53 AED Provision across the Borough PDF 114 KB
To update Members on current AED and potential trauma bleed control kit provision across the Borough and evaluate proposals for next steps, to enhance accessibility and improve emergency response.
Additional documents:
On 16 July 2024, Cabinet requested that consideration be given to the installation of trauma bleed control kits, alongside any Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) following recommendations from the Nottinghamshire Coroner. Members considered a report which detailed the 46 Council owned sites that were assessed regarding their suitability for the installation of AEDs and were informed that there were currently 123 known AEDs across the Borough. These had either been installed by local businesses, sports clubs or through grant funding schemes by the Council’s Capital Works team.
The options in the report were considered and it was thought that option three should be favoured as it proposed the installation of AEDs along with trauma bleed control kits at sites that already have a sports pavilion and suitable electrical infrastructure, whilst addressing the recommendations of the Coroner. This initiative could be developed in partnership with various sports clubs throughout the Borough, where the clubs become the guardians and undertake the weekly checks and maintenance of the equipment. Members stated that a review should be undertaken that involved Councillors, in conjunction with officers, to examine potential sites in detail and recognise what the potential needs were.
Members were reminded that each one of the appliances has to be maintained to be fit for purpose. It was important that third parties were responsible for kits that they owned.
1. Option 3 as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report be approved.
2. A Task and Finish Group be formed to consider a mapping exercise of provision and sites in the Borough.
1. Given the Coroner’s report and the fact that the 14 pavilions already possess the necessary infrastructure for AEDs and trauma bleed control kits; it is prudent to recommend option 3 as an initial way forward. This will be undertaken as a phased delivery to be completed in two phases; the first phase by 31 March 2025 and the second phase 31 March 2026. During phase two, the Council will explore in collaboration with key stakeholder’s, other high priority areas, such as town centres, to help enhance community safety.
2. A Task and Finish Group will allow for Member involvement in the process.
Options Considered and Rejected
Option 1 – As the provision of AEDs is not a mandatory requirement, the Council could have maintained the current provision of AEDs managed by the various clubs and organisations in the Borough.
Option 2 – This involved a phased installation programme for AEDs across 30 Parks and Open Spaces sites.