Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet (Item 19)


To advise Members of, and seek approval for, the annual Food Safety Service Plan.

Additional documents:


Members were updated with the annual Food Safety Service Plan and were informed that Council was committed to ensure that food produced, sold or consumed in the district was safe for consumption and did not pose a risk to public health.


The COVID-19 pandemic had impacted on the food safety team and the amount of food safety interventions carried out. This was due to the many closures of businesses and the adaptation of businesses to work in different ways along with investigations into workplace and community cases of COVID-19, supporting contact tracing, participation in outbreak management teams, daily outbreak cells, enforcement of the rules on businesses closures and an increase in complaints from residents who were at home affected by noise and bonfires. The backlog of food hygiene interventions had built up, including an increase in food businesses registering once the registrations had eased. This continued to impact on service delivery.


As at 31 March 2022, there were 846 food premises on the Broxtowe food database. The Council use the Food Hygiene Intervention Rating Scheme to determine the frequency that food premises should be inspected.


RESOLVED that the Annual Food Safety Service be approved.




The provision of the annual Food Safety plan was a statutory requirement and was completed with the nationally agreed Food Standards Agency Framework Agreement. The agreement set out how the Council would meet its statutory obligations. The Food Safety Service aim was to maintain and where possible improve, the health and wellbeing of residents and visitors to the borough of Broxtowe and the success of local food businesses by ensuring the safe production, processing, handling, storage, distribution, and sale of food in the district.


The Food Service Plan accords with the Council’s Vision of a greener, safer healthier Broxtowe where everyone prospers. The Plan contributes directly to the Business Growth and Health priorities which are invest in our towns and our people and support people to live well.