Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston NG9 1AB
Contact: Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest PDF 400 KB Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor S P Jeremiah declared a non pecuniary, registrable interest in item 5.2 as he was a member of Stapleford Towns Board. Minute number 36.2 refers.
Councillor R E Bofinger also declared a non pecuniary, registrable interest in item 5.2 as he was a member of Stapleford Towns Board. Minute number 36.2 refers.
The Committee is asked to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 6 November 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting on 6 November 2024 were confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Notification of Lobbying Minutes: The Committee received notification of lobbying in respect of the planning applications subject to consideration at the meeting. |
Development Control |
Construct single storey front extension. Conversion of garage to living accommodation including alterations to roof and construct dormer within garage roof 19 Rolleston Crescent, Watnall, Nottinghamshire NG16 1JU Additional documents: Minutes: Construct single storey front extension. Conversion of garage to living accommodation including alterations to roof and construct dormer within garage roof 19 Rolleston Crescent, Watnall, Nottinghamshire NG16 1JU
Councillor C Carr had requested that this proposal come before Committee.
There were no late items.
Jonathan Parker, the applicant, made representation to the Committee prior to the general debate.
Having considered all the representations before it, the Committee debated the application. Discussions centred on the impact of the street scene and whether the proposed development would have a detrimental impact on the character of the area. It was considered that the proposal would not be out of place.
RESOLVED that planning permission be approved, with the conditions to include details on plans, materials and time, and that the precise wording of the approval be delegated to the Vice Chair of Planning Committee in agreement with the Head of Planning and Economic Development.
1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.
2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans received by the Local Planning Authority on 30 July 2024: · Site Location Plan, and in accordance with the following plans received by the Local Planning Authority on 07 August 2024: · Proposed Plan (Drawing Reference 1956/102 Rev A),
3. The single storey front extension and the raising of the garage roof shall be constructed using materials to match the existing house and as specified in the application form received by the Local Planning Authority on 30 July 2024, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
4. The development hereby approved shall be used solely as accommodation ancillary to the main dwellinghouse and at no time shall it be occupied as a separate stand alone dwelling
Reasons :
1. To comply with S91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by S51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
2. For the avoidance of doubt
3. To ensure a satisfactory standard of external appearance and in accordance with the aims of Policy 17 of the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan (2019) and Policy 10 of the Aligned Core Strategy (2014).
4. To ensure that the development does not become used as a separate dwellinghouse in recognition of unacceptable impact on neighbour amenity, in accordance with the use applied for and in accordance with the aims of Policy 17 of the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan (2019) and Policy 10 of the Aligned Core Strategy (2014).
Note to Applicant
1. The Council has acted positively and proactively in the determination of this application by working to determine it within the agreed determination timescale.
2. You are advised that construction work associated with the approved development (incl. the loading/unloading of delivery vehicles, plant or other machinery), for which noise is audible at the boundary of the application site, should not normally take place outwith the hours of 08:00 and ... view the full minutes text for item 36.1 |
Construct two/three storey building serving mixed uses with associated landscaping and parking Car Park ,Victoria Street, Stapleford Nottinghamshire NG9 7AP Minutes: Construct two/three storey building serving mixed uses with associated landscaping and parking Car Park ,Victoria Street, Stapleford Nottinghamshire NG9 7AP
The application was brought before Committee as the Council was the landowner and applicant.
There were a number of late items, including changes to condition 4 and condition 8. It was noted that the correct wording for condition 8 was as follows:
No sound reproduction, air conditioning units, or amplification equipment (including public address systems, loud speakers, etc) which is audible at the site boundary shall be installed or operated on the site without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.
Tina McInerney, objecting and Councillor J W McGrath, Ward Member, made representation to the Committee prior to the general debate.
The Committee gave due regard to the information before it and the debate commenced with particular reference to the opening times for the public toilets and the loss of parking. It was also noted that the proposed development represented an investment in Stapleford Town Centre that would benefit the local economy and provide opportunities for small, local enterprises.
RESOLVEDthat the Head of Planning and Economic Development be given delegated authority to grant planning permission, including the changes to condition 4 and condition 8, subject to:
(i) Prior completion of an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure the provision of Biodiversity Net Gain (ii) the following conditions:
Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension 48 Warwick Avenue, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, NG9 2HQ Minutes: Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension 48 Warwick Avenue, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, NG9 2HQ
The application had been called before Committee by Councillor S J Carr.
There were no late items.
Jayne Humbert - Iles, made representation to the Committee prior to the general debate.
The Committee commenced the debate, having given due regard to all the evidence before it. It was noted that the proposed development was in a residential area with a number of styles of home, so it would not have a negative impact on the street scene. There was a discussion about the size of the plot and the lack of impact on neighbours.
RESOLVED that planning permission be granted with the precise wording of the approval and conditions, to include details on time, materials and plans, delegated to the Vice Chair of the Planning Committee in agreement with the Head of Planning and Economic Development.
1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.
2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the Site Location Plan (1:1250), Proposed Block Plan (1:500), Proposed Floor and Roof Plans ref: (08) 044, Proposed Elevations ref: (08) 005 and Proposed Master Plan ref: (08) 006 received by the Local Planning Authority on 26 September 2024.
3. The proposed two storey side and single storey rear extensions shall be constructed using the materials annotated on the application form received by the Local Planning Authority on 26 September 2024.
1. To comply with S91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by S51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
2. For the avoidance of doubt.
3. To ensure a satisfactory standard of external appearance and in accordance with the aims of Policy 17 of the Broxtowe Part 2 Local Plan (2019) and Policy 10 of the Aligned Core Strategy (2014)
Note to Applicant 1. The Council has acted positively and proactively in the determination of this application by working to determine it within the thirteen week agreed determination timescale.
2. The proposed development lies within an area that has been defined by the Coal Authority as containing coal mining features at surface or shallow depth. These features may include: mine entries (shafts and adits); shallow coal workings; geological features (fissures and break lines); mine gas and former surface mining sites. Although such features are seldom readily visible, they can often be present and problems can occur, particularly as a result of new development taking place.
Any form of development over or within the influencing distance of a mine entry can be dangerous and raises significant land stability and public safety risks. As a general precautionary principle, the Coal Authority considers that the building over or within the influencing distance of a mine entry should be avoided. In exceptional circumstance where this is unavoidable, expert advice must be sought to ensure that a suitable engineering design which ... view the full minutes text for item 36.3 |
Construct two-storey side and rear extension 33 Muriel Road, Beeston, NG9 2HH Minutes: Construct two-storey side and rear extension 33 Muriel Road, Beeston, NG9 2HH
The proposal had been called to Committee by Councillor S J Carr.
There were no late items and no public speakers.
Having considered all relevant evidence, the Committee debated the proposed development.
RESOLVED that planning permission be granted with the precise wording of the approval and conditions delegated to the Chair of Planning Committee in agreement with the Head of Planning and Economic Development.
Information Items |
Delegated Decisions PDF 214 KB Minutes: The Committee noted the delegated decisions. |
Minutes: The Committee noted the results of the appeal for application number 20/000209/ENF. |
Kimberley Brewery Update PDF 11 KB This report is brought to the Planning Committee in order to update members in respect of areas of concern raised by Councillors and members of the public. Minutes: The Committee noted the update on the progress of works at the Kimberley Brewery Site. |