Spotlight Review-Markets
A verbal update on Markets will be provided at the meeting from the Head of Planning and Economic Development.
3 October 2023
Cabinet received the findings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Working Group’s review into Markets.
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee Working Group reviewed this topic with the purpose of discovering the effectiveness of the team and to review whether footfall in town centres had improved.
Cabinet thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the work undertaken during the review.
1. To produce an annual market service business plan looking at the performance of the markets, event planning, and revenue forecasts to ensure the market is resourced and supported.
2. Explore options of evening markets to increase footfall with the night time economy and to link in with events within the Borough.
3. Research the opportunity of holding quarterly stallholder/stakeholder group meetings for feedback, improvements and sharing ideas. To ensure communication between Stallholders and the Market Officer are improved.
4. To improve advertisements of markets across the Borough including using the Council website, social media and market trader websites. To promote days and times of the markets and list stall details.
5. Provide the opportunity of a stall for free to Charities, to be booked through the Markets Officer each week.
6. Explore opportunities of promoting Markets in the North of Borough as events rather than weekly markets. This could include themed markets such as vegan, locally produced food, and craft stalls.
7. Explore the opportunities presented through the redevelopment of Victoria Street Car Park, Stapleford Town Deal project, for mixed use opportunities. Ensuring links to, and opportunities for, market developments in the Town Centre and explore other opportunities of further creative spaces across the Borough.
8. Increase the market layout within Beeston Square to include other areas of land that Broxtowe own, to create visibility from Public transport and provide additional income to the Council where possible.
9. To consider whether the Council should increase the permit charge of hiring Beeston Square to the Beeston Farmers Market or to explore options of bringing the Saturday market in house and generate additional income into the Council.
10. To consider the possibility of using empty building within town centres into pop up shops/restaurants and creative spaces as an indoor market concept.
This is in accordance with the Council’s corporate values of continuous improvement and delivering value for money
Members noted the update provided on the Spotlight Review on Markets and welcomed the presentation and further update at the November meeting.