Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 5 October 2022 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston NG9 1AB

Contact: Email: 


No. Item



Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda.


Councillor H E Skinner declared a non pecuniary interest in item 5.1 as she was a patient at the Manor Surgery.  Minute number 33.1 refers.


Councillors S J Carr and G Marshall declared a non pecuniary interest in item 5.1 as they were both members of the Beeston Town Centre Board.  Minute number 33.1 refers.


Councillor L A Ball BEM declared a non pecuniary interest in item 5.5 as her property neighboured the proposed development.  Minute number 33.5 refers.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 310 KB

The Committee is asked to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 2022.


The minutes of the meeting on 7 September 2022 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.




The Committee received notification of lobbying in respect of the planning applications subject to consideration at the meeting.




22/00166/FUL pdf icon PDF 980 KB

Demolition of the existing property known as Oban House and the construction of a Medical Centre incorporating a pharmacy and associated car parking, highway and landscaping works

Oban House, 8 Chilwell Road, Beeston NG9 1EJ


Demolition of the existing property known as Oban House and the construction of a Medical Centre incorporating a pharmacy and associated car parking, highway and landscaping works

Oban House, 8 Chilwell Road, Beeston, NG9 1EJ


The application was brought to the Committee at the request of Councillor J C Patrick due to the high level of interest in the proposed development.


The Committee considered the late items comprised of five submissions in opposition to the scheme, one submission in support of the scheme, a response from Nottinghamshire County Council in respect of travel plans, a clarification that the recommendation should not include a reference to a section 106 agreement and a petition against the demolition of Oban House.


Dr Louis Mok, applicant, and Tamar Feast, objecting, addressed the Committee prior to the general debate.


Consideration was given to the weight of causing substantial harm to the appearance of the conservation areas, the vista of St John the Baptist Church and surroundings of Oban House against the health benefit that a new medical centre would give to Beeston.  The concerns of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust were noted, with particular reference to the biodiversity of the site, loss of established healthy trees and the lack of reference to net zero environmental impact in the proposals for the development.  


There was support for the principle of a larger medical centre with more services in the town centre area of Beeston, but there was concern about the vehicular access to the Oban House site, the resulting increase in traffic and the danger this would cause to trams, buses and pedestrians.  Concern about car parking spaces was also noted.


The debate progressed on the design of the proposed development which was not considered to be sympathetic to the surrounding conservation areas.  It was noted that Oban House had served as a community centre and that a sympathetic adaptation would be considered preferable to demolition.


            RESOLVED that planning permission be refused with the precise wording of the refusal delegated to the Chair of the Planning Committee in conjunction with the Head of Planning and Economic Development.




Loss of a heritage asset, biodiversity, net gain and substantial harm caused to the conservation area.


20/00789/FUL pdf icon PDF 5 MB

Construct six dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling

21 Edgwood Road, Kimberley, Nottinghamshire, NG16 2JR


Construct six dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling

21 Edgwood Road, Kimberley, Nottinghamshire, NG16 2JR


This application was brought before Committee upon the request of Councillor S Easom and Councillor R S Robinson.


The Committee considered the late items which included 29 letters of objection following a re-consultation on amended plans for the proposal.


Robin Wilde, objecting, Councillor S Easom, Ward Member and Councillor R S Robinson, Ward Member addressed the Committee prior to the general debate.


The Committee noted that the area was currently undergoing a consultation for a Traffic Regulation Order as there was a serious issue with car parking on the roads surrounding the proposed development.  The issues associated with the proposal having no pavements were debated.


The debate progressed on the density of the proposal and the amenity of neighbouring properties, with an impact on the street scene and character of the area.  It was noted that the plans had been wrongly labelled, so it was unclear as to which car parking spaces were to be allocated each property and where bins for each dwelling would be stored.  In addition, there was concern about the proposed five bedroomed house, which would be dug two-metres into the ground and the impact that this might have on the safety of surrounding properties. 


            RESOLVED that planning permission be refused with the precise wording of the refusal to be delegated to the Chair of Planning Committee in agreement with the Head of Planning and Economic Development.




The proposal constitutes an over intensive development of the sit by virtue of the combination of the height, scale, massing, layout and design of the dwellings which would result in an unacceptable impact on the character of the area. 


Accordingly, the proposal is contrary to the aims of Policy 10 of the Broxtowe Aligned Core Strategy (2014) and Policy 17 of the Part 2 Local Plan (2019), and there are no other material considerations that justify treating this proposal as an exception to these policies.



21/00507/FUL pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Residential extensions and refurbishments creating one 2-bedroomed dwelling (House 1), two 3-bedroomed dwellings (House 3 and 4) and one 4-bedroomed dwelling (House 2), new gardens, a new vehicular access and a car park, off-site alterations to junction of track to the east of the site with Church Lane and to remove certain trees from the rear of the site.

Willoughby Almshouses, Church Lane, Cossall, Nottinghamshire, NG16 2RT


Residential extensions and refurbishments creating one 2-bedroomed dwelling (House 1), two 3-bedroomed dwellings (House 3 and 4) and one 4-bedroomed dwelling (House 2), new gardens, a new vehicular access and a car park, off-site alterations to junction of track to the east of the site with Church Lane and to remove certain trees from the rear of the site.

Willoughby Almshouses, Church Lane, Cossall, Nottinghamshire, NG16 2RT


Councillor L A Ball BEM requested that the application be considered by Committee.


There were no late items for consideration.


Marie Gilbert, supporting, made representation to the Committee prior to the general debate.


The debate centred on the duty of the Committee to ensure that the condition of the almshouses did not degenerate further, versus the importance of preserving their unique character with a more sympathetic redevelopment.  It was noted that Cossall Parish Council strongly supported the proposed development.


            RECOMMENDED to the Secretary of State that planning permission be approved with conditions and the precise wording of the approval to be agreed by the Chair of the Planning Committee and the Head of Planning and Economic Development.


21/00508/LBC pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Residential extensions and refurbishments creating one 2-bedroomed dwelling (House 1), two 3-bedroomed dwellings (House 3 and 4) and one 4-bedroomed dwelling (House 2), new gardens, a new vehicular access and a car park, off-site alterations to junction of track to the east of the site with Church Lane and to remove certain trees from the rear of the site.

Willoughby Almshouses, Church Lane, Cossall, Nottinghamshire, NG16 2RT


Residential extensions and refurbishments creating one 2-bedroomed dwelling (House 1), two 3-bedroomed dwellings (House 3 and 4) and one 4-bedroomed dwelling (House 2), new gardens, a new vehicular access and a car park, off-site alterations to junction of track to the east of the site with Church Lane and to remove certain trees from the rear of the site.

Willoughby Almshouses, Church Lane, Cossall, Nottinghamshire, NG16 2RT


Councillor L A Ball BEM requested that this proposal come before Committee.


There were no late items.


Marie Gilbert, supporting, made representation to the Committee prior to the general debate.


The debate for items 5.3 and 5.4 were taken together as the decisions were inextricably linked.


RECOMMENDED to the Secretary of State that that Listed Building Consent be approved with conditions and the precise wording of the approval to be agreed by the Chair of the Planning Committee and the Head of Planning and Economic Development.



22/00116/FUL pdf icon PDF 751 KB

Construct Multi Use Games Area Facility with 3m high perimeter fencing and 4 floodlighting columns (revised scheme)

Awsworth Junior and Infant School, The Lane, Awsworth


Construct Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) Facility with 3m high perimeter fencing and 4 floodlighting columns (revised scheme)

Awsworth Junior and Infant School, The Lane, Awsworth


The application was brought to the Committee at request of Councillor D D Pringle.


There were late items for the Committee to consider in the form of advice from Sport England regarding the alteration to hours and use condition.


Helen Radford, objecting, made representation to the Committee prior to the general debate.


The debate followed, with various points being made about the benefit to the community, the impact on neighbours, other similar facilities in the immediate vicinity, traffic and cark parking issues.


It was noted that the main objections to the proposal centred on the increase in opening hours and the extension of the use of the MUGA to the wider community.


It was proposed by Councillor S J Carr and seconded by Councillor D K Watts that there be a recorded vote.


The votes were as follows:





S J Carr

L A Ball BEM


G Marshall

J M Owen


S Paterson

P J Owen


H E Skinner

D D Pringle


H Land

D K Watts


C M Tideswell

R D Willimott



The Chair then used his casting vote.


            RESOLVED that planning permission be refused. 


It was then proposed by Councillor D K Watts and seconded by Councillor G Marshall that the precise wording of and reasons for the refusal be delegated to the Chair of the Planning Committee in agreement with the Head of Planning and Economic Development.


            RESOLVED that the precise wording of and reasons for the refusal be delegated to the Chair of the Planning Committee in agreement with the Head of Planning and Economic Development.




Impact on neighbour amenity, noise, traffic, cars.


(Councillor S J Carr and Councillor C M Tideswell having left the room after the recorded vote, did not vote thereon.)




22/00367/FUL pdf icon PDF 531 KB

Construct single detached garage

Nelson Cottage, Main Street, Strelley


Construct single detached garage

Nelson Cottage, Main Street, Strelley


The application was brought to the Committee at request of Councillor P J Owen.


There were no late items.


Kaye Bartlet, applicant, addressed the Committee prior to the general debate.


The Committee noted that the development would not impact negatively on the openness and amenity of the Green Belt.


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted with the precise wording of the approval and conditions delegated to the Chair of Planning Committee in agreement with the Head of Planning and Economic Development.



22/00499/FUL pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Construct three storey extension to the existing purpose built student accommodation to create an additional six bedrooms

1 Queens Road East, Beeston, Nottinghamshire


Construct three storey extension to the existing purpose built student accommodation to create an additional six bedrooms.

1 Queens Road East, Beeston, Nottinghamshire


The application was brought to the Committee at request of Councillor P Lally and Councillor L A Lally.


There were no late items.


Fraser Williams, applicant, and Councillor P Lally, Ward Member, addressed the Committee prior to the general debate.


The Committee debated the application with particular reference to the size of the plot, proximity to neighbours, impact on privacy, over intensification and overdevelopment.


RESOLVED that the planning permission be refused with the precise wording of the refusal delegated to the Chair of the Planning Committee in agreement with the Head of Planning and Economic Development.




Proximity to neighbours, impact on privacy, over intensification and overdevelopment.




Appeal Decision pdf icon PDF 233 KB


The appeal decision was noted.


Appeal Decision pdf icon PDF 240 KB


The appeal decision was noted.


Delegated Decisions pdf icon PDF 248 KB


The delegated decisions were noted.