Issue - meetings

Foster Carer Policy

Meeting: 03/12/2024 - Cabinet (Item 75)

75 Foster Carer Policy pdf icon PDF 16 KB

Local Joint Consultative Committee

13 November 2024


Consideration was given to the Foster Care Scheme.  It was noted that this was a new scheme to ensure that the Council was a Fostering Friendly Employer. 


          RECOMMENDED to Cabinet that the Foster Care Scheme be approved.


Additional documents:


Members considered the creation of a Foster Care Scheme to support employees who were Foster Carers or were applying to become Foster Carers. Clarification was requested that additional leave for employees going through the application process to become a Foster Carer could be taken as half days.


RESOLVED that the Foster Carer Scheme Policy be approved.



The Policy will ensure the Council retains talent and continues to be an employer of choice.