will cause chaos across the borough.


I would like to ask Broxtowe Council to fully support the construction of a tunnel to take the line underground, and avoid the destruction and chaos that an over ground route will cause. If this is agreed I would urge the council to work with other interested groups, and enthusiastically lobby HS2 and government in order to achieve this desired objective.”


The Chair responded that HS2 were consulting on a number of design options for the HS2 line and this would be considered by the Council’s Jobs and Economy Committee on 5 September. The consultation related in part to a tunnel at Strelley, but not to tunnelling under the whole of the Borough. The merits of this would be considered by the Committee and the Council would have the option of suggesting further tunnelling options to HS2. Members of the public could respond directly to HS2 and the Chair encouraged them to do so. The consultation would run until 6 September 2019.


Following the response Councillor P J Owen moved that the matter raised by the question be referred to the appropriate committee, this was seconded by Councillor J M Owen. On being put the vote the motion was not passed as the voting was tied. The Leader of the Council stated that he would request that the Jobs and Economy Committee would consider the issues at its next meeting.






There were no members’ questions.




Councillor D D Pringle updated the meeting on issues concerning Awsworth, Cossall and Trowell in relation to the benefits of the construction of a tunnel for HS2.




There were no questions on Outside Bodies.




The following notice of motion had been received from Councillor S J Carr:

The Council is asked to resolve that Standing Orders be amended as follows:


a)            Amendment to recorded votes:


15.4. Recorded vote

If, before a vote is taken on any motion or recommendation, five members present at the meeting request the names for and against the motion or amendment or abstaining from voting will be taken down in writing and entered into the minutes. Unless in the case of Committees where a request by two members present will be sufficient to require a recorded vote to be taken.


Also insert the words "at any time". This will then read as;


15.4. Recorded vote

If five members present at the meeting at any time request the names for and against the motion or amendment or abstaining from voting will be taken down in writing and entered into the minutes. Unless in the case of Committees where a request by two members present will be sufficient to require a recorded vote to be taken.


b)            Amendment of the following in the following section Protocol for Public Speaking at Development Control Committee:


Note 1 to be amended as follows:

Any member may refer an application to the Development Control Committee for a decision. Such a member may speak but not vote on the application, unless they are a member of the committee. Additionally, ward councillors also

have the right to attend and speak but not to vote on an application for planning

consent for a matter affecting their ward. Speeches by members who have referred an application to committee and by ward members will be limited to five minutes’ duration. Any ward councillor having spoken to the committee will have the right to reply before the committee votes.



“The Council is asked to resolve that Standing Orders be amended as follows:


a)             Amendment to recorded votes:


15.4. Recorded vote

If, before a vote is taken on any motion or recommendation, five members present at the meeting request the names for and against the motion or amendment or abstaining from voting will be taken down in writing and entered into the minutes. Unless in the case of Committees where a request by two members present will be sufficient to require a recorded vote to be taken.


Also insert the words ‘at any time’. This will then read as:


15.4. Recorded vote

If five members present at the meeting at any time request the names for and against the motion or amendment or abstaining from voting will be taken down in writing and entered into the minutes. Unless in the case of Committees where a request by two members present will be sufficient to require a recorded vote to be taken.


b)         Amendment of the following in the following section Protocol for Public Speaking at Development Control Committee:


Note 1 to be amended as follows:

Any member may refer an application to the Development Control Committee for a decision. Such a member may speak but not vote on the application, unless they are a member of the committee. Additionally, ward councillors also have the right to attend and speak but not to vote on an application for planning consent for a matter affecting their ward. Speeches by members who have referred an application to committee and by ward members will be limited to five minutes’ duration. Any ward councillor having spoken to the committee will have the right to reply before the committee votes.”


An amendment was proposed by Councillor R I Jackson and seconded by Councillor P D Simpson the motion but considered by a cross party committee and returned to the next meeting of the Council.


The amendment, on being put to the meeting, was lost.


Members debated the substantive motion, which on being put to the meeting, was carried.



The following notice of motion had been received from Councillor H Skinner:

To that end, this council resolves to:


1.    Declare a "Climate Emergency" that requires urgent action.


2.    Produce a new Carbon Management Plan, which will include the setting of a net carbon neutral target for Broxtowe Borough Council by 2027.


3.    Ensure that political and chief officer leadership teams embed this work in all areas and take responsibility for reducing, as rapidly as possible, the carbon emissions resulting from the Council’s activities, ensuring that any recommendations are fully costed and that the Executive and Scrutiny functions review council activities taking account of production and consumption emissions and produce an action plan within 12 months, together with budget actions and a measured baseline.


4.    Integrate this commitment into the new Broxtowe Borough Council four-year Corporate plan which will be produced in the next few months.


5.    Request that the Council and partners take steps to proactively include young people in the process, ensuring that they have a voice in shaping the future


6.    Include an assessment of climate and sustainability impact in all relevant reports to committees.


7.    Ensure that all reports in preparation for the 2020/21 budget cycle and investment strategy will take into account the actions the council will take to address this emergency.


8.    Work with, influence and inspire partners across the district, county and region to help deliver this goal through all relevant strategies, plans and shared resources by developing a series of meetings, events and partner workshops.



“This Council resolves to:


1.    Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’ that requires urgent action.

2.    Produce a new Carbon Management Plan, which will include the setting of a net carbon neutral target for Broxtowe Borough Council by 2027.

3.    Ensure that political and chief officer leadership teams embed this work in all areas and take responsibility for reducing, as rapidly as possible, the carbon emissions resulting from the Council’s activities, ensuring that any recommendations are fully costed and that the Executive and Scrutiny functions review council activities taking account of production and consumption emissions and produce an action plan within 12 months, together with budget actions and a measured baseline.

4.    Integrate this commitment into the new Broxtowe Borough Council four-year Corporate plan which will be produced in the next few months.

5.    Request that the Council and partners take steps to proactively include young people in the process, ensuring that they have a voice in shaping the future.

6.    Include an assessment of climate and sustainability impact in all relevant reports to committees.

7.    Ensure that all reports in preparation for the 2020/21 budget cycle and investment strategy will take into account the actions the council will take to address this emergency.

8.    Work with, influence and inspire partners across the district, county and region to help deliver this goal through all relevant strategies, plans and shared resources by developing a series of meetings, events and partner workshops.”


An amendment was proposed by Councillor R I Jackson and seconded by Councillor P D Simpson that that the content of the motion be considered by the Environment and Climate Change Committee as a business item.


On being put to the meeting, the amendment was lost.


Members debated the original motion which, on being put to the meeting, was carried.










The following notice of motion had been received from Councillor M Radulovic MBE:

This Council:


a)     Expresses its thanks and support to the hard working employees of Broxtowe Borough Council for their continued commitment to provide high quality services for local people.

b)     Calls on Nottinghamshire County Council to formally and finally withdraw any plans to pursue plans for structural reform for local government in Nottinghamshire which have been an unsettling, costly and unwelcome diversion from the important task of serving local residents.



“This Council:


a)      Expresses its thanks and support to the hard working employees of Broxtowe Borough Council for their continued commitment to provide high quality services for local people.

b)      Calls on Nottinghamshire County Council to formally and finally withdraw any plans to pursue plans for structural reform for local government in Nottinghamshire which have been an unsettling, costly and unwelcome diversion from the important task of serving local residents.”


Members debated the motion and Councillor M Radulovic MBE called for a recorded vote, which was seconded by at least five other councillors. The voting was as follows:





B C Carr

L A Ball BEM

E H Atherton

S J Carr

M Brown

T A Cullen

M J Crow

R H Darby

E Cubley

D A Elliott

S Easom

D Grindell

L Fletcher

T Hallam


J C Goold

M Hannah


M Handley

L A Lally


R I Jackson

P Lally


E Kerry

H Land


S Kerry

R D Macrae


H G Khaled MBE

G Marshall


J M Owen

J W McGrath


P J Owen

J C Patrick


J Parker

M Radulovic MBE


D Pringle

R S Robinson


P Roberts-Thompson

H E Skinner


P D Simpson

C M Tideswell


R D Willimott

I L Tyler



D K Watts



E Williamson




On being put to the meeting the motion was carried.




The following notice of motion had been received from Councillor R I Jackson:

This Council notes the creation of two additional committees and further notes that at current rates this will cost the taxpayers of Broxtowe approximately £48,000 over the four-year life of this administration.


This Council resolves to adjust all special responsibility allowances to ensure that costs are met from the existing budget for members’ allowances so that £48,000 is spent on council services rather than being spent on members’ allowances.



“This Council notes the creation of two additional committees and further notes that at current rates this will cost the taxpayers of Broxtowe approximately £48,000 over the four-year life of this administration.


This Council resolves to adjust all special responsibility allowances to ensure that costs are met from the existing budget for members’ allowances so that £48,000 is spent on council services rather than being spent on members’ allowances.”

Members debated the motion and Councillor R I Jackson called for a recorded vote, which was seconded by at least five other councillors. The voting was as follows:





E H Atherton

B C Carr

M Brown

L A Ball BEM

S J Carr

R D Macrae

M J Crow

T A Cullen


E Cubley

R H Darby

S Easom

D A Elliott

L Fletcher

D Grindell


J C Goold

T Hallam

M Handley

M Hannah

R I Jackson

L A Lally

E Kerry

P Lally


S Kerry

H Land


H G Khaled MBE

G Marshall

J M Owen

J W McGrath


P J Owen

J C Patrick

J Parker

M Radulovic MBE

D Pringle

R S Robinson

P Roberts-Thompson

H E Skinner

P D Simpson

C M Tideswell

R D Willimott

I L Tyler

D K Watts

E Williamson


On being put to the meeting the motion was lost.










Housing Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 23 KB

Housing Committee

5 June 2019


In December 2018 Housing Committee approved the recommendations of the Social and Affordable Housing Need report. It was agreed that a phased delivery plan would be brought to a future meeting. 


Members considered a phased potential delivery plan for the next ten years, a potential new build delivery plan for phase 1 and the process by which this could be achieved, and were informed that any relevant decisions would be reported to the Committee.



1.         The approach to development outlined in the phased Housing Delivery Plan to deliver 230 homes over 10 years be approved.

2.         The embarkation on the process as set out in appendix 3 of the report through which the land identified in the Phase 1 Delivery Plan may in future be used for development of housing be approved.


RECOMMENDED to the Finance and Resources Committee to include £1,000,000 in the 2019/20 Capital Programme for the acquisition of properties for the Housing Revenue Account.


RECOMMENDED to Council that the Chief Executive be delegated the power to approve property acquisitions within the budget identified and land acquisitions up to £500,000 in consultation with the Chair of the Housing Committee.


Additional documents:


In December 2018 the Housing Committee approved the recommendations of the Social and Affordable Housing Need report. It was agreed that a phased delivery plan would be brought to a future meeting. Members considered the Housing Delivery Plan which had the joint aims of meeting social and affordable housing need. 


RESOLVED that the Chief Executive be delegated the power to approve property acquisitions within the budget identified and land acquisitions up to £500,000 in consultation with the Chair of the Housing Committee.


Capital Budget Variations 19-20 pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Finance and Resources Committee

11 July 2019


Due to the despatch of the Council agenda being on 9 July 2019 and the Finance and Resources Committee being held on 11 July 2019 Council will be updated at the meeting on the outcome of this item.


Members considered an in-depth analysis of the anticipated expenditure and accompanying financing of the Beeston Town Centre Phase 2 Development. This provided details of expenditure incurred in 2018/19 and current projections for the scheme over the following years.


RESOLVED that the budget in the 2019/20 capital programme for the Beeston Town Centre Phase 2 Development be increased by £1,000,000 to £3,553,850.