Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston NG9 1AB
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest. |
The Committee is asked to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2024 were confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
References |
Deputy Portfolio Holders Cabinet 3 September 2024
The Leader had stated an intention to allow for the appointment of Deputy Portfolio Holders, as necessary, following an amendment to the Constitution.
RECOMMENDED to the Governance, Audit and Standards Committee, and subsequently full Council, to allow the Leader to appoint Deputy Portfolio Holders as appropriate to undertake functions such as those set out in in the report.
Reason The appointment of Deputy Portfolio Holders would allow for Cabinet members to have contingency for responsibilities following the added responsibility for the current Portfolio Holders.
Minutes: The Committee were informed of the Leader’s intention to allow for the appointment of Deputy Portfolio Holders, as necessary, following an amendment to the Constitution.
Three Cabinet Members have been appointed to the East Midlands Combined County Authority Committees, two as substitutes and one as a full committee member. It is considered that the appointment of Councillor Bunn as Deputy Economic Development and Asset Management Portfolio Holder will assist with her role on the Jobs and Skills Committee through the reporting procedure.
It is further suggested that the appointment of a Deputy will assist the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management, Councillor Milan Radulovic MBE, whose role has grown recently to include the following:
· Board Membership of the East Midlands Combined County Authority · Representative of EM DEVCO ltd Oversight body until its closure · Membership of the Railways Growth Board and Economic Prosperity Committee · Chair of the Joint Planning Advisory Board · Oversight of the Stapleford New Town Deal, Kimberley LUF and UKSPF funding streams · Oversight of the Brinsley Headstocks, within Colliers Wood.
RESOLVED to allow the Leader to appoint Deputy Portfolio Holders as appropriate to undertake functions such as those set out in paragraph 3 below.
Interim Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places To inform the Committee of the arrangements for the interim review of polling districts and polling places which will begin on 30 September 2024. Minutes: The Committee noted the arrangements for the interim review of polling districts and polling places which will begin on 30 September 2024.
Local authorities are required to review their polling districts and polling places for UK parliamentary constituencies at least once every five years. The Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 dictates that a compulsory review of all polling districts and places must take place every five years.
The review would be carried out between 30 September 2024 and 28 October 2024. |
Audit of Accounts and Associated Matters To note the completion of the audit of the Statement of Accounts for 2022/23 and to receive the Forvis Mazars Indicative Audit Strategy Memorandum for the 2023/24 audit. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an update on the Auditors Annual Report for 2022/23 from Forvis Mazars following completion of the audit and noted the auditors Indicative Audit Strategy Memorandum for the Broxtowe Borough Council 2023/24 audit.
Forvis Mazars has not identified any significant weaknesses in the Council’s arrangements that would require it to make a recommendation. |
Going Concern Statement This report sets out the assessment by the designated Section 151 Officer of the Council’s Going Concern status.
Minutes: Members noted the assessment by the designated Section 151 Officer of the Council’s Going Concern status.
The financial outturn position 2023/24 showed an underspend against revised budget of £1.826m. As at 31 March 2024, the Council held General Fund revenue reserves of £6.060m. In addition, the Council held earmarked reserves of £1.405m to meet specific identified pressures, but which ultimately may be diverted to support general expenditure by the Section 151 Officer should the need arise.
Internal Audit Progress Report To inform the Committee of the recent work completed by Internal Audit. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the recent work completed by Internal Audit.
Internal Audit has also reviewed progress made by management in implementing agreed actions within six months of the completion of the respective audits. Where agreed actions to address significant internal control weaknesses have not been implemented this may have implications for the Council. |
Major Projects Governance Dashboard To provide the Committee with an update to the ‘Governance Dashboard’ relating to the Council’s major projects. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee were provided an update to the ‘Governance Dashboard’ relating to the Council’s major projects.
The Council currently has four major projects in progress, the Housing Delivery Plan, Stapleford Towns Fund, Kimberley Levelling Up Fund and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. |
Annual Counter Fraud Report To provide the Committee with the Annual Counter Fraud Report for 2023/24. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the Annual Counter Fraud Report for 2023/24.
It was reported that no successful fraudulent activity within the Council had been noted during the financial year 2023/24. |
Review of Strategic Risk Register To approve the amendments to the Strategic Risk Register and the action plans identified to mitigate risks. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee note the amendments to the Strategic Risk Register and the action plans identified to mitigate risks.
RESOLVED that the amendments to the Strategic Risk Register and the actions to mitigate risks as set out be approved.
Quarterly Complaint Report To provide Members with a summary of complaints made against the Council. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were provided with a summary of complaints made against the Council.
Overall, of the 107 Stage 1 complaints received, 22 were investigated under the Stage 2 complaints procedure and none were investigated by the LGO or HO. Under the Stage 2 complaints procedure, 13 complaints were not upheld, 9 complaints were upheld.
The Ombudsman did not investigate any of the complaints made against the Council in quarter 1. |
To consider items for inclusion in the Work Programme for future meetings. Minutes: The Committee considered the Work Programme.
RESOLVED that the Work Programme be approved. |