Venue: Microsoft Teams
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No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
The Committee is asked to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 2020. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 2020 were confirmed as a correct record. |
REPORT OF THE MONITORING OFFICER PDF 168 KB The Local Government Ombudsman has made a finding of injustice in respect of a property being offered a potential tenant, that was later withdrawn as it did not suit their medical needs.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the Monitoring Officer’s report. |
REPORT OF THE MONITORING OFFICER PDF 169 KB The Housing Ombudsman has made a finding of a service failure in respect of significant delays in damp repairs being undertaken. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the Monitoring Officer’s report.
AUDIT OF ACCOUNTS 2019/20 AND ASSOCIATED MATTERS PDF 216 KB To approve the letter of representation and the Statement of Accounts for the 2019/20 financial year and to receive the Audit Completion Report for the year ending 31 March 2020 from the Council’s external auditors following their work on the 2019/20 accounts.
The letter of representation, audit completion report and statement of accounts are circulated separately with this agenda.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered letter of representation and the process for the approval of the Statement of Accounts for the 2019/20 financial year and received an update on the Audit Completion Report for the year ending 31 March 2020 from the Council’s external auditors.
RESOLVED that: (i) the Statement of Accounts 2019/20 as circulated and the letter of representation as attached be approved and (ii) delegation be given to the Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer along with the Chair of this Committee to approve any further changes required to the Statement of Accounts 2019/20. |
ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT PDF 124 KB To present a revised Annual Governance Statement for consideration and to seek approval for its inclusion in the Council’s published Statement of Accounts 2019/20.
Minutes: |
INTERNAL AUDIT PROGRESS REPORT PDF 158 KB To inform the Committee of the recent work completed by Internal Audit.
Minutes: The Committee were informed of recent work completed by Internal Audit. It was noted that the level of performance in terms of audits completed is below what should have been achieved at this stage. The main impact has been from the Covid-19 pandemic and the urgency of diverting Internal Audit resources towards supporting other areas.
RESOLVED that revisions to the Internal Audit Plan for 2020/21, as set out in appendix 2 of the report, be approved. |
REVIEW OF STRATEGIC RISK REGISTER PDF 452 KB To recommend approval of amendments to the Strategic Risk Register and the action plans identified to mitigate risks. Minutes: The Committee considered amendments to the Strategic Risk Register and the action plans identified to mitigate risks.
RESOLVED that the amendments to the Strategic Risk Register and the actions to mitigate risks as set out in appendix 2 of the report, be approved. |
COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE PDF 185 KB To provide members with an update for the Council’s requirement to enhance its complaints procedure, following notification from the Housing Ombudsman. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee were updated on the Council’s requirement to enhance its complaints procedure, following notification from the Housing Ombudsman.
The Housing Ombudsman introduced a new complaint handling Code in July 2020, which was subsequently revised in September 2020. The new Code is a legal requirement for all landlords to adopt following the findings of the Grenfell White Paper report.
RESOLVED that the non-housing related complaints be administered in accordance with the Housing Ombudsman’s Code. |
REVIEW OF THE COUNCIL'S ARRANGEMENTS FOR DEALING WITH STANDARDS COMPLAINTS PDF 190 KB To update the Committee on the review of the arrangements for dealing with Code of Conduct complaints. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee were updated on the arrangements for dealing with Code of Conduct complaints. It was noted that the review would consult with other district and borough Councils to establish best practice and Members would be consulted.
RESOLVED that that a politically proportionate task and finish group be set up to review the arrangements for dealing with Code of Conduct Complaints and that the same task and finish group be set up to review the new National Code of Conduct. |
REVIEW OF WHISTLEBLOWING POLICY PDF 116 KB To update the Committee on the review of the Whistleblowing Policy and of the outcome of the recent Internal Audit Report. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the review of the Whistleblowing Policy and the outcome of the recent internal audit report relating to this policy. |
To consider items for inclusion in the Work Programme for future meetings. Minutes: The Committee consider the Work Programme. It was requested that a report on the audit of business support grants be included at a future meeting.
RESOLVED that, with the addition of an item to consider an audit trail for business support grants, the Work Programme be approved. |