108 Capital Grant Aid Request- Beeston Muslim Centre PDF 196 KB
To consider a request for capital grant aid in accordance with the provisions of the Council’s Grant Aid Policy.
Additional documents:
Cabinet considered the application for capital funding of £6,500 that had been received from Beeston Muslim Centre in accordance with the provisions of the Council’s Grant Aid Policy. Beeston Muslim Centre had requested a grant of £6,500 to pay for the removal of asbestos discovered in the roof during the course of wider renovation work. This renovation work has been part-funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, with the £40,000 awarded being ‘matched’ with £20,000 of donations from the community. As the asbestos was only discovered after commencement of the work, no financial provision was made and the group stated that it had no funds available to cover the cost of removal. The grant award was in line with the Grant Aid Policy as the services provided by Beeston Muslim Centre benefitted the community of Broxtowe and were complementary to those services provided by the Council, and the activities helped to reduce social isolation and loneliness.
RESOLVED that the grant of £6,500 to pay for the removal of asbestos discovered in the roof during the course of wider renovation work, be approved.
The Council was empowered to make grants to voluntary organisations by virtue of Section 48 Local Government Act 1985 (as well as other legislation). Having an approved process in line the legislation and the Council’s Grant Aid Policy would ensure the Council’s compliance with its legal duties.