Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/07/2019 - Council (Item 23)

23 Housing Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 23 KB

Housing Committee

5 June 2019


In December 2018 Housing Committee approved the recommendations of the Social and Affordable Housing Need report. It was agreed that a phased delivery plan would be brought to a future meeting. 


Members considered a phased potential delivery plan for the next ten years, a potential new build delivery plan for phase 1 and the process by which this could be achieved, and were informed that any relevant decisions would be reported to the Committee.



1.         The approach to development outlined in the phased Housing Delivery Plan to deliver 230 homes over 10 years be approved.

2.         The embarkation on the process as set out in appendix 3 of the report through which the land identified in the Phase 1 Delivery Plan may in future be used for development of housing be approved.


RECOMMENDED to the Finance and Resources Committee to include £1,000,000 in the 2019/20 Capital Programme for the acquisition of properties for the Housing Revenue Account.


RECOMMENDED to Council that the Chief Executive be delegated the power to approve property acquisitions within the budget identified and land acquisitions up to £500,000 in consultation with the Chair of the Housing Committee.


Additional documents:


In December 2018 the Housing Committee approved the recommendations of the Social and Affordable Housing Need report. It was agreed that a phased delivery plan would be brought to a future meeting. Members considered the Housing Delivery Plan which had the joint aims of meeting social and affordable housing need. 


RESOLVED that the Chief Executive be delegated the power to approve property acquisitions within the budget identified and land acquisitions up to £500,000 in consultation with the Chair of the Housing Committee.

Meeting: 11/07/2019 - Finance and Resources Committee (Item 3)

3 Housing Committee pdf icon PDF 23 KB

5 June 2019

Housing Delivery Plan


In December 2018 Housing Committee approved the recommendations of the Social and Affordable Housing Need report. It was agreed that a phased delivery plan would be brought to a future meeting. 


Members considered a phased potential delivery plan for the next ten years, a potential new build delivery plan for phase 1 and the process by which this could be achieved, and were informed that any relevant decisions would be reported to the Committee.


RECOMMENDED to the Finance and Resources Committee to include £1,000,000 in the 2019/20 Capital Programme for the acquisition of properties for the Housing Revenue Account.



Additional documents:


5 March 2019

Housing Delivery Plan


In December 2018 the Housing Committee approved the recommendations of the Social and Affordable Housing Need report.  The Committee considered the Housing Delivery Plan.         


RESOLVED to include £1,000,000 in the 2019/20 Capital Programme for the acquisition of properties for the Housing Revenue Account and that the Chief Executive be delegated the power to approve property acquisitions within the budget identified and land acquisitions up to £500,000 in consultation with the Chair of the Housing Committee.


Meeting: 05/06/2019 - Housing Committee (Item 9)


To seek approval for a Housing Delivery Plan to meet social and affordable housing need.

Additional documents:


In December 2018 Housing Committee approved the recommendations of the Social and Affordable Housing Need report. It was agreed that a phased delivery plan would be brought to a future meeting. 


Members considered a phased potential delivery plan for the next ten years, a potential new build delivery plan for phase 1 and the process by which this could be achieved, and were informed that any relevant decisions would be reported to the Committee.



1)       The approach to development outlined in the phased Housing Delivery Plan to deliver 230 homes over 10 years be approved.

2)       The embarkation on the process as set out in appendix 3 of the report through which the land identified in the Phase 1 Delivery Plan may in future be used for development of housing be approved.


RECOMMENDED to the Finance and Resources Committee to include £1,000,000 in the 2019/20 Capital Programme for the acquisition of properties for the Housing Revenue Account


RECOMMENDED to Council that the Chief Executive be delegated the power to approve property acquisitions within the budget identified and land acquisitions up to £500,000 in consultation with the Chair of the Housing Committee.