Venue: New Council Chamber, Town Hall, Foster Avenue, Beeston NG9 1AB
Contact: Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 14 February 2019. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 14 February 2019 were confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda. Minutes: Councillors J M Owen and P J Owen declared non-pecuniary interests in item 12 due to being members of Nuthall Parish Council. Minute number – refers.
Councillor S A Bagshaw declared pecuniary interests in items 9 and 11. Minute number refers.
Due to Councillor Bagshaw chairing the meeting but removing herself from the meeting for items 9 and 11, the Committee was asked for nominations for an acting Chair. Councillor G Marshall was nominated as stand-in Chair and on being put to the vote, the nomination was carried. |
5 June 2019 Housing Delivery Plan
In December 2018 Housing Committee approved the recommendations of the Social and Affordable Housing Need report. It was agreed that a phased delivery plan would be brought to a future meeting.
Members considered a phased potential delivery plan for the next ten years, a potential new build delivery plan for phase 1 and the process by which this could be achieved, and were informed that any relevant decisions would be reported to the Committee.
RECOMMENDED to the Finance and Resources Committee to include £1,000,000 in the 2019/20 Capital Programme for the acquisition of properties for the Housing Revenue Account.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 5 March 2019 Housing Delivery Plan
In December 2018 the Housing Committee approved the recommendations of the Social and Affordable Housing Need report. The Committee considered the Housing Delivery Plan.
RESOLVED to include £1,000,000 in the 2019/20 Capital Programme for the acquisition of properties for the Housing Revenue Account and that the Chief Executive be delegated the power to approve property acquisitions within the budget identified and land acquisitions up to £500,000 in consultation with the Chair of the Housing Committee.
Leisure and Environment PDF 172 KB 12 June 2019 Bramcote Leisure Centre Condition Survey
The Bramcote Leisure Centre Survey was noted, and the members were asked to consider their response to the report alongside the need for a long term leisure facilities strategy. There was particular reference to exploring the possibility of building a new leisure centre rather than investing further funds in repairs to an ageing asset. The timescales for providing a new leisure centre were discussed and it was considered that between three and five years presented a realistic timescale for getting the relevant planning permissions, consultation and building of such a facility.
RECOMMENDED to Finance and Resources Committee that £30,000 be allocated in the capital programme for the employment of external consultants to prepare a Leisure Facilities Strategy and that the Council continue to provide Leisure Services within the Borough.
Minutes: The Leisure and Environment Committee had approved the commissioning of a condition survey of the Council’s Bramcote Leisure Centre at the meeting on 12 July 2018. The Committee discussed the recently received survey.
RESOLVED that £30,000 be allocated in the capital programme for the employment of external consultants to prepare a Leisure Facilities Strategy and that the Council continue to provide Leisure Services within the Borough. |
Jobs and Economy Committee PDF 128 KB 4 July 2019 Houses in Multiple Occupation in Beeston Update Due to the despatch of the Finance and Resources Committee agenda being on 3 July and the Jobs and Economy Committee being held on 4 July members will be updated at the meeting on the outcome of this item.
Minutes: The Committee considered the merits of additional policy restrictions regarding Houses in Multiple Occupation (HIMOs) as Councils can impose additional restrictions (by way of an Article 4 direction or indeed by other means) to remove permitted development rights. There has been a number of concerns raised with Councillors regarding an erosion of the character of parts of Beeston, as a result of what some consider too many HIMOs and a lack of control under the planning system for additional ones coming forward.
It was stressed that the work be undertaken across the whole of the Borough rather than solely in the Beeston area.
RESOLVED that the work outlined in the appendix to the report be undertaken.
STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS UPDATE AND OUTTURN POSITION 2018/19 PDF 105 KB To report on the revenue and capital outturn position for 2018/19, provide an update on progress with the preparation of the draft annual statement of accounts for 2018/19, approve the revenue and capital carry-forward requests to the 2019/20 year and inform the Committee that the Policy and Performance Committee will be tasked with considering significant variances in the financial outturn against revised revenue estimates for 2018/19. Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered a report on the revenue and capital outturn position for 2018/19 and were provided with an update on progress with the preparation of the draft annual statement of accounts for 2018/19.
The accounts for 2018/19 had been finalised, subject to audit, and showed an underspend on the General Fund revenue account of £430,219 and an overspending on the Housing Revenue Account of £88,005 when compared to the revised estimates.
RESOLVED that: 1. The accounts summary for the financial year ended 31 March 2019 subject to audit, be approved. 2. The revenue carry forward requests outlined in section 2 of appendix 1 be approved and included as supplementary revenue estimates in the 2019/20 budget. 3. The capital carry forward requests outlined in appendix 2b be approved and included as supplementary capital estimates in the 2019/20 budget.
To inform the Committee of treasury management activity and the actual prudential indicators for 2018/19.
Minutes: The Committee was informed of treasury management activity and the actual prudential indicators for 2018/19 and noted the annual report for the year ended March 2019.
To seek approval for a number of amendments to the General Fund revenue budget for 2019/20 and for additional one-off budget allocations to address particular issues. Minutes: Following the preparation of the 2019/20 budget and the production of the 2018/19 final accounts, a detailed review of all 2019/20 General Fund revenue budgets was undertaken to determine that they were in line with expectations. The Committee was asked to approve a number of amendments to the General Fund revenue budget for 2019/20 and for additional one-off budget allocations to address particular issues.
RESOLVED that the amendments to the General Fund 2019/20 revenue budget be approved.
CAPITAL BUDGET VARIATIONS PDF 141 KB To seek approval for a number of capital budget variations in respect of the 2019/20 financial year. Minutes: The Committee was asked to approve a number of capital budget variations in respect of the 2019/20 financial year. Examination of the approved capital programme for 2019/20 had resulted in a number of proposed amendments to the capital programme.
RECOMMENDED to Council that the budget in the 2019/20 capital programme for the Beeston Town Centre Phase 2 Development be increased by £1,000,000 to £3,553,850.
RESOLVED that: 1. A delegation be made to the Deputy Chief Executive, following consultation with the Beeston Town Centre Project Board and the group leaders and their depoties, authority to award a building contract for the Beeston Town Centre Phase 2 based on qualitative and quantitative analysis of tenders. 2. That the other capital budget variations for 2019/20 be approved.
To consider requests for grant aid in accordance with the provisions of the Council’s Grant Aid Policy. Minutes: The Committee considered requests for grant aid in accordance with the provisions of the Council’s Grant Aid Policy and noted the grants awarded under delegated authority in addition to the progress made relating to Broxtowe Lotto.
RESOLVED that the applications be dealt with as follows:
(Having declared a pecuniary interest in the item Councillor S A Bagshaw left the room before discussion or voting thereon. As had been previously voted on, Councillor G Marshall took the Chair for the item.) |
CITIZENS ADVICE BROXTOWE - GRANT AID 2019/20 PDF 322 KB To consider the outturn position in respect of the Service Level Agreement with Citizens Advice Broxtowe following the commitment of a three-year grant funding settlement from 2018/19 in accordance with the provisions of the Council’s Grant Aid Policy.
Minutes: This item was brought forward in the agenda with the permission of the Chair.
The Committee considered the outturn position in respect of the Service Level Agreement with Citizens Advice Broxtowe following the commitment of a three-year grant funding settlement from 2018/19 in accordance with the provisions of the Council’s Grant Aid Policy.
RESOLVED to release the second year of the three-year funding settlement as agreed in 2018/19.
(Having declared a pecuniary interest in the item Councillor S A Bagshaw left the room before discussion or voting thereon. As had been previously voted on, Councillor G Marshall took the Chair for the item.)
GRANT AID - BROXTOWE TWINNING ASSOCIATION 2019/20 PDF 270 KB To consider a request for grant aid towards a twinning visit from Gütersloh as arranged by the Broxtowe Twinning Association for August 2019.
Minutes: The Committee was asked to consider a request for grant aid towards a twinning visit from Gütersloh as arranged by the Broxtowe Twinning Association for August 2019. The Council’s Constitution stipulated that it was a duty of this Committee to make grants to individuals and bodies, including those undertaking twinning visits and exchanges, in accordance with the Council’s approved policy.
RESOLVED that the request be approved.
GRANT AID REQUEST FROM NUTHALL PARISH COUNCIL PDF 229 KB To consider a request for grant assistance in accordance with the protocol for the consideration of grant aid to parish and town councils. Minutes: The Chair informed the Committee that the item would not be considered on this agenda as a wider report would be considered following a review of finances at the forthcoming Annual Borough Parish and Town Council meeting. |
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT REVIEW OF BUSINESS PLAN - SUPPORT SERVICE AREAS - OUTTURN REPORT PDF 523 KB To report progress against outcome targets identified in the Business Plans for support services areas, linked to Corporate Plan priorities and objectives, and to provide an update as to the latest key performance indicators therein.
The Committee noted the progress made in achieving the Business Plans for Resources, Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services and ICT and Business Transformation, in addition to the current Key Performance Indicators for 2018/19. |
To consider items for inclusion in the Work Programme for future meetings. Minutes: RESOLVED that the Work Programme be approved. |
EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS The Committee is asked to RESOLVE that, under Section 100A of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 3, 5 and 7 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
BEESTON SQUARE PHASE 1 - ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 Minutes: The report was noted.
RESOLVED that the arrears in excess of £1,200 on national non-domestic rates, council tax, rents, housing/council tax benefit overpayment and sundry debtors be written off and to note the exercise of the Deputy Chief Executive’s delegated authority under financial regulation 5.9. |
The Committee noted the use of the Chief Executive’s urgency powers. |