3 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the Council PDF 131 KB
To present the report of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the Council from the Overview and Scrutiny Working Group to Committee along with the recommendations for Cabinet approval.
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Members were presented with the report from the findings of the Working Group on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the Council. The Working Group would be continuing their scrutiny on the topic. The review was requested by Councillor S Dannheimer to consider if the Council met the needs of all service users, Members and employees. The review was in accordance with the Council’s Always Improving, value providing continuous improvement and delivering value for money.
RESOLVED that the Committee RECOMMENDS to Cabinet that the following recommendations be considered.
1. The Human Resources Manager share the Neurodiversity Policy with all Members and employees.
2. To increase awareness of Neurodiversity and support available to employees and Members.
3. To consider the provision of additional resources to the Communities team to ensure at least one event per quarter and a minimum of four in a year, be organised.
4. To consider changing the counter space at the D.H. Lawrence Museum to be more accessible to customers and incorporate an area for a wheelchair user to access the digital tour.
5. To consider the provision of ear defenders, to offer visitors who may have sensory processing differences and additional audio headsets to enhance the D.H. Lawrence experience to all.
6. To increase signage within the museum to increase awareness of health and safety issues and accessibility and to provide signposting to the nearest accessible toilet.
7. To increase advertising of the D.H. Lawrence digital experience to promote live tours to Groups.
8. The Working Group notes that the current Council Offices required substantial works to resolve the current issues of disrepair and accessibility issues and at the earliest opportunity plans should be considered for the future of the Kimberley Depot Offices.
9. To ensure all fire risk assessments are up to date in residential accommodation.
10.To ensure independent living schemes have automated doors to support living independently.