Issue - meetings


Meeting: 04/02/2025 - Cabinet (Item 108)

108 Property Management Compliance Officer (Asset Management and Development) pdf icon PDF 135 KB

To seek approval for the creation of a permanent Property Management Compliance Officer post, within the Asset Management and Development Team, Grade 12, Spinal Column Point 56.

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Members considered the creation of a permanent Property Management Compliance Officer post, within the Asset Management and Development Team. The Property Management Compliance Officer post would link in closely with the Housing Compliance Manager, to ensure the Council meets its statutory obligations, primarily in respect of Fire Safety and Asbestos Management.


RESOLVED that a new permanent Compliance Officer post within the Asset Management and Development Team, at a cost of up to £61,400, be approved.



The role will be key in assisting the Asset Management and Development team to report coherently in terms of the Council’s position in terms of risk and there was a need to have a specific resource to continue to develop and enhance the Council’s compliance position, working within the framework that was being established as well as develop the strategic direction of the compliance position, both in the short and longer term.