Issue - meetings

Application Number 21/00049/FUL

Meeting: 07/07/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 15)

15 Application Number 21/00049/FUL pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Construct 5 dwellings including demolition of kennels, access and landscaping

Babbington Hall, Westby Lane, Babbington, NG16 2SS


Construct 5 dwellings including demolition of kennels, access and landscaping

Babbington Hall, Westby Lane, Babbington, NG16 2SS


Councillor M J Crow had requested that this application be considered by the Committee.


There were two late items comprised of letters from the agent on behalf of the applicant, which were considered by the Committee.


Mr Tony Sanderson (applicant), Councillor M J Crow (Ward Member) and Councillor S Easom (Ward Member) addressed the Committee prior to the general debate.


The Committee noted the good work that the charity operating from this site had done of many years. 


Debate progressed on to concerns that the proposal constituted a small scale suburban development out of keeping with the rural character of the hamlet of Babbington.  It was considered that the keeping of animals, including dogs represented activity that was acceptable in the Green Belt, whereas the proposed development was not.  There was also concern about the size and scale of the development, as the two storey houses would impact on the openness and amenity of the Green Belt more adversely than the existing one storey structures. 


RESOLVED that planning permission be refused, with the precise wording of the refusal to be delegated to the Chair of Planning Committee in agreement with the Head of Planning and Economic Development.




The proposal, to construct 5 two storey dwellings on site, would create a development that is out of keeping in both scale and design with the character of the locality of Babbington, and would create significant harm upon the character and openness of the Green Belt. Accordingly, the development is contrary to the aims of Policy 10 of the Broxtowe Aligned Core Strategy (2014) and Policy 8 of the Part 2 Local Plan (2019) and Section 13 - Protecting Green Belt Land of the National Planning Policy Framework 2018 and there are no other material considerations that justify treating this proposal as an exception to these policies.




The Council has tried to act positively and proactively in the determination of this application, however it was not considered that there were any minor alterations which could be made to the scheme to make the proposal acceptable.