Issue - meetings


Meeting: 12/03/2024 - Cabinet (Item 141)

141 STOCK CONDITION SURVEY FOR 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To seek Cabinet approval for an additional budget of £100,000 to implement a stock condition survey programme to understand the condition of Council owned residential stock and inform the delivery of the modernisations programme.



The Asset Management Strategy delivered by Ark Consultancy highlighted the need for using stock condition data to develop a 3-5-year investment programme and to use the data to replace the current contract to deliver the modernisations programme in March 2025.


RESOLVED that a revenue budget of £100,000 to implement a stock condition survey programme be approved. The cost of the programme will be met from Housing Revenue Account (HRA) working balances.



The additional budget request will facilitate between 1150-1250 stock condition surveys across the 24/25 financial year. The Council will review the remaining surveys to be undertaken in 25/26 with a view towards achieving a 100% stock condition surveys before moving towards a rolling 20% stock condition survey ensuring all of our residents homes are inspected at least once every five years.